BinaryIO | Helpers for dealing with reading and writing binary files. |
Hex | |
Reader | This class is a wrapper for any block of bytes. It allows values to be read from the stream one at a time. Works best with streams created by BinaryIO.Writer. |
Writer | This class is a wrapper for writing to a block of bytes. |
Blaze | Blaze is a 2D rasteriser. It it mainly used by InfiniText and canvas in PowerUI as it uniquely performs rapid SDF rendering at runtime, however it can also be used directly. To use it directly, you'll need to create a Scanner object - these can and should be shared globally. The best place to see full usage is the internals of the CanvasContext object. |
AtlasEntity | Any object that can be written to an atlas. |
AtlasLocation | Represents the location of an image on an atlas. |
AtlasStack | A stack of atlases. All graphics from all your UI's are grouped together into one of two stacks like this. |
TextureAtlas | Represents a texture atlas which is dynamically added to and modified. Must be used with an AtlasStack. It internally tracks which textures it has to prevent frequent rebuilds. By using a texture atlas like this, many drawcalls can be compressed to one. It also supports dynamic textures. These write directly to the atlas pixels. |
UVBlock | Represents a block of four UV coordinates. Commonly shared globally. |
CurveSampler | A curve sampler. Steps along a curve (along x, reading y) at regular values. X ranges from 0-1. |
MappedShapeSampler | Receives mapped points whilst sampling a shape. |
RasterVectorPath | A path that only consists of straight lines and moveTo nodes. |
VectorPath | |
StraightLinePoint | A node which immediately follows a straight line. |
VectorPoint | A node which immediately follows an arc line. This handles the rendering of the arc itself. |
BlockBuffer | A single buffer which holds a fixed number of blocks. Used whilst building a mesh. |
MeshDataBufferPool | Holds a global set of Vector3[] int[] etc arrays. They're always a constant length. |
DistanceSpread | Blaze has a unique way of rendering distance fields - the things used to display text. Because of how it works, it has an interesting side effect - you can vary the distance spread at a vertex level. This can be used for some awesome glow effects or even for some complex terrain heightmap generation. |
DrawingTexture | |
MeshBuffer | A pool of mesh buffers are used during GPU shape draws. They store generated meshes and display them to a TextureCamera. |
MoveFromPoint | |
MeshBufferExtruded | This generates an extruded path. |
TextureCamera | When Blaze is drawing graphics, it may spawn a camera to draw the image in 3D space. This in short means Blaze can use fully GPU accelerated drawing. |
TextureCameras | |
Gradient2D | Used to create and represent 2D gradients. |
Gradient3D | Used to create and represent 3D gradients. |
RenderedGradient | |
RenderedGradient32 | |
DistanceCachePoint | A glyph vector is broken down into a series of points on its outline. These points are added to a grid - the distance cache - and used for fast distance testing during SDF rendering. |
DistanceCacheSquare | Each glyph is first broken down into nodes around it's edge (about 50 on average). These nodes are then added into a block of cells in a grid, aka distance cache squares, which they are "in range" of. Each output pixel then checks which of the nodes in the cell it's in is the nearest, and then bases its final colour from that. |
Scanner | Performs rasterisation scanning of glyphs/ vectors. |
ScannerPixel | Scanner pixels are used during the live raster process. These objects store information about intersects temporarily and are globally cached. |
ScannerScanLine | Represents a scan line across a glyph. Used during the raster process. Note that some lines may be empty. |
SubRaster | Represents a scanned vector. Essentially one of these is a midway point between the raw vector outline and a bitmap. It has the bonus of being extremely compact in memory yet extremely fast to produce the full bitmap from. |
SubScanPixel | Represents a pixel in a scan line. We scan the vector for each row of pixels. Whenever our scanner intersects with the vector, we generate one of these pixels. So the overall count of these for a semi-rastered vector is tiny. |
CurveLinePoint | A node which immediately follows a bezier curve. |
QuadLinePoint | A node which immediately follows a quadratic curve. |
TriangulationVertex | An intermediate vertex which is used for rapid triangulation. |
Triangulator | |
ArcLinePoint | A node which immediately follows an arc. |
EllipseLinePoint | A node which immediately follows an ellipse. |
MoveToPoint | |
PathSegment | A segment of a path. Sometimes paths contain multiple distinctive sub-paths; these segments are used to represent those. (Blaze calls them contours). |
PointReceiver | A point receiver is used when "walking" around a vector. Essentially it gets used while stepping around the edge of a vector and this receives the points sampled from the vector. |
PointReceiverStepped | A point receiver is used when "walking" around a vector. Essentially it gets used while stepping around the edge of a vector and this receives the points sampled from the vector. The difference here is that it also receives a position value. |
VectorLine | |
VectorTransform | Used to transform one vector and, in the case of InfiniText, combine it with another. |
Brotli | An implementation of a brotli decompressor. Used by WOFF2. |
BitReader | Bit reading helpers. |
Context | Lookup table to map the previous two bytes to a context id. |
MetaBlockLength | |
HuffmanTreeGroup | |
ContextMap | |
OutputStream | |
Decoder | |
Dictionary | Brotli static dictionary. |
HuffmanCode | |
Huffman | |
PrefixCodeRange | A prefix code range. |
Prefix | Prefix code ranges. |
Transform | Common transforms. |
Transforms | |
Compression | Wrappers for compression formats like brotli. |
ContextMenus | Useful helpers for working with context menu's (like right clicking). |
ContextEvent | Represents a context event. Extend this (with a partial class) if you want to add custom things to pass through to the window which will actually handle the display. |
ContextEventListener | Handler for ContextEvent events |
Option | An option. |
OptionList | A group of options. |
Css | Known as Spark, this is PowerUI's CSS engine. CSS properties and general CSS management is performed by Spark. |
AtRules | |
Charset | Represents the charset rule. |
CounterStyleRule | Represents the counter-style rule. Syntax support only at the moment. |
FontFaceRule | Represents the font-face rule. |
NamespaceRule | Represents the namespace rule. |
PageRule | Represents the at page rule. |
ViewportRule | Represents the viewport rule. Syntax support only at the moment. |
AnnotationRule | Represents the annotation rule. |
CharacterVariantRule | Represents the character-variant rule. |
CssFontFeatureSubRule | Represents the styleset rule. |
FontFeatureValuesRule | Represents the font-feature-values rule. |
OrnamentsRule | Represents the ornaments rule. |
StyleSetRule | Represents the styleset rule. |
StylisticRule | Represents the stylistic rule. |
SwashRule | Represents the swash rule. |
Import | Represents the import rule. |
Keyframes | Represents the keyframes rule. |
Media | Represents the media rule. |
SupportsRule | Represents the supports rule. Syntax support only at the moment. |
Functions | |
CubicBezier | Represents the cubic-bezier function. |
Steps | Represents the steps function. |
Attr | Represents the attr() css function. |
Calc | Represents the calc() css function. |
CalcAdd | Represents the calc() add operation. |
CalcDivide | Represents the calc() divide operation. |
CalcMultiply | Represents the calc() multiply operation. |
CalcOperator | Represents the calc() operators such as add or subtract. |
CalcSubtract | Represents the calc() subtract operation. |
DirFunction | Represents the dir() css function. |
DirMatcher | Handles the matching process for dir(). |
EqFunction | Represents the eq() css function. |
EqMatcher | Handles the matching process for eq(). |
Format | Represents the format() css function. |
LinearGradientFunction | Represents the linear-gradient css function. |
GtFunction | Represents the gt() css function. GT rocks :) |
GtMatcher | Handles the matching process for gt(). |
Hsla | Represents the hsl() and hsla() css functions. |
LangFunction | Represents the lang() css function. |
LangMatcher | Handles the matching process for dir(). |
LtFunction | Represents the lt() css function. |
LtMatcher | Handles the matching process for gt(). |
MatchesFunction | Represents the CSS4 matches() and -spark-any() css functions. |
AnyMatcher | Handles the matching process for matches(). |
NotFunction | Represents the not() css function. |
NotMatcher | Handles the matching process for not(). |
NthChildFunction | Represents the nth-child() css function. |
NthChildMatcher | Handles the matching process for nth-child. |
NthLastChildFunction | Represents the nth-last-child() css function. |
NthLastChildMatcher | Handles the matching process for nth-last-child. |
NthLastOfTypeFunction | Represents the nth-last-of-type() css function. |
NthLastOfTypeMatcher | Handles the matching process for nth-last-of-type. |
NthOfTypeFunction | Represents the nth-of-type() css function. |
NthOfTypeMatcher | Handles the matching process for nth-of-type. |
RectFunction | Represents the rect() css function. |
RgbaFunction | Represents the rgb() and rgba() css functions. |
SymbolsFunction | Represents the symbols() css function. |
MatrixFunction | Represents the matrix transform function. |
Perspective | Represents the perspective transform function. |
Rotate | Represents the rotate transform function. |
RotateX | Represents the rotate x transform function. |
RotateY | Represents the rotate y transform function. |
RotateZ | Represents the rotate z transform function. |
Scale | Represents the scale transform function. |
ScaleX | Represents the scale x transform function. |
ScaleY | Represents the scale y transform function. |
ScaleZ | Represents the scale z transform function. |
Skew | Represents the skew transform function. |
SkewX | Represents the skew x transform function. |
SkewY | Represents the skew y transform function. |
SkewZ | Represents the skew z transform function. |
Transformation | Represents all transformation css functions, such as scale(). |
Translate | Represents the translate transform function. |
TranslateX | Represents the translate x transform function. |
TranslateY | Represents the translate y transform function. |
TranslateZ | Represents the translate z transform function. |
UrlFunction | Represents the url() css function. |
VarFunction | Represents the var() css function. |
BlurFunction | Represents the blur() css function. |
BrightnessFunction | Represents the brightness() css function. |
ContrastFunction | Represents the contrast() css function. |
DropShadowFunction | Represents the drop-shadow() css function. |
FilterFunction | Represents the various css filter functions like blur, sepia etc. |
GrayscaleFunction | Represents the grayscale() css function. |
HueRotateFunction | Represents the hue-rotate() css function. |
InvertFunction | Represents the invert() css function. |
OpacityFunction | Represents the opacity() css function. |
SaturateFunction | Represents the saturate() css function. |
SepiaFunction | Represents the sepia() css function. |
Annotation | Represents the annotation function. |
CharacterVariant | Represents the character-variant function. |
FontVariant | Represents all font variant css functions, such as styleset(). |
Ornaments | Represents the ornaments function. |
StyleSet | Represents the styleset function. |
Stylistic | Represents the stylistic function. |
Swash | Represents the swash function. |
SVGRectFunction | An SVG specific variant of the css rect() function. Standard rect() is auto-converted into one of these when it's used by the SVG system. |
SVGUrlFunction | An SVG specific variant of the css url() function. Standard url() is auto-converted into one of these when it's used by the SVG system. |
Keywords | |
Ease | Represents an instance of the ease keyword. |
Linear | Represents an instance of the linear keyword. |
EaseIn | Represents an instance of the ease-in keyword. |
EaseOut | Represents an instance of the ease-out keyword. |
EaseInOut | Represents an instance of the ease-in-out keyword. |
StepStart | Represents an instance of the step-start keyword. |
StepEnd | Represents an instance of the step-end keyword. |
Right | Represents an instance of the right keyword. |
Left | |
Justify | |
Center | |
SparkCenter | Same as -moz-center. Used by the center element. |
Start | |
End | |
Top | |
Bottom | |
TableBottom | |
TableTop | |
TableMiddle | |
Middle | |
Baseline | |
Sub | |
Super | |
TextTop | |
TextBottom | |
Auto | Represents an instance of the auto keyword. |
Dashed | |
Solid | |
CoverKeyword | Represents an instance of the cover keyword. |
Ltr | Represents an instance of the visible keyword. |
Rtl | |
Inline | Represents an instance of the inline keyword. This is defined because it is the initial value; unlike all the other values, initial values don't get applied. display's apply caches an integer version of each keyword. Essentially we need this to be able to respond with the integer display mode for 'inline'. |
Block | |
RunIn | |
InlineBlock | |
Flex | |
InlineFlex | |
InlineTable | |
InlineListItem | |
ListItem | |
Table | |
TableRowGroup | |
TableHeaderGroup | |
TableFooterGroup | |
TableRow | |
TableCell | |
TableColumnGroup | |
TableColumn | |
TableCaption | |
Grid | |
Contents | |
Ruby | |
RubyBase | |
RubyText | |
RubyBaseContainer | |
RubyTextContainer | |
FlowRoot | |
Flow | |
Ellipsis | Represents an instance of the ellipsis keyword. Used by text-overflow. |
FalseKeyword | Represents an instance of the false keyword. |
InlineStart | Represents an instance of the inline-start keyword. |
InlineEnd | |
Both | |
XXSmall | Represents an instance of the xx-small keyword. |
XSmall | |
Small | |
Large | |
XLarge | |
XXLarge | |
Smaller | |
Larger | |
UltraCondensed | Represents an instance of the ultra-condensed keyword. |
ExtraCondensed | |
Condensed | |
SemiCondensed | |
SemiExpanded | |
Expanded | |
ExtraExpanded | |
UltraExpanded | |
Italic | Represents an instance of the italic keyword. |
Oblique | |
Bold | Represents an instance of the bold keyword. |
Bolder | |
Lighter | |
ImportantKeyword | Represents an instance of the important keyword. |
Inherit | Represents an instance of the inherit keyword. |
Initial | Represents an instance of the initial keyword. |
Medium | Represents an instance of the medium keyword. |
None | Represents an instance of the none keyword. |
Normal | Represents an instance of the normal keyword. |
Odd | Represents an instance of the 'odd' keyword. |
Even | Represents an instance of the 'even' keyword. |
BreakWord | Represents an instance of the break-word keyword. |
Static | Represents an instance of the static keyword. |
Fixed | |
Absolute | |
SparkAbsolute | |
SparkAbsoluteFixed | |
Relative | |
Sticky | |
CloseQuote | Represents an instance of the close-quote keyword. |
OpenQuote | Represents an instance of the open-quote keyword. |
SparkTagSpecifity | Represents an instance of the '-spark-tag-specifity' keyword. |
SparkClassSpecifity | Represents an instance of the '-spark-class-specifity' keyword. |
SparkIDSpecifity | Represents an instance of the '-spark-id-specifity' keyword. |
Underline | Represents an instance of the underline keyword. |
Overline | |
LineThrough | |
CurrentColor | |
Capitalize | Represents an instance of the capitalize keyword. |
Uppercase | |
Lowercase | |
