Svg Namespace Reference


class  AspectRatio
 Description of SvgAspectRatio. More...
class  DOMPoint
 a 2D or 3D DOM point, used primarily by SVG. More...
class  PathString
 Handles the SVG path string data. More...
class  RenderContext
 Used to describe how to render an SVG and where to. More...
class  CircleProvider
 A circle. More...
class  EllipseProvider
 An SVG ellipse. More...
class  LineProvider
 An SVG line. More...
class  PolygonProvider
 An SVG polygon. More...
class  RectangleProvider
 An SVG rectangle. More...
class  ShapeProvider
 Provides shapes to the CSS system. Primarily used by SVG. More...
class  SVG
 An SVG image. Note that the ordinary HTML node system loads the actual nodes of the SVG. More...
class  SVGAnimatedLength
 An animated SVG length. More...
interface  SVGAnimatedPoints
class  SVGDocument
 An SVG document is used when an SVG is displayed standalone (i.e. not inline inside a web page) More...
class  SVGElement
 A base class for all SVG tag types. This is used to distictively identify them. More...
class  SVGFormat
 Represents the SVG Image format. More...
class  SVGLength
 A number optionally associated to a particular element. More...
class  SVGLengthList
 A list of SVG numbers. More...
class  SVGListInterface< T >
 The base interface for SVG lists. More...
class  SVGSerializable
interface  ISVGListable
 A node which can be present in an SVG list. More...
class  SVGNamespace
 The SVG namespace attribute as used by all SVG nodes. More...
class  SVGNumber
 A number optionally associated to a particular element. More...
class  SVGNumberList
 A list of SVG numbers. More...
class  SVGPointList
 A list of points. More...
class  SVGTextNode
 An SVG element which represents renderable text. More...
class  SVGAltGlyphElement
 An SVG altglyph tag. More...
class  SVGClipPathElement
 Defines a path that can be used by other elements. More...
class  SVGDefsElement
 Represents a list of re-usable SVG components (defs). More...
class  SVGDescElement
 The SVG desc tag. More...
class  SVGFEBlendElement
 The feBlend element. More...
class  SVGFEFloodElement
 The feBlend element. More...
class  SVGFilterElement
 Represents a list of re-usable SVG components (filter). More...
class  SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
 The base of all fe* elements (such as feBlend). More...
class  SVGFontElement
 The SVG font tag. More...
class  SVGFontFaceElement
 The SVG font-face tag. More...
class  SVGFontFaceSrcElement
 Represents the font-face-src tag. More...
class  SVGFontFaceUriElement
 Represents the font-face-uri tag. More...
class  SVGForeignObjectElement
 The SVG foreignObject tag. More...
class  SVGGElement
 The SVG g(roup) tag. More...
class  SVGGeometryElement
 Shared functionality for SVG geometry elements (path, circle etc). More...
class  SVGGlyphElement
 The SVG glyph tag. More...
class  SVGGraphicsElement
 An element which generates SVG graphics. More...
class  SVGKernElement
 The SVG kern tag. More...
class  SVGVKernElement
 The SVG vertical kern tag. More...
class  SVGHKernElement
 The SVG horizontal kern tag. More...
class  SVGMaskElement
 The SVG mask element. More...
class  SVGMetadataElement
 The SVG metadata element. More...
class  SVGMissingGlyphElement
 The SVG metadata element. More...
class  SVGPathElement
 The SVG path tag. More...
class  SVGCircleElement
 An SVG circle tag. More...
class  SVGEllipseElement
 An SVG ellipse tag. More...
class  SVGLineElement
 An SVG line tag. More...
class  SVGPolygonElement
 An SVG polygon tag. More...
class  SVGPolylineElement
 An SVG polyline tag. More...
class  SVGRectangleElement
 An SVG rect tag. More...
class  SVGStopElement
 An SVG stop tag. More...
class  SVGSVGElement
 The parent SVG tag. More...
class  SVGSwitchElement
 An SVG switch tag. More...
class  SVGSymbolElement
 The SVG symbol tag. More...
class  SVGTextElement
 An SVG text tag. More...
class  SVGTextContentElement
 The base of SVG text tags. More...
class  SVGTextPathElement
 The parent SVG tag. More...
class  SVGTextPositioningElement
 An SVG text positioning element. It positions individual text glyphs. More...
class  SVGTRefElement
 A text reference tag. More...
class  SVGTSpanElement
 The SVG text span element. More...
class  SVGTitleElement
 The SVG title element. More...
class  SVGUseElement
 Represents the use tag. More...
class  ValueHelpers
 Provides functionality for working with various valuetypes found in SVG. More...
class  ViewportAxis
 Provides viewport relative axis values for use with e.g. Css.Value.GetDecimal. They describe what relative units like % are actually relative to (the viewport, in this case). More...


Indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine the clipping region.

This rule determines the "insideness" of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray.


This rule determines the "insideness" of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.


This rule determines the "insideness" of a point on the canvas by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.


Indicates that the coordinate system of the owner element is to be used.


Indicates that the coordinate system of the entire document is to be used.


The value is inherited from the parent element.


The overflow is rendered - same as "visible".


Overflow is rendered.


Overflow is not rendered.


Overflow causes a scrollbar to appear (horizontal, vertical or both).


Text anchor is used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point.


The value is inherited from the parent element.


The rendered characters are aligned such that the start of the text string is at the initial current text position.


The rendered characters are aligned such that the middle of the text string is at the current text position.


The rendered characters are aligned such that the end of the text string is at the initial current text position.


Indicates that the glyphs should be rendered using simple 2x3 transformations such that there is no stretching/warping of the glyphs. Typically, supplemental rotation, scaling and translation transformations are done for each glyph to be rendered. As a result, with align, fonts where the glyphs are designed to be connected (e.g., cursive fonts), the connections may not align properly when text is rendered along a path.


Indicates that the glyph outlines will be converted into paths, and then all end points and control points will be adjusted to be along the perpendicular vectors from the path, thereby stretching and possibly warping the glyphs. With this approach, connected glyphs, such as in cursive scripts, will maintain their connections.


Indicates that the glyphs should be rendered exactly according to the spacing rules as specified in Text on a path layout rules.


Indicates that the user agent should use text-on-a-path layout algorithms to adjust the spacing between glyphs in order to achieve visually appealing results.