Thick | Represents an instance of the thick keyword. |
Thin | Represents an instance of the thin keyword. |
TrueKeyword | Represents an instance of the true keyword. |
Visible | Represents an instance of the visible keyword. |
Hidden | |
Collapse | |
Scroll | |
Pre | Represents an instance of the pre keyword. |
PreLine | |
PreWrap | |
NoWrap | |
HistoricalForms | Represents an instance of the historical-forms keyword. |
Disc | Represents an instance of the disc keyword. |
IsActive | Describes if an element currently is clicked on |
ActiveMatcher | Handles the matching process for :active. |
Butt | Represents an instance of the butt keyword. |
Round | |
Square | |
Miter | |
Bevel | |
Properties | |
Filter | Represents the -spark-filter: css property. |
MathDisplay | Mirrors -moz-math-display. |
MathVariant | Mirrors -moz-math-variant. |
ScriptLevel | Mirrors -moz-script-level. |
ScriptMinSize | Mirrors -moz-script-min-size. |
ScriptSizeMultiplier | Mirrors -moz-script-size-multiplier. |
SlidesCompProperty | Represents the slides: composite css property. |
SlidesDelay | Represents the slides-delay: css property. |
SlidesDirection | Represents the slides-direction: css property. |
SlidesDuration | Represents the slides-duration: css property. |
SlidesIterationCount | Represents the slides-iteration-count: css property. |
SlidesName | Represents the slides-name: css property. |
SlidesTimingFunction | Represents the slides-timing-function: css property |
Azimuth | Represents the azimuth: css property. |
Cue | Represents the cue: composite property. |
CueAfter | Represents the cue-after: css property. |
CueBefore | Represents the cue-before: css property. |
Elevation | Represents the elevation: css property. |
Pause | Represents the pause: composite property. |
PauseAfter | Represents the pause-after: css property. |
PauseBefore | Represents the pause-before: css property. |
Pitch | Represents the pitch: css property. |
PitchRange | Represents the pitch-range: css property. |
PlayDuring | Represents the play-during: css property. |
Richness | Represents the richness: css property. |
Speak | Represents the speak: css property. |
SpeakHeader | Represents the speak-header: css property. |
SpeakNumeral | Represents the speak-numeral: css property. |
SpeakPunctuation | Represents the speak-punctuation: css property. |
SpeechRate | Represents the speech-rate: css property. |
Stress | Represents the stress: css property. |
AnimationCompProperty | Represents the animation: composite css property. |
AnimationDelay | Represents the animation-delay: css property. |
AnimationDirection | Represents the animation-direction: css property. |
AnimationDuration | Represents the animation-duration: css property. |
AnimationFillMode | Represents the animation-fill-mode: css property. |
AnimationIterationCount | Represents the animation-iteration-count: css property. |
AnimationName | Represents the animation-name: css property. |
AnimationPlayState | Represents the animation-play-state: css property. |
AnimationTimingFunction | Represents the animation-timing-function: css property. |
AlignmentBaseline | Represents the alignment-baseline: css property. |
All | Represents the all: css property. |
BackgroundClip | Represents the background-clip: css property. |
BackgroundCompProperty | Represents the background: composite css property. |
BackgroundAttachment | Represents the background-attachment: css property. |
BackgroundColor | Represents the background-color: css property. |
BackgroundImageProperty | Represents the background-image: css property. |
BackgroundPosition | Represents the background-position: css property. |
BackgroundRepeat | Represents the background-repeat: css property. |
BackgroundSize | Represents the background-size: css property. |
BaselineShift | Represents the baseline-shift: css property. |
BorderImageCompProperty | Represents the border-image: composite css property. |
BorderImageOutset | Represents the border-image-outset: css property. |
BorderImageRepeat | Represents the border-image-repeat: css property. |
BorderImageSlice | Represents the border-image-slice: css property. |
BorderImageSource | Represents the border-image-source: css property. |
BorderImageWidth | Represents the border-image-width: css property. |
BorderCompProperty | Represents the border: composite css property. |
BorderBottomProperty | Represents the border-bottom: composite css property. |
BorderColllapseProperty | Represents the border-collapse: css property. |
BorderColor | Represents the border-color: css property. |
BorderLeftProperty | Represents the border-left: composite css property. |
BorderRadius | Represents the border-radius: css property. |
BorderRightProperty | Represents the border-right: composite css property. |
BorderSpacingProperty | Represents the border-spacing: css property. |
BorderStyle | Represents the border-style: css property. |
BorderTopProperty | Represents the border-top: composite css property. |
BorderWidth | Represents the border-width: css property. |
BoxSizing | Represents the box-sizing: css property. |
CaptionSide | Represents the caption-side: css property. |
Clip | Represents the clip: css property. |
ClipMode | Should this element be clipped at all? clip-mode:clip (default) or clip-mode:none. This is similar to the effect seen when using overflow:visible, but this applies to the main screen also. Useful if you've got transformations (e.g. a rotation) which go over the edge of the screen. |
ColorProperty | Represents the color: css property. |
ColorOverlay | Represents the color-overlay: css property. Specific to PowerUI. This overlays the given colour over any element. |
Content | Represents the content: css property. Note that this one is not textual - this is actually correct. It doesn't apply to text - rather it 'is' text. |
CounterIncrement | Represents the counter-increment: css property. |
CounterReset | Represents the counter-reset: css property. |
Cursor | Represents the cursor: css property. |
Direction | Represents the direction: css property. |
Display | Represents the display: css property. |
EmptyCells | Represents the empty-cells: css property. |
FilteringMode | Represents the filter-mode: css property. Specific to PowerUI - this defines the image filtering. |
AlignContents | Represents the align-contents: css property. |
AlignItems | Represents the align-items: css property. |
AlignSelf | Represents the align-self: css property. |
Clear | Represents the clear: css property. |
Float | Represents the float: css property. |
FontFeatureSettings | Represents the font-feature-settings: css property. |
FontVariantCompProperty | Represents the font-variant: css composite property. |
FontVariantAlternates | Represents the font-variant-alternates: css property. |
FontVariantCaps | Represents the font-variant-caps: css property. |
FontVariantEastAsian | Represents the font-variant-east-asian: css property. |
FontVariantLigatures | Represents the font-variant-ligatures: css property. |
FontVariantNumeric | Represents the font-variant-numeric: css property. |
FontVariantPosition | Represents the font-variant-position: css property. |
FontCompProperty | Represents the font: composite css property. |
Ascent | Represents the ascent: css property. |
Baseline | Represents the baseline: css property. |
BBox | Represents the bbox: css property. |
CapHeight | Represents the cap-height: css property. |
Centerline | Represents the centerline: css property. |
Descent | Represents the descent: css property. |
Mathline | Represents the mathline: css property. |
Panose1 | Represents the panose-1: css property. |
Slope | Represents the slope: css property. |
Stemh | Represents the stemh: css property. |
Stemv | Represents the stemv: css property. |
Topline | Represents the topline: css property. |
UnicodeRange | Represents the unicode-range: css property. |
UnitsPerEm | Represents the units-per-em: css property. |
Widths | Represents the widths: css property. |
XHeight | Represents the x-height: css property. |
FontFamily | Represents the font-family: css property. |
FontSize | Represents the font-size: css property. |
FontSizeAdjust | Represents the font-size-adjust: css property. |
FontSmoothing | Represents the font-smoothing: css property. |
FontStretch | Represents the font-stretch: css property. |
FontStyle | Represents the font-style: css property. |
FontSynthesis | Represents the font-synthesis: css property. |
FontWeight | Represents the font-weight: css property. |
Height | Represents the height: css property. |
LetterSpacing | Represents the letter-spacing: css property. |
LineHeight | Represents the line-height: css property. |
ListStyle | Represents the list-style: composite property. |
ListStyleImage | Represents the list-style-image: css property. |
ListStylePosition | Represents the list-style-position: css property. |
ListStyleType | Represents the list-style-type: css property. |
Margin | Represents the margin: css property. |
MaxHeight | Represents the max-height: css property. |
MaxWidth | Represents the max-width: css property. |
MinHeight | Represents the min-height: css property. |
MinWidth | Represents the min-width: css property. |
OnAtlas | Represents the on-atlas: css property. Specific to PowerUI. This tells particular images to render off the main atlas. |
Orphans | Represents the orphans: css property. |
Overflow | Represents the overflow: css property. |
OverflowWrap | Represents the word-wrap and overflow-wrap: css properties. |
Padding | Represents the padding: css property. |
ParticlesRotateProperty | Represents the particles-rotate: css property. |
ParticlesScaleProperty | Represents the particles-scale: css property. Note! Your particle system must be set to simulate in world space for this one to work (as it's the same as just scaling the transform). |
Position | Represents the position: css property. |
PositionInternal | Represents the -spark-position-internal: css property. It holds the values of top, right, bottom and left in a single box. |
Quotes | Represents the quotes: css property. Accessed with the open-quote/close-quote CSS keywords. |
Resize | Represents the resize: css property. Used by the resizer tab (which appears when there's two scrollbars via the overflow property). |
Scroll | An animatable scroll-top and scroll-left CSS property. |
ScrollBehavior | The scroll-behavior CSS property. auto | smooth |
ShaderFamily | Represents the shader-family: shaderset("familyName") css property. This can be used to assign custom shaders. Note that it's a "family" because there is a group of shaders which can potentially be used depending on other CSS settings. Each shader must be named e.g: |
TextShadow | Represents the text-shadow: css property. |
TextStroke | Represents the text-stroke: css property. Used to add outlines to text. |
SparkSpecifity | Represents the -spark-specifity: css property. |
SparkWritingSystem | The internal -spark-writing-system: css property. (Don't set this! Use text-orientation instead). Stores a computed writing direction map which is used when applying logical CSS properties. |
UrlSrc | src: CSS property. Used by -face. |
TableLayout | Represents the table-layout: css property. |
TextAlign | Represents the text-align: css property. |
TextAlignLast | Represents the text-align-last: css property. |
TextDecoCompProperty | Represents the text-decoration: composite css property. |
TextDecorationColor | Represents the text-decoration-color: css property. |
TextDecorationLine | Represents the text-decoration-line: css property. |
TextDecorationStyle | Represents the text-decoration-style: css property. |
TextExtrude | Represents the text-extrude: css property. This makes text 3D - it's best used in WorldUI's. Usage is text-extrude:[extrusion, float]. e.g. text-extrude:2.4 |
TextOrientation | Represents the text-orientation: css property. |
TextTransform | Represents the text-transform: css property. |
TransformProperty | Represents the transform: css property. |
TransformOrigin | Represents the transform-origin: css property. |
TransformOriginPosition | Represents the transform-origin-position: css property. |
UnicodeBidi | Represents the unicode-bidi: css property. |
UserSelect | Represents the user-select: css property. |
VerticalAlign | Represents the vertical-align: css property. |
Visibility | Represents the visibility: css property. |
WhiteSpace | Represents the white-space: css property. |
Widows | Represents the widows: css property. |
Width | Represents the width: css property. |
WordSpacing | Represents the word-spacing: css property. |
WritingMode | Represents the writing-mode: css property. |
ZIndex | Represents the z-index: css property. |
Zoom | Represents the zoom: css property. |
ClipPath | Represents the clip and clip-path: css property. |
ClipRule | Represents the clip-rule: css property. |
Fill | Represents the fill: css property. |
FillOpacity | Represents the fill-opacity: css property. |
FloodColor | Represents the flood-color: css property. |
FloodOpacity | Represents the flood-opacity: css property. |
Stroke | Represents the stroke: css property. |
StrokeDashArray | Represents the stroke-dasharray: css property. |
StrokeDashOffset | Represents the stroke-dashoffset: css property. |
StrokeLineCap | Represents the stroke-linecap: css property. |
StrokeLineJoin | Represents the stroke-linejoin: css property. |
StrokeMiterLimit | Represents the stroke-miterlimit: css property. |
StrokeOpacity | Represents the stroke-opacity: css property. |
StrokeWidth | Represents the stroke-width: css property. |
TextAnchor | Represents the text-anchor: css property. |
Spec | |
All | Represents 'a b' in the CSS specification. |
AllAnyOrder | Represents 'a && b' in the CSS specification. All must occur, in any order. |
AnyOf | Represents a || in the CSS specification. One or more in any order. |
FunctionCall | Represents a function call in the specification. |
Literal | Represents a string literal in the specification. |
LiteralNumber | Represents a string literal in the specification. |
OneOf | Represents a|b in the CSS specification. |
Optional | Represents a? in the specification. |
Property | Represents <a-css-property> in the specification. |
PropertyAlt | Represents <a-css-property> in the specification with an explicit specification of its own. An example use of this is the font-variant property as used by the font shorthand one. it explicitly uses the 2.1 version. |
Repeated | Represents a{1,4}, a* and a+ in the CSS specification. A value is repeated x times. |
Value | The base of a CSS specification value. These are primarily used by composite properties such as background: or font: |
ValueType | Represents e.g. <number> in the specification. |
Units | |
FontFamilyUnit | Used by the font-family property to cache the underlying font objects in a fast array. The array is each font plus the default font. |
WritingSystemMap | Used internally by the writing system to cache the mapping from e.g. margin-inline-end through to the physical margin. |
TransformValue | Stores a computed transformation matrix. |
AngleUnit | Represents an instance of an angle. Either e.g. deg or rad. Internally they're in rad. |
AtRuleUnit | Represents an instance of a floating point value. |
CachedIntegerUnit | A special unit used to cache values which help speed up the resolve process. An example of a property that uses one of these is display. |
ChUnit | Represents an instance of ch units. |
CmUnit | Represents an instance of a cm unit. |
ColourUnit | Represents an instance of a floating point value. |
DecimalUnit | Represents an instance of a floating point value. |
DegreesUnit | Represents an instance of an angle in degrees. |
DpcmUnit | Represents an instance of dpcm units. |
DpiUnit | Represents an instance of dpi units. |
DppxUnit | Represents an instance of dppx units. |
EmUnit | Represents an instance of em units. |
ExUnit | Represents an instance of ex units. |
FontUnit | Represents an instance of a font relative unit, e.g. em. |
FpxUnit | Represents an instance of a fixed-pixel unit. These ignore zoom. |
FrequencyUnit | Represents an instance of a frequency unit. |
GradiansUnit | Represents an instance of a gradians angle. |
HzUnit | Represents an instance of a hz frequency. |
InchUnit | Represents an instance of an inch unit. |
IntegerUnit | Represents an instance of an integer value. |
KhzUnit | Represents an instance of a khz frequency. |
LengthUnit | Represents an instance of a length, e.g. cm, mm etc. |
MmUnit | Represents an instance of a mm unit. |
MsUnit | Represents an instance of a ms unit. |
NUnit | Represents an instance of an n unit. Used by nth-child function. |
PcUnit | Represents an instance of a pc unit. |
PercentUnit | Represents an instance of a % unit. |
PropertyMapUnit | Represents an instance of an textual value. |
PointUnit | Represents an instance of a point unit. |
PxUnit | Represents an instance of a px unit. |
RadiansUnit | Represents an instance of a radians angle. |
RemUnit | Represents an instance of rem units. |
ResolutionUnit | Represents an instance of a frequency unit. |
SecondsUnit | Represents an instance of a seconds unit. |
SelectorBlockUnit | Used by for example keyframes. This is where selector blocks {..} are used within another. |
SquareBracketUnit | Used by for example [attrib="val"] in a selector. |
TextUnit | Represents an instance of an textual value. |
TimeUnit | Represents an instance of a time unit. Always in seconds. |
TurnUnit | Represents an instance of a turn angle. |
ViewPortHeightUnit | Represents an instance of a viewport relative value, e.g. vh. |
ViewPortUnit | Represents an instance of a viewport relative value, e.g. vmax. |
ViewPortMaxUnit | Represents an instance of a viewport relative value, e.g. vmax. |
ViewPortMinUnit | Represents an instance of a viewport relative value, e.g. vmin. |
ViewPortWidthUnit | Represents an instance of a viewport relative value, e.g. vw. |
BoxRegion | BoxRegion defines a 2D screen region. Mostly used for clipping. |
IsMainUI | Describes if this element is on the main UI. E.g. html:main-ui{} See also IsWorldUI |
MainUIMatcher | Handles the matching process for :main-ui. |
IsWorldUI | Describes if this element is on a world UI. E.g. html:world-ui{} See also IsMainUI |
WorldUIMatcher | Handles the matching process for :world-ui. |
RasterDisplayableProperty | Helps with the process of rastering elements. Used by the CSS filter property. |
RenderableData | Holds computed layout boxes for nodes and any style information. |
MathMLAnonymousBlock | Handles the after pseudo selector |
MathMLAnonymousBlockSelector | Describes the -spark-mathml-anonymous-block psuedo-selector |
ElementStyle | Represents, a likely upcoming API. It hosts the computed style amongst other things. |
InterpolationMatrix | Represents an interpolatable matrix ( |
InterpolationMatrix3D | Represents an interpolatable matrix for 3D transforms ( |
ReflowDocument | Represents a HTML Document. UI.document is the main UI document. Use PowerUI.Document.innerHTML to set it's content. |
StyleSheet | Holds a set of selector styles. A selector is something like .name or #name. |
ImportRule | An rule. |
ComputedStyle | Contains methods for interacting with a CSS class applied to the computed style. |
KeyframesAnimationInstance | An instance of an animation, running on a particular element. |
KeyframesKeyframe | A particular frame in an animation. |
KeyframesRule | A loaded animation. These are available from Document.Animations; a dictionary from animation name to these objects. Note that the Document.Animations entry is defined within this file at the bottom. |
MediaQuery | Represents an instance of a media query. They resolve to either true or false. |
MediaQueryList | |
MediaQueryAnd | |
MediaQueryNot | |
MediaQueryCurrentMedia | |
MediaQueryHasFeature | |
MediaQueryMinFeature | Checks if the named feature is at least x. |
MediaQueryMaxFeature | Checks if the named feature is at most x. |
MediaQueryEqualsFeature | Checks if the named feature is equal to x. |
MediaRule | An rule. |
SupportsQuery | Represents an instance of a supports query. They resolve to either true or false. |
SupportsQueryList | |
SupportsQueryAnd | |
SupportsQueryNot | |
SupportsQueryHasProperty | |
SupportsQueryCanSetProperty | Checks if a property can be set to the given value. |
BorderStyle | Represents the style of border around an element. Currently only solid colour is supported. |
BoxStyle | The classic CSS box. Used when computing the box model, such as for margins and padding. |
Calculation | Used for the calc(..) css function. Currently syntax only support; superceded by box-sizing CSS property. |
ColourMap | Used to map colour name to colour value. Note that this can be deleted - make sure you add a compile flag of "NoColourMap" if you choose to remove it to minimise size. |
CssAtRule | A CSS at rule. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally. |
CssAtRules | A global lookup of at rule name to handler. E.g. -face is a CSS at rule. Css at rules are instanced globally and mapped to the names they use. Note that functions are not instanced per element. |
CssCompositeProperty | A CSS composite property. These are properties like background; one which is simply a shortform way of setting more than one property at the same time. Importantly, they are considered aliases. They do not actually enter the CSS style set because of this. |
CssEvent | |
CssFunction | A CSS function. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally as well as locally. |
CssFunctions | A global lookup of function name to function. E.g. rgba() is a CSS function. Css functions are instanced globally and mapped to the names they use. Note that functions are not instanced per element. |
CssKeyword | A CSS keyword. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally and locally. |
CssKeywords | A global lookup of keyword name to handler. E.g. auto or inherit. Css keywords are instanced globally and mapped to the names they use. |
CssLexer | Handles the parsing of CSS content. |
CssNamespace | A CSS namespace. Used by the at namespace CSS rule. |
CssProperties | A global lookup of property name to property. CssHandlers are instanced globally and mapped to the property names they accept. Note that properties are not instanced per element. |
CssProperty | A CSS property. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally. |
CssPropertyAlias | A CSS property alias. For example, border-top-left-radius is an alias for border-radius[0]. When an alias property is parsed, it maps the value through to the actual target property. |
CssPropertySetInfo | See CssCompositeProperty.GetSetPropertyInfo for more details. |
CssUnit | A CSS unit. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally. |
CssUnits | A global lookup of units to handler. E.g. ..px is a unit. A global one is instanced and copied when it's required. |
DirectionAwareProperty | A direction aware property. For example, margin-inline-start. |
DirectionMode | Values of the direction: property. |
UnicodeBidiMode | The way in which text nodes draw. |
BackgroundColour | Represents the solid background colour of an element. |
BackgroundImage | Represents the background image of an element. May also be a video (pro only) or animation. |
BackgroundShadow | Represents a box shadow for an element. |
BorderProperty | Represents the border around an element. |
RoundCorner | Represents the a rounded corner of a border. This works by creating two sections - the "inverse" border and the border itself. The inverse border is essentially a series of transparent whose purpose is just to affect the depth buffer. |
RoundedCorners | Represents the set of round corners for a particular border. |
DisplayableProperty | Base class for any property of an element that can be visually displayed, e.g. backgrounds and borders. |
DisplayablePropertyGroup | Some properties like background and text-shadow can have multiple renderers. When that happens, a group of those properties is created. |
RoundBorderInverseProperty | Represents the inverse section of round borders. Simply acts as a block allocation container, separating the "inverse" corner from the main coloured corner. |
SelectionRenderingProperty | Represents the solid background colour of an element when it is selected. |
TextRenderingProperty | This class manages rendering text to the screen. |
DisplayMode | Values of the display: property. |
FloatingElements | The current groups of floating elements. |
HorizontalAlignMode | Values for horizontal alignment. Use text-align for this. |
IRenderableNode | Renderable nodes. |
Quotes | Maps 2 character language code (e.g. "en") to the quotes to use. |
QuoteSet | A set of quotes for a particular language. |
Renderman | This helps 'render' elements from the DOM into a set of 3D meshes. It also performs things such as alignment and line packing. |
TableMeta | Stores information when in display:table/ table-cell mode. |
TableColumnMeta | Stores information about table columns for display:table. |
LayoutBox | Used by the core layout system. They store full box information such as padding and margin, then they get converted into basic box regions once the render process is complete. |
LineBoxSegment | Used by element.getClientRects as well as the core layout system. |
LineBreakMode | Values used by the CompleteLine method. |
MediaType | Used by CSS media queries to define what 'features' the current media has. The main UI uses either the 'screen', 'handheld' or 'tv' media types when possible (default is 'screen'). WorldUI's and FlatWorldUI's use the 'gameworld' media type by default (it derives from 'screen'). change that by setting the worldUI.Media property. |
ScreenMediaType | The standard 'screen' media type. |
PositionMode | Values for the position: property. |
Value | Extends the CSS Value object with a function for obtaining OpenType features. |
FloatMode | |
FontStretchMode | The available values for font-stretch. |
ShaderSetFunction | |
TextShadowProperty | Handles the rendering of text shadows. |
TextStrokeProperty | Handles the rendering of text stroke. |
TextRenderingProperty3D | A TRP for rendering text in 3D. Gets created when CSS text-extrude is non-zero. |
Rule | The base of all CSS rules. |
ScreenRegion | Represents a region of the screen. Very similar to System.Drawing.Region. |
PathScreenRegion | A region defined by a usually closed path. |
ScreenRegionGroup | A collection of screen regions. |
DirectPreviousSiblingMatch | Describes if a sibling directly before the element matches a selector |
AttributeMatch | Describes if an element has an attribute which matches |
DirectParentMatch | Describes if an elements direct parent matches a selector |
IsChecked | Describes if an element currently is checked |
CheckedMatcher | Handles the matching process for :checked. |
IsDefault | Describes if an element currently is default |
DefaultMatcher | Handles the matching process for :default. |
IsDisabled | Describes if an element currently is disabled |
DisabledMatcher | Handles the matching process for :disabled. |
IsEmpty | Describes if an element currently is empty |
EmptyMatcher | Handles the matching process for :empty. |
IsEnabled | Describes if an element currently is enabled |
EnabledMatcher | Handles the matching process for :enabled. |
IsFirstChild | Describes if an element is the first child |
FirstChildMatcher | Handles the matching process for :first-child. |
IsFocused | Describes if an element is focused |
FocusedMatcher | Handles the matching process for :focus. |
IsFullscreen | Describes if an element currently is in fullscreen mode |
FullscreenMatcher | Handles the matching process for :fullscreen. |
IsHover | Describes if an element currently is moused over |
HoverMatcher | Handles the matching process for :hover. |
IsIndeterminate | Describes if an element is indeterminate |
IndeterminateMatcher | Handles the matching process for :indeterminate. |
IsInRange | Describes if an element is in-range |
InRangeMatcher | Handles the matching process for :in-range. |
IsInvalid | Describes if an element is invalid |
InvalidMatcher | Handles the matching process for :invalid. |
IsLastChild | Describes if an element is last-child |
LastChildMatcher | Handles the matching process for :last-child. |
IsLeft | Describes if an element is set to 'left' draw direction |
LeftMatcher | Handles the matching process for :left. |
IsLink | Describes if an element is link |
LinkMatcher | Handles the matching process for :link. |
IsOnlyChild | Describes if an element is only-child |
OnlyChildMatcher | Handles the matching process for :only-child. |
IsOptional | Describes if an element is optional |
OptionalMatcher | Handles the matching process for :optional. |
IsOutOfRange | Describes if an element is out-of-range |
OutOfRangeMatcher | Handles the matching process for :out-of-range. |
IsReadWrite | Describes if an element is read-write |
ReadWriteMatcher | Handles the matching process for :read-write. |
IsRequired | Describes if an element is required |
RequiredMatcher | Handles the matching process for :required. |
IsRight | Describes if an element is set to 'right' draw direction |
RightMatcher | Handles the matching process for :right. |
IsRoot | Describes if an element is the root of the document |
IsRootMatcher | Handles the matching process for :root. |
IsScope | Describes if an element is scope |
ScopeMatcher | Handles the matching process for :scope. |
IsTarget | Describes if an element currently is the target |
IsTargetMatcher | Handles the matching process for :target. |
IsValid | Describes if an element is valid |
ValidMatcher | Handles the matching process for :valid. |
IsVisited | Describes if an element is visited |
VisitedMatcher | Handles the matching process for :visited. |
LocalMatcher | Handles 'local' matches for a particular selector. Note that these are always specific to a particular element and they don't generate psuedo elements either. Examples are :hover, :link etc |
MatchingRoot | Selectors consist of a bunch of 'roots' which match with elements. When they match, one of these instances is created. Note that it's a structural match - just because it has matched structurally does not mean it is actually active. ComputedStyle holds a list of these |
MatchingSelector | When a selector structurally matches an element, one of these is created so we can track when the selector activates/ deactivates. |
OnlyOfType | Matches if it's got no siblings of the same element type |
OnlyOfTypeMatcher | Handles the matching process for :first-child. |
ParentMatch | Describes if an elements parent matches a selector. Any parent (indirect too) is OK |
PreviousSiblingMatch | Describes if a sibling before the element matches a selector |
After | Handles the after pseudo selector |
AfterSelector | Describes the after pseudo-selector |
Before | Handles the before pseudo selector |
BeforeSelector | Describes the before psuedo-selector |
FirstLetter | Handles the first-letter pseudo selector |
FirstLetterSelector | Describes the first-letter pseudo-selector |
Marker | Handles the marker pseudo selector |
MarkerSelector | Describes the marker psuedo-selector |
PseudoSelectorMatch | Handles all pseudo elements like ::after |
RootMatcher | A selector is made up of a series of one or more 'roots'. This is a (global) instance of one of those roots. There's three types of root: tag, id, class. |
RootUniversalMatcher | Handles *. |
RootIDMatcher | Handles #id. |
RootTagMatcher | Handles tags. |
RootClassMatcher | Handles .class. |
SelectorMatcher | The base class for all CSS selector chunks. Anything like :hover or #id or a ~ b are all different kinds of matchers. RootMatcher objects are generally the most important ones. |
StructureMatcher | DOM structure matchers are things like a ~ b. They test if an element structurally matches the selector. |
Selector | Used in a stylesheet to direct selection requests. A selector describes e.g. the parent node etc |
SparkInformerNode | 'Informer' node. These are virtual nodes which can simply trigger some generic method when they get rendered. Used by special effects like first-letter. |
SparkSpecialImageFormat | Represents a special image format used by the CSS engine. For example, gradients use this. |
Start | Used to setup CSS properties, units etc. |
Style | Holds a set of css style properties. |
StyleRule | Used in a stylesheet to direct selection requests. A selector describes e.g. the parent node etc |
TextDecorationInfo | Info about a line drawn over some text. |
TextDecorationLineMode | This represents the position of a line drawn over some text [the text-decoration css property]. |
TextOrientationMode | Values of the text-orientation: property. |
TextRenderableData | |
TextTransformMode | Values of the text-transform: property. |
Transformation | Represents a transformation applied to the vertices of an element on the UI. It generates a matrix when applied. This matrix is then applied to any existing matrix (the current top of a stack) and the result is pushed to the same stack. The matrix at the top of the stack is the one which is actually applied to elements. |
TransformationStack | Represents a stack of transformations (e.g. scale, translate, rotate). PowerUI.Renderman.Transformations The renderman maintains a stack of transformations. The frame on the top of the stack is applied to each element being renderered as a post process. |
CssUnitHandlers | Represents an instance of the inherit keyword. |
ValueSet | Represents an instance of an textual value. |
VerticalAlignMode | This represents the value for the vertical-align property. |
Viewport | The viewport of a document. These are typically used to resolve % which are relative to the "screen". |
VirtualElements | A sorted list of virtual elements. Stored in an elements computed style. |
VisibilityMode | Values of the visibility and overflow properties. |
WhiteSpaceMode | This represents the white-space css property. |
WritingMode | Values of the writing-mode: property. |
TextureNodeValue | Stores a TextureNode in the computed style. |
Dom | The DOM namespace contains a 'tag soup' parser for handling HTML5 and other XML-like formats. It contains W3C compatible DOM nodes and functionality. |
NodeList | |
HTMLCollection | A collection of HTML elements. |
Node | The base for all DOM nodes |
TagName | The name(s) of the tag. |
XmlNamespace | Used to indicate which namespace a tag belongs to. Typically placed on some base class of all tags. |
CharacterEntities | Used to map entity names to their character. E.g. 'nbsp' to ' '. |
DOMTokenList | A live collection of DOM Tokens (always strings). |
HTMLFormControlsCollection | A collection of HTML form control elements. Very similar to HTMLCollection, only its namedItem method is slightly different. |
INodeList | The NodeList interface. |
RadioNodeList | A list of radio nodes. Note that this is an element so it can be stored in a HTMLFormControlsCollection. |
Document | The interface for all XML-style documents. |
DocumentFragment | A document fragment. |
DOMException | Thrown whenever DOM actions fail. |
DOMImplementation | Provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the DOM. |
DOMParser | A web API for parsing XML, HTML and SVG documents. Just a convenience wrapper over the HtmlParser. |
DomEventListener | Handler for Dom.Event events |
HashChangeEventListener | Handler for HashChangeEvent events |
Event | The root of all DOM events. |
HashChangeEvent | An event which triggers when the #hash of a location changes. |
EventListener | Describes either a nitro event or a delegate. |
EventsSet | A set of events for a given object (document or element). Used by addEventListener. |
DispatchStack | An event dispatch stack. Tracks the elements which an event is being dispatched to. |
EventTarget | An event target can receive events and have event handlers |
IEventTarget | An interface for something that can receive events. Typically used by custom objects (such as gameworld objects) to receive DOM events. |
HtmlLexer | A Html5 capable lexer. |
HtmlParserOptions | Contains a number of options for the HTML parser. |
HtmlTreeMode | Possible insertation mode values. |
LangLanguageElement | This handles the language meta tags which are present in the global languages.xml file and ignored everywhere else. |
LangElement | This represents the language tag seen at the top of a language file. |
LangVarElement | Handles a variable tag within a language file. Variable tags define what a should be replaced with and essentially seperate layout or structure from the language. |
FullVariableSet | This set represents a set of variables in text, denoted by Implemented at e.g. UI.Variables/Speech.Variables. The event OnFind can be used to resolve a variable not found in either custom variables or the language (for localization) set. Nested variables (variables in a variables text) are evaluated at the point of replacement, not load. |
LangDocument | A Language document is used when loading localization files. |
LanguageEvent | |
LanguageInfo | Standard information about a particular language. |
Language | |
LanguageGroup | A particular group of variables within a language. E.g. Used by &GroupName.VariableName; with a LanguageGroup instance per language. |
LanguageLoader | Override this class to provide methods for loading language files. They may be delivered in many different ways because of this. |
Text | This class simply represents a global Language service. Things such as the UI/Speech sign on to the language change event and update themselves accordingly when it's fired. |
VariableSet | Represents a set of used for localization. |
Location | Represents a path to a file with a protocol. e.g. The path may also be relative to some other path (aFile.png relative to |
Log | This class handles logging messages. When a message occurs, it fires an event so a specific application can handle them how it wishes. All logging can also be disabled with Dom.Log.Active. |
IParentNode | The interface for all parent nodes |
Start | Used to setup custom tags. |
StringReader | Treats a string of characters as a stream. This allows it to be read one character at a time. Attempting to read after the end of the stream will generate a Dom.StringReader.NULL character. |
TagHandlers | A global lookup of tag text to handler. TagHandlers are instanced globally and mapped to the tags they accept. When a tag is found, it is then instanced. One instance of a tag is created per element. |
Comment | |
DocumentType | The type of a HTML document. |
Element | This object represents any Markup Language (ML) tag such as html, sml, xml etc. |
ILangNode | Contains . |
MLNamespace | Namespaces allow multiple XML elements using the same tag name to be present in a single document. |
MLNamespaces | Namespaces allow multiple XML elements using the same tag name to be present in a single document. |
NodeFilter | The various NodeFilter values. |
NodeIterator | Allows easy iteration through all elements in a node. |
PropertyTextReader | Reads properties/ attributes from a lexer. These are of the form propertyName="propertyValue", propertyName=value or singleProperty (i.e. no value). |
SupportedTagMeta | Stores information about a supported tag in a particular namespace. For example, info about 'div' in the 'xhtml' namespace. See MLNamespace.Tags (where these instances are stored). |
CharacterData | |
TextNode | |
AttributeLookup | A lookup is used to cache e.g. elements by ID. They hugely increase lookup speed and are automatically created for high traffic attributes (like ID). |
AttributeLookupLink | Sometimes more than one element has the same attribute. When that happens, they end up as a linked list. This is one of the links. |
AttributeNode | Represents an attribute on an element. Only ever used on request; not used internally. (You can actually delete this class and it's associated functions, which are in the folder alongside it). |
PowerUILanguageLoader | This class loads data for a language within Unity at runtime. The language must always be located in the Resources folder, under Resources/Languages/{path}. |
HTMLOptionsCollection | A collection of HTML option elements. |
Gif | Implementation of the GIF image format. |
ApplicationExtensionBlock | Any other extension in a GIF stream. |
CommentBlock | A comment block in a GIF stream. |
GifBlock | A block in a GIF stream. |
PlainTextBlock | A text block in a GIF stream. |
Gif | GIF's are amazing. This loads them and oh dear I accidentally 96mb pleas help |
GifBlocks | Blocks in a GIF stream. |
GifFormat | Represents the GIF format. |
GifFrame | A frame of a GIF. |
LzwDecoder | Decodes Lzw frame data. |
InfiniText | InfiniText is PowerUI's text management system. It primarily loads font files and then renders glyphs (letters) using the Blaze rasteriser. |
Glyph | Represents a character within a font for display on the screen. Extends the InfiniText glyph object. This saves memory and avoids fragmentation. |
DirectionCategory | Obtains the bidirectional catagory of a character. |
BidiBlock | A block of characters with the same bidi mode. |
FontFace | A font face for a particular font family. Note that you must consider if this font face has been loaded (see RequiresLoad) yet if you use deferred loading. The metrics will always be available however - just the glyphs will not be if RequiresLoad is true. |
FontFaceFlags | The flags which represent the styling of a font. Combined together. |
FontFamily | A font family is a collection of font faces (Font objects). A font family is e.g. Arial, and it's faces are e.g. bold and italic variants. |
FontLoader | |
TableInfo | |
FontParser | |
Fonts | The main class for handling global font settings. |
FontSynthesisFlags | The flags which represent the synthesis of a font face. |
CompositeGlyph | |
GlyphPoint | Used as a temporary holder of data during glyph loading. |
LoadMetaPoint | A node which stores unloaded glyph information. These are used to help improve glyph load time without causing additional memory usage. This is because they act like a point - the only point in the path. |
OpenTypeFeature | Used to enable an OpenType feature. |
OpenTypeFeatureSet | Used to enable an OpenType feature. |
CffGlyphParser | |
CffStack | |
CffStackEntry | |
CffSubPosition | |
CffTables | |
CharMapTables | |
FontFeature | A font feature in a particular font face, such as 'smcp' (small caps). |
GlyfTables | |
HeaderTables | |
HheaTables | |
HmtxTables | |
KerningTables | |
LocaTables | |
Lookup | |
LookupList | |
LookupSubTable | The various lookup sub-tables. See for the info. |
SingleSubTable | |
AlternateSubTable | |
MultiSubTable | |
LigatureSubTable | |
ContextualSubTable | |
ChainingContextualSubTable | |
ExtensionSubTable | |
ReverseChainingContextualSubTable | |
MaxpTables | |
NameTables | |
OS2Tables | |
PostTables | |
Substitution | A glyph substitution. It must have already matched on the first character in order to test the rest (if there's multiple chars to match, e.g. an ffi ligature would match on 'f' first). |
SubstitutionSet | Used when a character may potentially be substituted in more than one way. The testing order is as it was defined in the file. |
GposTables | |
GsubTables | Loads glyph substitution tables (ligatures). Ligatures are language sensitive. Each language group defines a bunch of "features" a font supports. Features can be, for example, turning 1/2 into a fraction; the "frac" feature. |
WoffLoader | |
Woff2Table | |
Json | A rapid JSON parser/serializer. |
JSArray | An object returned from JSON text. |
JSIndexedArray | An object returned from JSON text. |
JSLiteral | Represents a literal JSON value. |
JSNumber | Represents a JSON number. |
JSObject | An object returned from JSON text. |
JSON | Handles parsing of JSON objects. |
JSValue | Represents an actual JSON value. |
Loonim | Loonim is a procedural texture engine. It's used to generate complex graphics (or complex filters for images) at runtime. |
DrawInfo | |
DrawStack | A stack of nodes used for GPU drawing. Note that the stack is built "backwards" - i.e. we start by adding the top most node and go down. |
DrawStackNode | A single node on the stack. |
LiveStackNode | |
TextureStackNode | |
StackerStackNode | |
MaterialStackNodeCleared | The same as a MaterialStackNode only this optionally clears before it draws. |
MaterialStackNode | |
BatchStackNode | |
BlockStackNode | |
BoxBlurFilter | |
ConvolveFilter | |
FFT | Performs the fast fourier transform. |
GaussianFilter | |
Kernel | |
LensBlurFilter | |
UnsharpFilter | |
PercentileFilter | Percentile filters essentially average a region of the image. The average weighting used is the percentile. |
HslRgb | HSL to and from RGB. All remapped to 0-1. |
HsvRgb | |
HsyRgb | |
LabRgb | Note that this is remapped and is all in the 0-1 range. |
BitmapNode | Some nodes in CPU mode have to cache their complete input in order to apply their effect. An example is blur. These are 'bitmap' nodes. |
FastNoiseBasis | |
Output | Describes a series of fully packed textures. Usually 2 of them in a normal PBR setup. It can define the following typical channels plus any custom ones: |
RidgedMultifractal | |
Linear | Generates a linear graph. |
SineWave | Generates a sine wave. |
Staircase | Generates a staircase. Input2 is step count. N cubes inside which the input graph is placed. Input1 is the step curve. Copied step count times into it's own little cube of space. |
GainCurve | Generates a gain curve. Input1 is the gain factor. If 0, it comes out as a straight line. If 1, it looks more like half of a gaussian function. |
Gaussian | Generates a gaussian curve. Input1 is mu. Input2 is sigma squared (controls the width). |
Arc | Generates an arc of given curvature. Input: Curvature. 1 means it looks like a circle quadrant, 0 means straight line. -1 means it looks like an inverse of a circle quadrant. |
Gamma | Generates a gamma correction curve. Input1 is gamma. Typical value is 2.2. |
BiasCurve | Generates a bias curve. Input1 is bias factor. |
NoiseCurve | Generates a noisy curve. Ranges from 0.5 + (amplitude * value). Amplitude of 1 makes it range from 0-1. |
Bounce | Generates a "bounce" wave. |
Spheres | |
Square | Generates a square wave. Checkerboard is the 2D version of this. |
ClippingPath | Draws a custom 2D mesh with a given fill. Note that these work best with the Stack node. The path ranges from +1 to -1 on x and y. |
Stack | Fast stacking of images with their default blending. |
Voronoi | |
Checkerboard | |
Property | Pulls in a property value from the surfaces property set. |
Cylinders | |
FastBillow | |
FastPerlin | |
FastRidgedMultifractal | |
Billow | |
Perlin | |
Spectrum | Generates a "full colour" spectrum. |
NoisyGradient | Generates a noisy gradient. Essentially adds a random HSL colour to the base colour. The range of available colours is given with h,s and l. Base colour is source. The randomness factors are given with the 3 noise details. |
Gradient | |
RoundedBox | Generates a box with rounded edges. Can produce circles and elipses too. |
GradientNoise | |
GraphNode | Represents a node for graph data. |
Math | Provides math operations not found in System.Math. |
HueSatLum | |
Sepia | |
Occlusion | |
Turbulence | |
AbsoluteOutput | Module that returns the absolute value of the output of a source module. |
Add | Module that returns the output of two source modules added together. |
Average | Similar to a 50% blend but this one ignores alpha. |
Blend | Module that blends the output of two source modules using the output of an weight module as the blending weight. |
ClampOutput | |
Repeat | Repeats an image. Different from scaling input as this clips the input coords to being always in the 0-1 range. |
Normals | Computes the normals from a height map. Uses the greyscale brightness. |
Divide | |
InvertColourInput | Samples at 1-x,1-y. |
InvertInput | |
InvertOutput | Note that this differs from InvertColour. This is simply -X. |
LargerOutput | |
Multiply | |
Power | |
RotateInput | |
Box | Puts a texture into a "box". Primarily used by graphs. Essentially adjusts its start/end points in 2D or 3D space. Graphs flatline outside this box. |
ScaleInput | |
Percentile | Percentile filter (such as median). |
SelectFalloff | |
SmallerOutput | |
Subtract | Module that returns the output of a source module minus another. |
Blur | |
TranslateInput | |
Edges | Highlights edges on the greyscale image. |
ContrastOrigin | Contrast around a particular origin. |
Brightness | |
Contrast | |
Hue | |
Saturation | |
Luminance | |
LessThanA | Less than. Applies to alpha channel too. |
GreaterThanA | Greater than. Applies to alpha channel too. |
LessOrEqualA | Less than or equal. Applies to alpha channel too. |
GreaterOrEqualA | Greater or equal. Applies to alpha channel too. |
EqualA | Source1 == SourceB. Applies to alpha channel too. |
NotEqualA | Source1 != SourceB. Applies to alpha channel too. |
Log | |
ArcCosine | |
ArcSine | |
ArcTangent | atan(src1). |
ArcTangent2 | |
InvertColour | Similar to invert only this is 1-X. More traditional colour inversion. |
Cosine | |
Sine | |
Tangent | |
Root | |
Modulus | |
Round | Rounds Source to nearest 'ToNearest'. |
Floor | Rounds Source to nearest 'ToNearest'. |
Ceiling | Rounds Source upwards to nearest 'ToNearest'. |
DirectionalDerivative | Computes the directional derivative. |
CombineRGB | Combines r,g and b channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! |
CombineHSL | Combines h,s and l channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! |
CombineHSB | Aka HSV. Combines h,s and b channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! |
CombineHSY | Combines h,s and y channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! |
CombineLAB | Combines l,a and b channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! |
GammaCorrect | |
WrapClip | |
SplitRed | Reads the red channel of an image. |
SplitGreen | Reads the green channel of an image. |
SplitBlue | Reads the blue channel of an image. |
SplitHue | Reads the hue channel of an image. |
SplitSaturation | Reads the saturation channel of an image. |
SplitLuminosityL | Reads the luminosity (HSL) channel of an image. |
SplitLuminosityY | Reads the luminosity (HSY) channel of an image. |
SplitLuminosityB | Reads the luminosity (HSB aka HSV) channel of an image. |
FastTurbulence | |
SplitAlpha | Reads the alpha channel of an image. |
SplitLabL | Reads the LAB L channel of an image. |
SplitLabA | Reads the LAB A channel of an image. |
SplitLabB | Reads the LAB B channel of an image. |
CombineAlpha | Module that returns the output of two source modules added together. |
Levels | Changes the range of RGB values to the specified white/black range. Clipped to the min/max, then stretched out. |
Threshold | Threshold. Selects high if above and low if below. May blend depending on smoothing range. |
Desaturate | |
ToneMap | Remaps the incoming data according to a given tone curve. |
RotateInputAngle | |
AbsThreshold | Checks if the difference between two textures is above a threshold (channelwise). If it is, src2 is used. The bigger the absolute difference, the more apparent src2 is. |
Lookup | Does Source(LookupX(x,y),LookupY(x,y)); or Source(LookupX(x,y),0) if Y is null. |
SelectAny | Control(t) normalised to an index in Points, which is then read. Note that this also blends between the nearest points when possible. |
Refraction | |
Smudge | Smudges the input. |
TextureNode | A node in a texture generation graph. |
ValueNoiseBasis | |
RasterSurfaceTexture | A raster texture which is applied to a surface. Should generally be avoided as they're fixed size. |
SimplexNoiseGenerator | |
Std1InputNode | A node with 1 input node. E.g. phase shift etc. |
Std2InputNode | A node with 2 input nodes. E.g. add, subtract etc. |
StdLogicNode | A node with 4 input nodes. E.g. a < b etc. |
StrokeLineMode | Various stroke-line values used by both stroke-linecap and stroke-linejoin. |
StrokePath | Helper class for generating stroke paths. |
StrokePoint | A point on the stroke. |
StrokePathMesh | Helper class for generating stroke meshes. |
SurfaceProperty | An instance property on a surface texture. |
SurfaceTexture | A texture which can be used to describe a surface. |
TextureNodeMeta | |
TextureNodes | Used to load procedural texture descriptions from the binary format. They're made up of a series of "nodes" called modules. Each module has it's own loader. Some modules make use of 2D graphs - these graphs use graph loaders, and the concept there is exactly the same too; i.e. each graph can actually be a series of conneted modules too. Both graph modules and texture modules are dealt with here. The functions which deal with this at a more abstract level are in TextureReader.cs |
TextureReader | A loader which is used to load textures. |
MathML | An implementation of MathML using a shared DOM such that MathML can be easily inlined in your HTML. |
Math | MathML. Note that the ordinary HTML node system loads the actual nodes of the MathML. |
MathDocument | A MathML document is used when MathML is displayed standalone (i.e. not inline inside a web page) |
MathElement | A base class for all MathML tag types. This is used to distictively identify them. |
MathNamespace | The Math namespace attribute as used by all MathML nodes. |
MathTextNode | A math element which represents renderable text. |
MathAnnotationXmlElement | The MathML semantics annotation-xml tag. |
MathAnnotationElement | The MathML semantics annotation tag. |
MathActionElement | The MathML maction tag. |
MathMathElement | The parent Math tag. |
MathEncloseElement | The MathML menclose tag. |
MathErrorElement | The MathML merror tag. |
MathFencedElement | The MathML mfenced tag. |
MathFractionElement | The MathML mfrac tag. |
MathGlyphElement | The MathML mglyph tag. |
MathIdentifierElement | The MathML mi tag. |
MathLabelledTrElement | The MathML mlabelledtr tag. |
MathMultiScriptsElement | The MathML mmultiscripts tag. |
MathNElement | The MathML mn tag. |
MathOElement | The MathML mo tag. |
MathOverElement | The MathML mover tag. |
MathPaddedElement | The MathML mpadded tag. |
MathPhantomElement | The MathML mphantom tag. |
MathRootElement | The MathML mroot tag. |
MathRowElement | The MathML mrow tag. |
MathSElement | The MathML ms tag. |
MathSpaceElement | The MathML mspace tag. |
MathSqrtElement | The MathML msqrt tag. |
MathStyleElement | The MathML mstyle tag. |
MathSubElement | The MathML msub tag. |
MathTableElement | The MathML mtable tag. |
MathTdElement | The MathML mtd tag. |
MathTextElement | The MathML mtext tag. |
MathTrElement | The MathML mtr tag. |
MathUnderElement | The MathML munder tag. |
MathUnderOverElement | The MathML munderover tag. |
MathSemanticsElement | The MathML semantics tag. |
Modular | A generic modular system for loading code modules from DLLs, searching for classes which inherit something (for example, discovering all your HTML tags) and starting up modules without needing gameObjects. |
Main | The Main class. Extend this with partial classes to make a module start up when the game does in a defined order. Each should be a method like Start_yourModuleName(StartInfo info); |
AssemblyScanner | Scans all the types in an assembly, checking if they're any of the types we're after. |
TypeToFind | A type to search for subclasses of. E.g. used when looking for custom tags, file handlers etc. |
Meta | Metadata about a starter method. Typically used to define the order in which they load if there's multiple modules around. |
Start | This searches for modules which conform to the standard module interface in the given assemblies. It'll then invoke their start methods in their defined order. As they start, they'll also optionally add to an AssemblyScanner which is then used to e.g. discover custom tags etc. |
StarterGroup | A group of modules with the same starter priority. |
StartInfo | A starter info class. Passed to all starting modules. |
Nitro | Contains the Nitro (Javascript-like) script compiler and engine. |
Assemblies | Used for obtaining the current assembly. |
CodeAssembly | Used for security domains. Represents an assembly that types may be found in. |
CodeLexer | Provides a wrapper for reading characters from a string of code. It strips comments and other junk internally such as tabs and spaces. |
CodeReference | Represents an in-code using reference. e.g. using System.System.Text; |
BreakPoint | Represents a break or continue statement (one which breaks out of a loop, or skips the remaining code within a loop). |
CodeFragment | Represents a fragment of the text input code. Once compiled, it becomes a CompiledFragment. CompiledFragments are also types of CodeFragment as this allows them to be parented into the original structure. |
ArrayFragment | Represents a new array construct. |
BaseFragment | Represents the root node/fragment of all code. |
BracketFragment | Represents any pair of brackets. |
ConstructorFragment | Represents a constructor call. |
ForFragment | Represents a for or while loop. |
IfFragment | Represents an if statement. |
IndexFragment | Represents something being indexed, e.g. variable[index]. |
MethodFragment | Represents a method call. |
NumberFragment | Represents a fixed number. (e.g. 14). |
ObjectFragment | Represents a new object construct. {..}. |
OperationFragment | Represents a single operation. |
OperatorFragment | Represents a usage of an operator (e.g. '+'). |
PropertyFragment | Represents a property of an object (e.g. |
StringFragment | Represents a fixed text string in the code. (e.g. "hello"). |
SwitchFragment | Represents a switch block. |
TypeFragment | Represents a type. (e.g. new TYPE or :TYPE). |
VariableFragment | Represents a variable. These are essentially text in the code that are not keywords. (e.g. hello=14;) |
CompilationException | Represents an error in the compilation of some nitro code. |
CompilationServices | Provides some global methods for compiling operations into executable instructions. |
CompiledClass | Represents a class being compiled from a nitro code string. |
CompiledFragment | Represents a code fragment that has been compiled and can now be written out as IL. |
CompiledMethod | Represents a method/function that is currently being compiled. |
DynamicMethodCompiler | Compiles dynamic method calls in code into actual calls. |
Handlers | Used when parsing code into code fragments. This class figures out what type of fragment we have next in order for that type to 'handle' the text from the code. |
KeyWords | Represents special keywords in the code that must be handled differently, such as return or break. |
MethodOverloads | This represents a set of methods each with the same name and return type. It's used by classes being compiled to track the methods within them. |
Modifiers | Helper classes for looking for modifiers such as private var. |
NitroCode | This class represents a compiled script. It's not directly callable though. You'll need to Instance an object (and cast to whatever baseType used) using the Instance method and can then call methods on that. |
NitroIL | This is the heart of Nitro. A debuggable IL stream that all nitro outputs IL into. It is essentially a wrapper for the ILGenerator class, enabling the output to be logged. It will automatically log its content by setting defining an 'ildebug' compile time variable. |
Operation | Represents a compiled operation which can be emitted to IL. |
AddOperation | Represents the add (A+B) operation. |
AndOperation | Represents the logical and (A&&B) operation. |
ArrayOperation | Represents the array construct (new array[]{default,values};, new array[](length);) operation. |
BaseOperation | Represents the base object. Use this for calling parent methods in overriding methods. |
BitwiseXOrOperation | Represents the bitwise xor (A^B) operation. |
BoxOperation | Represents a box operation. These convert a value type into an object. |
BreakOperation | Represents the break operation. This is used to leave for/while loops. Break may also be followed by a constant value, e.g. break 2, for leaving nested loops. |
CastOperation | Represents a cast operation. num:float=(14):float; (int to float cast). Casts one object of a certain type to a different type. |
ConstructOperation | Represents a construct operation. E.g. new typename(); |
ContinueOperation | Represents a continue operation. It's used to skip remaining code within a loop. It may skip nested loops too using e.g. continue 2;. |
DelegateOperation | Represents a delegate call operation. |
DivideOperation | Represents the division (A/B) operation. |
EqualsOperation | Represents the logical equality (A==B) operation. |
ForOperation | Represents a for or while loop. |
GreaterThanOperation | Represents the greater than (A>B) operation. |
GreaterThanOrEqualOperation | Represents the greater than or equal (A>=B) operation. |
IfOperation | Represents an if operation. |
IndexOperation | Represents an indexing operation on an array. e.g. AppliedTo[Index]. |
LessThanOperation | Represents the less than (A<B) operation. |
LessThanOrEqualOperation | Represents the less than or equal (A<=B) operation. |
MethodOperation | Represents a method call. |
ModuloOperation | Represents the modulo (AB) operation. |
MultiplyOperation | Represents the multiplication (A*B) operation. |
NotEqualOperation | Represents the logical equality (A==B) operation. |
OrOperation | Represents the logical or (A||B) operation. |
PropertyOperation | Represents the a property get/set ( operation. |
ReturnOperation | Represents a return (return 14) operation. |
SetOperation | Represents a set (A=B) operation. |
ShiftLeftOperation | Represents a left shift (A<<B) operation. |
ShiftRightOperation | Represents a right shift (A>>B) operation. |
SubtractOperation | Represents a subtract (A-B) or negation (-A) operation. |
SwitchOperation | Represents a switch. |
ThisOperation | Represents the this keyword which is used to enforce accessing a property of this class over using a local variable. |
TypeofOperation | Represents a typeof (typeof "hi") operation. |
TypeOperation | Represents a type being used as an object. E.g. for statics, such as string.concat(..). |
Operator | Base class of all operators (+,- etc) and a global lookup for finding an operator instance from its text. When the system starts, all operators are automatically discovered by looking for any Operator classes. You can essentially create your own by simply deriving the Operator class. |
OperatorAdd | Represents the add (A+B) operator. |
OperatorAddTo | Represents the add into (A+=B) operator. |
OperatorBitwiseAnd | Represents the bitwise and (A&B) operator. |
OperatorBitwiseOr | Represents the bitwise or (A|B) operator. |
OperatorBitwiseXOr | Represents the bitwise XOR (A^B) operator. |
OperatorDecrement | Represents the decrement (A–) operator. |
OperatorDivide | Represents the divide operator (A/B). |
OperatorDivideInTo | Represents the division into (A/=B) operator. |
OperatorGreaterThan | Represents the greater than (A>B) operator. |
OperatorGreaterThanOrEql | Represents the greater than or equal (A>=B) operator. |
OperatorIncrement | Represents the increment (A++) operator. |
OperatorLessThan | Represents the less than (A<B) operator. |
OperatorLessThanOrEql | Represents the less than or equal (A<=B) operator. |
OperatorLogicAnd | Represents the logical and (A&&B) operator. |
OperatorLogicEql | Represents the logical equals (==) operator. |
OperatorLogicNotEql | Represents the logical not equals (!=) operator. |
OperatorLogicOr | Represents the logical or (A||B) operator. |
OperatorLShift | Represents the left shift (A<<B) operator. |
OperatorModulo | Represents the modulo (AB) operator. |
OperatorModuloInTo | Represents the modulo into (A%=B) operator. |
OperatorMultiply | Represents the multiply (A*B) operator. |
OperatorMultiplyInTo | Represents the multiply into (A*=B) operator. |
OperatorNot | Represents the not (!A) operator. |
OperatorRShift | Represents the right shift (A>>B) operator. |
OperatorSet | Represents the set (A=B) operator. |
OperatorSubtract | Represents the subtract (A-B) or negation (-A) operators. |
OperatorSubtractFrom | Represents the subtract from (A-=B) operator. |
ReferenceError | Represents a reference exception during the compilation of some nitro code. |
ISettable | Represents an object which may have a value set to it. e.g. a variable or an indexed array (something[14]=value;) |
Types | Global methods that relate to handling variable types and changing/ casting between them. |
Variable | The base class for a variable and its value. E.g. var something:type; |
LocalVariable | Represents a local variable; One defined within the body of a method. |
ParameterVariable | Represents a parameter variable; A value that is received in a method as a parameter. methodName(param1,param2){. |
DynamicMethod< T > | Represents a method that can be called at runtime. Essentially acts like a delegate. |
NitroBaseMethod | Represents the base of "dynamic methods" - a method that can be called at runtime. Essentially acts like a delegate. |
NitroDomainManager | A security manager which defines what is accessible by Nitro. |
NitroObject | Nitro Objects are used when the type of something cannot be computed or when prototype is in use. These are essentially flexible objects. |
Script | A base class that code instances derive from by default. Nitro.NitroCode.Instance returns an object which should be casted to this unless a different base type was used in the NitroCode constructor. |
SecureName | Represents a name of a namespace or type that can be allowed or blocked from use. |
TypeAliases | Stores a map of aliases to system types. E.g. int to System.Int32. |
TypeData | Provides methods for dealing with types across platforms. |
Void | Represents Void (nothing) in nitro. |
Pico | Pico compiles C# into a DLL allowing it to be obfuscated and also prevents it from being continually recompiled. |
FlagSet | Holds a set of compiler flags. |
Module | Holds settings about a precompiled "module" - that's just a group of source files compiled together under one name. |
Precompiler | Precompiles modules/ libraries so they don't get rebuilt by Unity every time any source file changes. This can be used by any of your modules too, so do make use of this side feature to really speed up your build times! |
SourceFileSet | Holds a set of source files. |
PowerSlide | PowerSlide is an animation system in PowerUI 2 - it's mainly used for animation sequences and dialogue, but can be broadly extended into cutscene management too |
Action | A raw slide action. E.g. "start cutscene x" or "open door y". These are mapped as event listeners. Note that the SlideEvent can hold extra parameters to pass through to your target. |
Timeline | Handles operating PowerSlide timelines. |
CuePoint | A cue point. These are ordinary slides on a CueTrack. They can also define a selector |
CueElementData | |
CueTrack | A cue track. These signal pause points. Each time a pause occurs, you must use element.cue() to start it back up again. |
Dialogue | Used to start dialogue (speech). |
DialogueSlide | A dialogue slide. Essentially this is like a single cue card in a series of dialogue. |
DialogueTrack | A dialogue track. They're simply a list of slides. They start at either a slide (in some other track), an item (typically an NPC) or an 2D element (using the slides CSS property). |
ITimingLeader | A timing leader is something which PowerSlide will follow whilst animating. For example, it will follow the lead of a playing audio clip to make sure dialogue on the UI is perfectly in sync with the playing audio. |
Slide | A slide. Contains e.g. the text spoken or the style to apply. A 'track' is a list of these slides. |
SlideEvent | Represents a PowerSlide event. |
SlideEventListener | Handler for SlideEvent events |
Speaker | A speaker. Either an item (which includes NPCs), an item instance or a user. Note that if there are multiple instances of an item in the scene, all of them are selected. |
StyleSlide | A style slide. |
StyleTrack | A style track. They're simply a list of slides which define a series of style changes. In this sense, they're similar to but can apply to a multitude of elements and in a series. |
Track | A track. They're simply a list of slides. They start at either a slide (in some other track), an item (typically an NPC) or an 2D element (using the slides CSS property). |
PowerUI | The PowerUI namespace manages almost everything to do with PowerUI such as html, css and it's rendering. |
Compression | |
BrotliCompressor | An interface for the Brotli compression algorithm. Use Compression.Get("brotli") instead (it's a global instance). |
Compression | Various compression algorithms available for direct use. You can also delete the ones you don't want. Keep in mind that zlib is used by WOFF and brotli is used by WOFF2. Try Compression.Get("zlib").Decompress(aStream,aBlockOfBytes); |
Compressor | An interface for a compression algorithm. Use e.g. Compression.Get("zlib") instead. |
ZlibCompressor | An interface for the Zlib compression algorithm. Use Compression.Get("zlib") instead (it's a global instance). |
Http | Performs event based HTTP loading. XMLHttpRequest and similar use this. |
Cookie | A cookie. These are created when a request calls set-cookie, or when document.cookie is used. |
CookieJar | A jar to hold any assigned cookies. |
Cookies | |
Headers | Deals with HTTP headers. Internally the indices are always lowercase. Empty string is the status line. |
HttpHeaders | Helpers for dealing with HTTP headers. |
HttpRequest | Represents a single http request. Follows redirections. Generally don't use this directly; instead create either an XMLHttpRequest or e.g. a DataPackage. |
IAbortable | Used to abort a request. |
Web | Performs Http requests independently. Note that you must call Update to keep all the requests active. |
AudioFormat | Represents a specific type of audio format, e.g. a synth file or ogg. |
AudioFormats | Manages all current audio formats. |
OggFormat | Represents the default "ogg" format. |
AudioPackage | An object which holds and retrieves different types of audio such as for synthesis or various formats (mp3, ogg etc). |
UIBatch | A UI Batch represents a block of the UI that can be safely rendered with a single drawcall (i.e. all in one mesh). Batches can be isolated - that means it can have its own material or texture atlas. Batches are created on demand by the renderer and based on the requests of the elements being rendered. An animation, for example, will generate an isolated batch. |
UIBatchPool | |
BlockingDialogue | A dialogue that blocks the thread when it's opened. Alert and confirm use these. |
BlockingDialogues | A dialogue that blocks the thread when it's opened. Alert and confirm use these. |
Cache | Handles disk caching of cookies and other content. |
DomainData | Holds e.g. cookies and the index of cached files for a given domain name. Stored permanently when possible. |
DomainEntry | Part of domain data such as a cookie jar. |
CachedContentSet | All the cached files in a domain. |
CachedContent | A particular cached file. |
CharacterProvider | This class provides graphical characters, such as for Emoji. Each one of these defines a range of unicode characters that it provides for. Any character found within it's defined range will be directed to the provider, but only if it wasn't found in the font. |
CharacterProviders | Used for e.g. Emoji. Holds all CharacterProvider instances. When a character is not found in the font, PowerUI checks with these character providers to see if any of them can provide it instead. Add custom providers if you have your own set of images to add. |
Clipboard | Wraps copy/paste functionality into a simple interface. |
ColorExtension | Extends UnityEngine.Color with a convenient ToCss() method. |
ContentGroup | A group of multiple URLs (usually for images). Used by srcset. |
ContentEntry | A single entry in a ContentGroup. Used by srcset. |
ContentType | A helper for detecting some file types. |
DataPackage | Retrieves a block of binary data for use on the UI. Used by e.g. fonts. |
ContentPackage | A package of content such as binary data, text or an image. |
HtmlDocument | Represents a HTML Document. UI.document is the main UI document. Use UI.document.innerHTML to set its content. |
HtmlElement | This function is called when a -face font is done loading. |
HtmlNamespace | The HTML namespace attribute as used by all HTML nodes. |
HtmlTextNode | A html element which represents renderable text. |
RenderableTextNode | A renderable text node. |
VariableElement | A html element which is created when using . They are tracked in this way so their content can be replaced if the language of the UI changes. |
ErrorHandlers | Manages events such as 404 pages. |
ErrorInfo | Contains information about an error, such as a 404 page not found. |
UIEventListener | Handler for UIEvent events |
KeyboardEventListener | Handler for KeyboardEvent events |
AnimationEventListener | Handler for AnimationEvent events |
AudioProcessingEventListener | Handler for AudioProcessingEvent events |
BeforeInputEventListener | Handler for BeforeInputEvent events |
BeforeUnloadEventListener | Handler for BeforeUnloadEvent events |
BlobEventListener | Handler for BlobEvent events |
ClipboardEventListener | Handler for ClipboardEvent events |
CloseEventListener | Handler for CloseEvent events |
CompositionEventListener | Handler for CompositionEvent events |
CustomEventListener | Handler for CustomEvent events |
CSSFontFaceLoadEventListener | Handler for CSSFontFaceLoadEvent events |
DeviceLightEventListener | Handler for DeviceLightEvent events |
DeviceMotionEventListener | Handler for DeviceMotionEvent events |
DeviceOrientationEventListener | Handler for DeviceOrientationEvent events |
DeviceProximityEventListener | Handler for DeviceProximityEvent events |
DOMTransactionEventListener | Handler for DOMTransactionEvent events |
DragEventListener | Handler for DragEvent events |
EditingBeforeInputEventListener | Handler for EditingBeforeInputEvent events |
ErrorEventListener | Handler for ErrorEvent events |
FetchEventListener | Handler for FetchEvent events |
FocusEventListener | Handler for FocusEvent events |
GamepadEventListener | Handler for GamepadEvent events |
IDBVersionChangeEventListener | Handler for IDBVersionChangeEvent events |
InputEventListener | Handler for InputEvent events |
MediaStreamEventListener | Handler for MediaStreamEvent events |
MessageEventListener | Handler for MessageEvent events |
MouseEventListener | Handler for MouseEvent events |
MutationEventListener | Handler for MutationEvent events |
OfflineAudioCompletionEventListener | Handler for OfflineAudioCompletionEvent events |
PageTransitionEventListener | Handler for PageTransitionEvent events |
PointerEventListener | Handler for PointerEvent events |
PopStateEventListener | Handler for PopStateEvent events |
ProgressEventListener | Handler for ProgressEvent events |
RelatedEventListener | Handler for RelatedEvent events |
RTCDataChannelEventListener | Handler for RTCDataChannelEvent events |
RTCIdentityErrorEventListener | Handler for RTCIdentityErrorEvent events |
RTCIdentityEventListener | Handler for RTCIdentityEvent events |
RTCPeerConnectionIceEventListener | Handler for RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent events |
SensorEventListener | Handler for SensorEvent events |
StorageEventListener | Handler for StorageEvent events |
SVGEventListener | Handler for SVGEvent events |
SVGZoomEventListener | Handler for SVGZoomEvent events |
TextEventListener | Handler for TextEvent events |
TimeEventListener | Handler for TimeEvent events |
TouchEventListener | Handler for TouchEvent events |
TrackEventListener | Handler for TrackEvent events |
TransitionEventListener | Handler for TransitionEvent events |
UserProximityEventListener | Handler for UserProximityEvent events |
WebGLContextEventListener | Handler for WebGLContextEvent events |
WheelEventListener | Handler for WheelEvent events |
EventInit | |
CustomEventInit | |
UIEventInit | |
EventModifierInit | |
AnimationEvent | |
AudioProcessingEvent | |
BeforeInputEvent | |
BeforeUnloadEvent | |
BlobEvent | |
ClipboardEvent | |
CloseEvent | |
CompositionEvent | |
CustomEvent | |
CSSFontFaceLoadEvent | |
DeviceLightEvent | |
DeviceMotionEvent | |
DeviceOrientationEvent | |
DeviceProximityEvent | |
DOMTransactionEvent | |
DragEvent | |
EditingBeforeInputEvent | |
ErrorEvent | |
FetchEvent | |
FocusEvent | |
GamepadEvent | |
IDBVersionChangeEvent | |
InputEvent | |
MediaStreamEvent | |
MessageEvent | |
MouseEvent | |
MutationEvent | |
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent | |
PageTransitionEvent | |
PointerEvent | |
PopStateEvent | |
ProgressEvent | |
RelatedEvent | |
RTCDataChannelEvent | |
RTCIdentityErrorEvent | |
RTCIdentityEvent | |
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent | |
SensorEvent | |
StorageEvent | |
TextEvent | |
TimeEvent | |
TouchEvent | |
TrackEvent | |
TransitionEvent | |
UserProximityEvent | |
WebGLContextEvent | |
WheelEvent | |
KeyboardEvent | Represents a keypress event. |
UIEvent | A UI Event represents a click or keypress. An event object is always provided with any onmousedown/onmouseup/onkeydown etc. |
NitroEventListener | Handler for Nitro events |
FixedSizeBuffer< T > | A special type of array which is made up of a set of 'blocks'. Each block consists of a fixed amount of type T elements. This fixed amount is the block size. It regulates an internal array and only resizes when necessary. Example usage: PowerUI.DynamicMesh.Vertices For example, A block size of 4 (e.g. 4 vertices in a square) and a block count of 3 generates a 12 element array. |
FlatWorldUI | Flat WorldUI's render to textures. Normal worldUI's are better for performance but flat worldUI's are more flexible. Free/Indie users should use normal WorldUI's instead for performance purposes, however this can still be used. The difference here is the texture can be e.g. applied to a curved surface. |
FlatWorldUIHandler | This class manages rendering flat WorldUI's for Unity Indie (free) users. You don't need to use it directly - PowerUI will set this up for you when you create a FlatWorldUI. |
FormEvent | Represents information entered into a html form. It maps field names to their current selected value. |
FormEventListener | Handler for FormEvent events |
HtmlUIBase | Used when embedding PowerUI in a Unity UI. Separated from HtmlUIPanel so PowerUI can be precompiled without breaking all your references. |
CameraFormat | Represents a view of a camera when displayed using the camera:// protocol. |
DynamicTexture | Provides some convenience methods for drawing to a texture. |
ImageFormat | Represents a specific type of image format, e.g. a video or an SVG. |
ImageFormats | Manages all current image formats. |
PictureFormat | Represents the default "picture" format. Png, jpeg etc are handled with this. |
VideoFormat | Represents the video format. |
ImageCache | There may be times when you want to display an image for which you only have the Texture2D object, a RenderTexture or an SPA file. In this case, you can add it to the cache with a given name and then access it in PowerUI using cache://theNameYouUsed. The most useful method for this is PowerUI.ImageCache.Add. This avoids having to serialize the image and unserialize it again (i.e. as with the data:// URLs). |
ImagePackage | An object which holds and retrieves different types of graphics such as animations, videos (pro only) and textures. |
CameraPointer | A fixed camera input. It stays in a particular spot on the screen and only "relocates" when a camera is transformed. Think VR input setups where the mouse is right in the middle of the screen and it moves as the camera does. |
FingerPointer | A finger input. How rude. |
Input | This class manages input such as clicking, hovering and keypresses. |
InputGrid | One input grid per renderer. |
InputGridCell | A single cell in an input grid. |
InputGridEntry | A single entry in the input grid. There's one grid per Renderman and it's built during reflow. |
InputPointer | An input pointer. These trigger touch events and mouse events. There's one set of pointers for the overall project (InputPointer.All). If there's a pointer on the screen at all times (i.e. desktops) then the set is always at least 1 in size. |
MousePointer | A mouse as an input. You can use multiple mice if needed - just add more to InputPointer.AllRaw. (Generally though if there's more than one then they're touch pointers). |
StylusPointer | A stylus input. |
TouchList | |
TouchPointer | Covers both FingerPointer and StylusPointer. |
KeyboardMode | Represents the type of mobile keyboard that can show up. Similar to Unities TouchScreenKeyboardType, however also has a None option to allow an element to not display any keyboard at all. |
MeshBlock | A block of two triangles in a dynamic mesh. The triangles are positioned to create a flat 2D rectangle. The colour and position can be adjusted to fit content onto the block. |
OnUpdate | A generic way for modules to hook into OnUpdate. |
OnUpdateCallback | A faster coroutine without needing a monobehaviour. This holds a callback which gets executed at a particular rate (or at the framerate if unspecified). |
RemoteDebug | Handles remote DOM debugging. It calls out to a known address, which may be a facilitator. Once connected and authenticated, all DOM events are sent to the debugger. |
DynamicFont | Represents a font suitable for displaying text on the screen with. There is one of these per document. It's that way because each document can potentially name a font-family something different (via -face). |
DynamicMesh | A mesh made up of a dynamic number of "blocks". Each block always consists of two triangles and 4 vertices. This is used for displaying the content in 3D with a single mesh. |
LineBoxMeta | Stores the information used whilst laying out boxes during a reflow |
BlockBoxMeta | |
InlineBoxMeta | |
AtlasStacks | All the major stacks used by PowerUI. Each one represents a stack of texture atlases which are shared across all UI's. |
UICamera | When cameras are placed on the main UI, the UI must be broken up and rendered by multiple cameras. This class represents one of those cameras in a stack. |
ScreenInfo | Provides general information about the screen such as where the corners are in world units. Note: The world origin is in the middle of the screen. The provided world screen origin is the top left corner. |
ScriptEngine | A particular script engine. Derive from this if you wish to create your own. |
ScriptEngines | The scripting engines which deal with the script tag. |
StandardUpdater | PowerUI creates one of these automatically if it's needed. It causes the Update routine to occur. |
Symbols | Helper editor class for dealing with compiler #symbols. |
HtmlAnchorElement | Represents a clickable link. Note that target is handled internally by the http protocol. |
HtmlAbbrElement | Represents a HTML abbr(eviation) element. |
HtmlAcronymElement | Represents a HTML acronym element. It's reccommended to use abbr instead. |
HtmlAddressElement | Represents a HTML5 address element. |
HtmlAppletElement | Handles the applet tag. |
HtmlAreaElement | Represents a HTML area element. |
HtmlArticleElement | Represents a HTML5 article element. |
HtmlAsideElement | Represents a HTML5 aside element. |
HtmlAudioElement | Represents a HTML audio element. |
HtmlBoldElement | Represents the bold tag. |
HtmlBaseElement | Represents a HTML base element. |
HtmlBaseFontElement | Represents a HTML basefont element. Don't use this! |
HtmlBdiElement | Represents a HTML5 Bi-direction isolation element. |
HtmlBdoElement | Represents a HTML5 Bi-direction override element. |
HtmlBgSliceElement | Represents the bgslice element. It's used by border-image as a virtual element. It essentially takes an image and "slices" it into 9 parts. Internally their just divs each focused on different parts of the image. |
HtmlBgSoundElement | Handles the bgsound element. |
HtmlBigElement | Represents a big element. |
HtmlBlockquoteElement | Represents a HTML blockquote element. |
HtmlBodyElement | Represents the body tag. Note that this is added automatically by PowerUI and isn't required. |
HtmlBrElement | Represents line breaks. |
HtmlButtonElement | Represents a html button. This is the same as <input type="button">, but a little shorter. |
HtmlCameraElement | Custom tag for an inline camera. You can place your UI before and after this as normal. You must importantly set the path="" attribute to the path in the hierarchy of the camera itself. This tag also has a mask="file_path" attribute which can be used to shape the camera in interesting ways e.g. a circular minimap. You must also set the height and width of this element using either css or height="" and width="". |
CanvasContext | Represents a canvas context which lets you draw 2D shapes and polygons on the UI. See the canvas html tag for more information. |
CanvasContext2D | Represents a canvas context which lets you draw 2D shapes and polygons on the UI. See the canvas html tag for more information. |
HtmlCanvasElement | Represents a canvas which lets you draw 2D shapes and polygons on the UI. |
HtmlTableCaptionElement | Represents the caption tag. |
HtmlCaretElement | A caret element. Used internally by textarea's/ input elements. |
HtmlCenterElement | Represents the center tag. |
HtmlCiteElement | Represents a HTML cite element. |
HtmlCodeElement | Represents a code element. |
HtmlTableColumnElement | Represents the col tag. |
HtmlColgroupElement | Represents the colgroup tag. |
HtmlDataElement | Handles the data tag. |
HtmlDataListElement | Handles the datalist tag. |
HtmlDescriptionDElement | Represents a HTML5 description element. |
HtmlDeletedElement | Represents a HTML del(eted) element. These get striked through. |
HtmlDetailsElement | Represents a HTML5 details element. |
HtmlDefinitionElement | Handles the definition tag. |
HtmlDialogElement | Represents a HTML dialog element. |
HtmlDirElement | Represents a standard dir block element. |
HtmlDivElement | Represents a standard div block element. |
HtmlDescriptionLElement | Represents a HTML5 description list element. |
HtmlDropdownElement | Dropdown boxes used by select. It's a virtual element (of the HTML node) and can be targeted with CSS selectors. Its childNode set is the same object as the childNode set from the select element. |
HtmlDescriptionTElement | Represents a HTML5 description element. |
HtmlEmElement | Handles the emphasis tag. |
HtmlEmbedElement | Handles the embed tag. |
HtmlFieldsetElement | Handles the fieldset element. |
HtmlFigCaptionElement | Handles the HTML5 figure caption element. |
HtmlFigureElement | Represents a HTML figure element. |
HtmlFontElement | Handles the standard inline font element. |
HtmlFooterElement | Represents a HTML5 footer element. |
HtmlFormElement | Represents a html form which lets you collect information from the player. For those new to html, see input and select tags. Supports onsubmit="nitroMethodName" and the action attributes. |
HtmlFrameElement | Handles the frame element. |
HtmlFramesetElement | Handles the frameset element. |
HtmlH1Element | Represents a standard header block element. |
HtmlH2Element | Represents a standard header block element. |
HtmlH3Element | Represents a standard header block element. |
HtmlH4Element | Represents a standard header block element. |
HtmlH5Element | Represents a standard header block element. |
HtmlH6Element | Represents a standard header block element. |
HtmlHeadElement | |
HtmlHeaderElement | Represents a HTML5 header element. |
HtmlHGroupElement | Represents a hgroup element. |
HtmlHRElement | Represents a standard horizontal rule element. |
HtmlHtmlElement | Represents the html tag. Note that this is added automatically by PowerUI and isn't required. |
HtmlItalicElement | Handles the italics tag. |
HtmlIframeElement | Handles iframes. Supports the src="" attribute. |
HtmlImageElement | Handles an image tag. The src attribute is supported. |
HtmlInputElement | Represents the input tag which handles various types of input on forms. Note that all input tags are expected to be on a form to work correctly. E.g. radio buttons won't work if they are not on a form. Supports the type, name, value and checked attributes. Also supports a 'content' attribute which accepts a value as html; great for buttons. |
HtmlInsertedElement | Represents a HTML ins(erted) element. Underlines the new text. |
HtmlIsIndexElement | Handles the isindex tag. |
HtmlKeygenElement | Represents a keygen element. |
HtmlLabelElement | Handles the standard inline label element. Clicking on them acts just like clicking on the input they target. |
HtmlLegendElement | Represents a standard legend element. |
HtmlLiElement | Represents a standard list entry element. |
HtmlLinkElement | Handles the link tag commonly used for linking external style sheets. Note that this isn't for clickable links - that's the a tag as defined in html. The href must end in .css, or either rel="stylesheet" or type="text/css" must be defined. Otherwise, this tag is ignored by PowerUI. |
HtmlListingElement | Represents a listing element. |
HtmlMainElement | Represents a HTML5 main content block element. |
HtmlMapElement | Represents a map element. |
HtmlMarkElement | Handles the mark tag. |
HtmlMarqueeElement | Represents a non-standard marquee tag. |
HtmlMediaElement | The HTMLMediaElement API. Shared by audio and video. |
HtmlMenuElement | Represents a menu element. |
HtmlMenuItemElement | Represents a menuitem element. |
HtmlMetaElement | Handles the meta tag. These are essentially just ignored by PowerUI. |
HtmlMeterElement | Represents a meter element. |
HtmlModElement | HTML mod element (used by del and ins). |
HtmlNavigationElement | Represents a HTML5 nav element. |
HtmlNoBrElement | Represents a nobr element. |
HtmlNoEmbedElement | Represents a noembed element. |
HtmlNoFramesElement | Represents a noframes element. |
HtmlNoScriptElement | Represents a noscript element. |
HtmlObjectElement | Handles the object tag. |
HtmlOListElement | Represents a standard ordered list element. |
HtmlOptGroupElement | Represents a optgroup element. |
HtmlOptionElement | Handles option tags for dropdowns. Supports the selected and value="" attributes. |
HtmlOutputElement | Represents an output element. |
HtmlParagraphElement | Represents a standard paragraph (p) block element. |
HtmlParamElement | Represents object parameters. Although object itself isn't supported this tag is; a page with an object on it can still load. |
HtmlParticlesElement | Custom tag for inline particles. You can place your UI before and after this as normal. You must importantly set the path="" attribute to the path in the hierarchy of the particle system itself. |
HtmlPictureElement | Handles the standard picture element. |
HtmlPlaintextElement | Represents a plaintext element. |
HtmlPreElement | Represents a pre element. |
HtmlProgressElement | Represents a progress element. Select the contents with progress > div. |
HtmlQuoteElement | Handles the quote tag. |
HtmlRbElement | Handles the rb tag. |
HtmlResizerElement | Handles the resizer tab (appears when two scrollbars are visible, but can also be manually added). |
HtmlRPElement | Handles the rp tag. |
HtmlRTElement | Handles the rt tag. |
HtmlRtcElement | Handles the rtc tag. |
HtmlRubyElement | Handles the ruby tag. |
HtmlSElement | Represents a HTML5 s element. Defines text which is no longer correct and is striked through. |
HtmlSampElement | Represents a samp(le) element. |
HtmlScriptElement | Handles script tags. They should have type="text/nitro" to be handled by PowerUI; Javascript is ignored by default. The src="" attribute is also supported if you wish to reuse script by loading it externally. |
HtmlScrollbarElement | A scrollbar element. Used internally but you can hook them up to other things if you wish using the target='id' attribute or alternatively use target='_blank' and listen for the onchange event. |
HtmlScrollButtonElement | Handles the scroll right/down up/left buttons on scrollbars. |
HtmlScrollThumbElement | Handles the thumb of a scrollbar. |
HtmlSectionElement | Handles the HTML5 section element. |
HtmlSelectElement | Select dropdowns. Supports the onchange="nitroMethod" and name attributes. |
HtmlSelectButtonElement | Select button. Used by select internally - when clicked, it displays the dropdown menu. |
HtmlSlotElement | Represents a slot element. |
HtmlSmallElement | Represents a small element. |
HtmlSourceElement | Represents HTML5 audio sources. |
HtmlSpanElement | Handles the standard inline span element. |
HtmlStrikeElement | Represents a HTML strike element. Strikes through this text. |
HtmlStrongElement | Represents the strong tag. |
HtmlStyleElement | Handles the style tag containing inline css. Use the link tag if you wish to add external css. |
HtmlSubElement | Handles the standard sub(script) element. |
HtmlSummaryElement | Represents a HTML5 summary element. |
HtmlSupElement | Handles the standard sup(erscript) element. |
HtmlTableElement | Handles a table. |
HtmlTableBodyElement | Represents a table body element. |
HtmlTableSectionElement | |
HtmlTableDataCellElement | Handles a table data cell. |
HtmlTableCellElement | Handles a normal table cell. |
HtmlTemplateElement | Represents a template element. |
HtmlTextareaElement | Handles textarea tags. |
HtmlTableFooterElement | Represents a table footer element. |
HtmlTableHeaderCellElement | Handles a table header cell. |
HtmlTableHeaderElement | Represents a table header element. |
HtmlTimeElement | Handles the standard inline time element. |
HtmlTitleElement | Handles the title tag. Note that the title is set to PowerUI.Document.title if you wish to use it. |
HtmlTableRowElement | Handles a table row. |
HtmlTrackElement | Represents HTML5 video tracks. |
HtmlTtElement | Represents a tt element. |
HtmlUElement | Represents a u element. |
HtmlUListElement | Represents a standard unordered list element. |
HtmlUnknownElement | An unrecognised element. |
HtmlVarElement | Represents a var element. |
HtmlVideoElement | Handles a video. Note that videos can also be used for the css background-image property. You must also set the height and width of this element using either css or height="" and width="". |
HtmlWbrElement | Represents line break opportunities. |
HtmlXmpElement | Handles the xmp element. |
Callback | Callbacks can be used to make sure certain things run on Unity's main thread. To use them, call Callback.MainThread(delegate(){ main thread code in here }); Note that order is not necessarily retained if you happen to call it on the main thread anyway - it will run immediately. |
Callbacks | A class which manages callbacks running on Unity's main thread. Use Callback.MainThread to run some code on the main thread. |
UI | This class holds global variables and methods for managing PowerUI. The most important ones are: UI.Start UI.Update UI.document |
UICode | Represents code parsed and loaded from a script block. |
UITimer | Provides a way of interrupting a timer event. Returned by PowerUI.UICode.setTimeout and PowerUI.UICode.setInterval. This object can be passed to PowerUI.UICode.clearInterval to prevent any further timing events. |
Window | Represents the javascript window object. |
WorldUI | A world UI is one which can be placed in a particular spot in the game world and seen with the game camera. For example, an in-game computer screen/ billboard etc. It has a pixel height and width, a document (which works just like UI.document does) and can have its resolution and origin changed. The resolution defines how many pixels make up one world unit and the origin defines where the gameobjects origin is relative to the UI. By default, it's in the middle. |
WindowProtocol | This window:// protocol enables a link to pop open or close a window. E.g. href="window://floating/bank" will open a 'floating' type window and load 'Resources/bank/index.html' into it. |
BundleProtocol | This protocol is used to access the internals of an asset bundle. If you want direct access to the bundle itself See the Bundles class. bundle:// |
Bundles | Caches AssetBundles by their original URI. Generally you'd use the rather weird looking bundle URI schema bundle:// instead of using this directly. (That URI would result in an entry here with an address of "https://cdn..."). |
CacheProtocol | This protocol is used if you have a Texture, RenderTexture or SPA object and want it on the screen. You must add the object to the ImageCache with a name, then use cache://thename to access it. |
CameraProtocol | This camera:// protocol enables a link to point to a camera. The path is the same as the path in the hierarchy. E.g. src="camera://Main Camera" (or use background-image; anything that accepts an image URI) will display the main camera's output as a transformable image. |
DataProtocol | This protocol is used by data:meta/type;base64_data |
FileProtocol | Represents a custom protocol:// as used by PowerUI files. For example, if you wish to deliver content in a custom way to PowerUI, implement a new FileProtocol (e.g. 'cdn') Then, setup its OnGetGraphic function. |
FileProtocols | Manages all current file protocols://. File protocols such as http, cache, dynamic, scene etc enable PowerUI to load files in custom ways - for example if your game uses a specialised cdn, you may easily implement it as a new FileProtocol. |
HttpProtocol | Handles the http:// protocol. Downloads files and text from the web and also handles web links. Note that this protocol (and many others) have been designed to be removeable - just delete the file. |
JavascriptProtocol | Used by e.g. javascript:.. |
ResourcesProtocol | Handles the resources (default) protocol. Files here are loaded from the Unity 'Resources' folder in the project. Note that animation files must end in .bytes (e.g. and all images must be read/write enabled as well as have a "To power 2" of none. |
SceneProtocol | This scene:// protocol enables a link to point to another scene. E.g. href="scene://sceneName" will load the scene called 'sceneName' when clicked. |
SpriteEvent | Used by both GIFs and sprite animations. |
Ajax | |
NitroCache | |
Console | Wraps around the UnityEngine.Debug class to provide the JS friendly methods. |
NitroScriptEngine | The default script handler for Nitro. |
TypeAliases | Maps PowerUI specific aliases in the Nitro alias map. E.g. Event to UIEvent. |
UIScriptDomainManager | The default nitro script security domain manager. UI.Start(UIScriptDomainManager) for passing in a custom domain manager to extend or override this one. |
DateParser | Parses a javascript date string (RFC 1123). |
DataTransfer | |
TextTransferItem | Used by the copy/paste API. |
DataTransferItem | A data transfer item. |
DataTransferList | A list of items being transferred. |
FileList | |
WebFile | |
Geolocation | The Geolocation Web API. |
GeoPosition | A geolocation position. |
PendingLocationRequest | A linked list of location requests. |
GeoPositionOptions | Geolocation position options. |
GeoPositionError | Geolocation error. |
GeoCoordinates | Geolocation coords. |
Navigator | Used by window.navigator. |
History | The window.history API. |
HistoryState | |
Languages | The non-standard document.languages API. It provides localization information. |
LocalStorage | The LocalStorage Web API. |
SessionStorage | The SessionStorage Web API. |
Storage | The storage web API. Used by Local/SessionStorage. |
Plugin | A plugin such as Flash or Java. |
PluginMimeType | |
PluginArray | Plugin array as used by navigator.plugins. |
Range | |
Selection | The rather unusual text selection API. |
JSScreen | The JS DOM 'screen' object. |
JSScreenOrientation | The JS DOM 'screen orientation' object. |
URL | The URL web API. |
AudioBuffer | |
Worker | The Web worker API. |
WorkerGlobalScope | |
XMLHttpRequest | The XMLHttpRequest API. Use this from C# too. |
ImageResizer | This class helps resize images. |
ResizedImage | Represents an image that has been resized by the ImageResizer. Cached such that they don't get resized again. |
ResizedImages | A cache for resized images. Used with the resize:// protocol. |
ResizeProtocol | Automatically resizes the "actual" image to prevent wasting memory. With this, you can have one set of high-res images for all your devices and they'll just fit. Requests from Resources only. |
SpriteEventListener | Handler for SpriteEvent events |
AnimatedProperty | A single css property being animated. Note that composite properties such as colours or rotations must be broken down into their inner properties (e.g. rgba, xyz). This is done internally by PowerUI.UIAnimation. |
AnimatedTransformProperty | Helps with animating the CSS transform property as it requires custom handling. |
UIAnimation | Handles all actively animated css properties. Also keeps track of a single set of css properties as used in any animate method (PowerUI.HtmlElement.animate) and can be used to monitor the progress of an animation. |
ShaderSet | Represents a family of shaders. Globally cached to minimise memory usage. |
SVGEvent | |
SVGZoomEvent | |
Spa | |
SPA | SPA (SPrite Animation) is a custom file format which holds optimized sprite animations and also supports alpha. As it's a custom format, we also have a freely available tool on the website which will encode a series of images into an .SPA file. Important Note: You must add .bytes onto the end of any .spa file in your Resources folder, otherwise it won't work! (e.g. |
SPACharacter | Used when an SPA is acting as a bitmap font. Holds info for a particular character. In this case, ID is charcode. |
SPAFontMeta | Use one of these when creating a bitmap font. |
SpaFormat | Represents the SPA animation format. |
SPAInstance | A single instance of an SPA animation. It's instanced like this so that the same animation can be played back multiple times at once; the instance keeps track of which frame the animation is currently at. |
SPAMapEntry | |
SPAReader | Manages loading binary data from an SPA file. |
SPASprite | Represents a single sprite in an SPA animation. Note that a single sprite isn't always a single frame; one sprite can contain multiple frames itself. The frames are stored on the sprite from top to bottom, left to right. I.e. The first frame is in the top left corner; the next is below it. If there is no more height left, the next frame is at the top again but one column further right. |
Speech | A stub implementation of SSML for use with speech synthesis. |
SpeechDocument | A Speech markup document is used when speech is generated standalone. |
SpeechElement | A base class for all speech markup tag types. This is used to distictively identify them. |
SpeechNamespace | The SML namespace attribute as used by all Speech nodes. |
SpeechTextNode | A speech element which represents renderable text. |
SynthEngine | An audio synthesis engine. Invoked when speech markup is being synthesized. |
SynthEngines | The synthesis engines. |
SpeechSpeakElement | The parent Speak tag. |
Super8 | (Not available in the current release). C# Audio/Video codecs like VP8, VP9, H.264, MP3 etc |
Svg | An implementation of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) using a shared DOM such that SVG's can be easily inlined in your HTML. |
AspectRatio | Description of SvgAspectRatio. |
DOMPoint | a 2D or 3D DOM point, used primarily by SVG. |
PathString | Handles the SVG path string data. |
RenderContext | Used to describe how to render an SVG and where to. |
CircleProvider | A circle. |
EllipseProvider | An SVG ellipse. |
LineProvider | An SVG line. |
PolygonProvider | An SVG polygon. |
RectangleProvider | An SVG rectangle. |
ShapeProvider | Provides shapes to the CSS system. Primarily used by SVG. |
SVG | An SVG image. Note that the ordinary HTML node system loads the actual nodes of the SVG. |
SVGAnimatedLength | An animated SVG length. |
SVGAnimatedPoints | |
SVGDocument | An SVG document is used when an SVG is displayed standalone (i.e. not inline inside a web page) |
SVGElement | A base class for all SVG tag types. This is used to distictively identify them. |
SVGFormat | Represents the SVG Image format. |
SVGLength | A number optionally associated to a particular element. |
SVGLengthList | A list of SVG numbers. |
SVGListInterface< T > | The base interface for SVG lists. |
SVGSerializable | |
ISVGListable | A node which can be present in an SVG list. |
SVGNamespace | The SVG namespace attribute as used by all SVG nodes. |
SVGNumber | A number optionally associated to a particular element. |
SVGNumberList | A list of SVG numbers. |
SVGPointList | A list of points. |
SVGTextNode | An SVG element which represents renderable text. |
SVGAltGlyphElement | An SVG altglyph tag. |
SVGClipPathElement | Defines a path that can be used by other elements. |
SVGDefsElement | Represents a list of re-usable SVG components (defs). |
SVGDescElement | The SVG desc tag. |
SVGFEBlendElement | The feBlend element. |
SVGFEFloodElement | The feBlend element. |
SVGFilterElement | Represents a list of re-usable SVG components (filter). |
SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes | The base of all fe* elements (such as feBlend). |
SVGFontElement | The SVG font tag. |
SVGFontFaceElement | The SVG font-face tag. |
SVGFontFaceSrcElement | Represents the font-face-src tag. |
SVGFontFaceUriElement | Represents the font-face-uri tag. |
SVGForeignObjectElement | The SVG foreignObject tag. |
SVGGElement | The SVG g(roup) tag. |
SVGGeometryElement | Shared functionality for SVG geometry elements (path, circle etc). |
SVGGlyphElement | The SVG glyph tag. |
SVGGraphicsElement | An element which generates SVG graphics. |
SVGKernElement | The SVG kern tag. |
SVGVKernElement | The SVG vertical kern tag. |
SVGHKernElement | The SVG horizontal kern tag. |
SVGMaskElement | The SVG mask element. |
SVGMetadataElement | The SVG metadata element. |
SVGMissingGlyphElement | The SVG metadata element. |
SVGPathElement | The SVG path tag. |
SVGCircleElement | An SVG circle tag. |
SVGEllipseElement | An SVG ellipse tag. |
SVGLineElement | An SVG line tag. |
SVGPolygonElement | An SVG polygon tag. |
SVGPolylineElement | An SVG polyline tag. |
SVGRectangleElement | An SVG rect tag. |
SVGStopElement | An SVG stop tag. |
SVGSVGElement | The parent SVG tag. |
SVGSwitchElement | An SVG switch tag. |
SVGSymbolElement | The SVG symbol tag. |
SVGTextElement | An SVG text tag. |
SVGTextContentElement | The base of SVG text tags. |
SVGTextPathElement | The parent SVG tag. |
SVGTextPositioningElement | An SVG text positioning element. It positions individual text glyphs. |
SVGTRefElement | A text reference tag. |
SVGTSpanElement | The SVG text span element. |
SVGTitleElement | The SVG title element. |
SVGUseElement | Represents the use tag. |
ValueHelpers | Provides functionality for working with various valuetypes found in SVG. |
ViewportAxis | Provides viewport relative axis values for use with e.g. Css.Value.GetDecimal. They describe what relative units like % are actually relative to (the viewport, in this case). |
Values | Generic binary read/write for different value types. |
BoolValue | A single true/false value. |
ByteArrayValue | A byte[] block. |
ColourValue | Holds a colour. |
FloatValue | A single floating point value. |
NumberValue | A single value for a particular mapped property. Range is +-(a very big number!) |
NumericValue | Base value of numeric properties. |
PreserveAttribute | Used in Unity 5.5+ to avoid stripping tags that PowerUI uses. As per the Unity docs, this acts the same as UnityEngine.Scripting.PreserveAttribute. |
PropertyValue | A single value for a particular property. Properties are on complete objects, or e.g. materials. |
PropertyValues | Manager for selecting anything such as a particular material or point from a blade object. |
PropertyValueSet | A set of values for a particular mapped property. |
TextureValue | Holds a 'live' image (either a texture2D or a render texture). |
TextValue | A single value for a particular mapped property. |
UnsignedNumberValue | A single value for a particular mapped property. Range is 0+. |
Windows | The window manager is a templating system for creating stackable, shareable UI components. |
MenuList | A no frills context menu which just lists out the options in a white box. |
ContextMenuWindow | A specialised window type for displaying OptionLists. Context menus derive from this. |
DialogueWindow | A window which manages dialogue (speech). Used by PowerSlide. They typically display dialogue, but doing so isn't required. I.e. they can manage a collection of WorldUI's instead. |
Window | An instance of an open window. |
FloatingWindow | A floating window is a classic desktop style 'window'. It resizes, has a title bar, a close button, scrolls when it overflows etc. |
Manager | A window system manager. There's one per document (available as document.sparkWindows). Handles e.g. popping open a window. |
WindowEvent | Represents a context event. Extend this (with a partial class) if you want to add custom things to pass through to the window which will actually handle the display. |
WindowEventListener | Handler for WindowEvent events |
WindowGroup | A group of windows. |
Zlib | The ZLib compression library used by WOFF. |
DeflateManager | |
Config | |
DeflateStream | A class for compressing and decompressing streams using the Deflate algorithm. |
InflateBlocks | |
InternalInflateConstants | |
InflateCodes | |
InflateManager | |
InfTree | |
ZlibException | A general purpose exception class for exceptions in the Zlib library. |
SharedUtils | |
InternalConstants | |
StaticTree | |
Adler | Computes an Adler-32 checksum. |
ZlibBaseStream | |
ZlibCodec | Encoder and Decoder for ZLIB and DEFLATE (IETF RFC1950 and RFC1951). |
ZlibConstants | A bunch of constants used in the Zlib interface. |
Tree | |