Detailed Description

A slide. Contains e.g. the text spoken or the style to apply. A 'track' is a list of these slides.

Inheritance diagram for PowerSlide.Slide:
Dom.EventTarget Dom.IEventTarget PowerSlide.CuePoint PowerSlide.DialogueSlide PowerSlide.StyleSlide

Public Member Functions

 Slide ()
virtual Slide getSlideByID (int uniqueID)
 Gets a slide by a unique ID. More...
void EndTimingLead ()
 Ends this slides timing lead. More...
void TimingLeadBy (ITimingLeader leader)
 The timeline will now have its timing lead by the given leader. More...
void cue ()
 Cues this slide right now. More...
virtual void load (JSObject json)
 Loads a slide from the given JSON. More...
SlideEvent createEvent (string type)
 Creates an event relative to this slide. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dom.EventTarget
void ClearEvents ()
 Clears all events on this document. More...
bool dispatchEvent (Event e)
 Runs an event of the given name. More...
void addEventListener (string name, EventListener listener)
 Adds an event listener to this document. More...
void addEventListener (string name, EventListener listener, bool useCapture)
 Adds an event listener to this document. More...
void removeEventListener (string name, object evtHandlerInternal)
 Removes an event listener from this document. More...
void addEventListener (string name, AnimationEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, AudioProcessingEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, BeforeInputEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, BeforeUnloadEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, BlobEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, ClipboardEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CloseEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CompositionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CustomEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CSSFontFaceLoadEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceLightEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceMotionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceOrientationEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceProximityEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DomEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DOMTransactionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DragEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, EditingBeforeInputEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, ErrorEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, FetchEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, FocusEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, GamepadEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, HashChangeEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, IDBVersionChangeEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, InputEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, KeyboardEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MediaStreamEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MessageEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MouseEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MutationEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, OfflineAudioCompletionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PageTransitionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PointerEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PopStateEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, ProgressEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RelatedEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCDataChannelEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCIdentityErrorEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCIdentityEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCPeerConnectionIceEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, SensorEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, StorageEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TextEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TimeEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TouchEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TrackEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TransitionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, UIEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, UserProximityEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, WebGLContextEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, WheelEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, Nitro.DynamicMethod< Nitro.Void > listener)
void addEventListener (string name, Nitro.DynamicMethod< Nitro.Void > listener, bool capture)
void addEventListener (string name, ContextEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, SlideEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PowerUI.SpriteEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, SVGEventDelegate method)
 Adds an event listener to this document. More...
void addEventListener (string name, SVGZoomEventDelegate method)

Public Attributes

bool ignore
 True if this slide should be entirely ignored. More...
JSObject rawJson
 The json the slide originated from. More...
int index
 The index of this slide in its track. Note that these aren't unique. More...
Track track
 The track this slide belongs to. More...
ITimingLeader timing
 The timing leader for this slide (if it has one). More...
Css.Value start
 Specified start value. More...
Css.Value duration
 Specified duration value. More...
float computedStart =0f
 The computed start value. More...
float computedDuration =0f
 The computed duration. More...
Action[] Actions
 Actions to trigger. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Dom.EventTarget
EventsSet Events
 A set of events for this document. See addEventListener. More...

Package Functions

virtual void End ()
 This slide is now done. More...
virtual void Start ()
 This slide is now starting. More...
void EndIfDone (bool backwards, float progress)
 Ends this slide if it's done. More...
virtual void SetPause (bool paused)
 Called when the timeline is paused/ resumed and this slide is running. More...
void LoadAction (int index, JSObject data)
 Sets up an action at the given index in the Actions set. More...

Package Attributes

int uniqueID
 A unique ID (locally). Used to obtain a slide from e.g. a click event. More...
Slide NextRunning
 The linked list of running slides. More...
Slide PreviousRunning
 The linked list of running slides. More...


float computedEnd [get]
 The computed end value. More...
EventTarget eventTarget [get]
 The event target to use. More...
Element element [get]
 The element which the timeline is running on. More...
int trackID [get]
 The ID of the track that this slide belongs to. More...
Timeline timeline [get]
 The timeline that this slide is in. More...
bool isActive [get]
 True if this slide has had start called but not end. I.e. it's actively running. More...
JSObject this[string index] [get]
 Reads from the JSON. Specify custom values with this. More...
- Properties inherited from Dom.EventTarget
static DispatchStack dispatchStackRef [get]
 The active dispatch stack. Use event.deepPath to access it (available during dispatch only). More...
virtual EventTarget eventTargetParentNode [get]
 The parent node as used by EventTarget during capture. Can be null. More...
virtual NodeList eventTargetChildren [get]
 The childNode set as used by EventTarget during capture. Can be null. More...


static SlideEventDelegate OnLoad
 Use this and partial class extensions to add custom info loaded from JSON. More...

Static Private Attributes

static int UniqueID_ =1
 A global slide ID. Used to obtain a slide from a click event. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Dom.EventTarget
GetFirstDelegate< T > (string name)
 Gets the first delegate event handler for the given event name. More...
virtual bool HandleLocalEvent (Event e, bool bubblePhase)
 Handles triggering event handlers here. Elements can (and in PowerUI's case, do) override this. PowerUI overrides it to handle e.g. onclick="" attributes too. More...
- Static Package Attributes inherited from Dom.EventTarget
static DispatchStack PooledStack
 The current head of the pooled dispatched stacks. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PowerSlide.Slide.Slide ( )

Member Function Documentation

SlideEvent PowerSlide.Slide.createEvent ( string  type)

Creates an event relative to this slide.

void PowerSlide.Slide.cue ( )

Cues this slide right now.

virtual void PowerSlide.Slide.End ( )

This slide is now done.

Reimplemented in PowerSlide.DialogueSlide.

void PowerSlide.Slide.EndIfDone ( bool  backwards,
float  progress 

Ends this slide if it's done.

void PowerSlide.Slide.EndTimingLead ( )

Ends this slides timing lead.

virtual Slide PowerSlide.Slide.getSlideByID ( int  uniqueID)

Gets a slide by a unique ID.

Reimplemented in PowerSlide.DialogueSlide.

virtual void PowerSlide.Slide.load ( JSObject  json)

Loads a slide from the given JSON.

Reimplemented in PowerSlide.DialogueSlide, PowerSlide.StyleSlide, and PowerSlide.CuePoint.

void PowerSlide.Slide.LoadAction ( int  index,
JSObject  data 

Sets up an action at the given index in the Actions set.

virtual void PowerSlide.Slide.SetPause ( bool  paused)

Called when the timeline is paused/ resumed and this slide is running.

Reimplemented in PowerSlide.StyleSlide.

virtual void PowerSlide.Slide.Start ( )

This slide is now starting.

Reimplemented in PowerSlide.DialogueSlide, PowerSlide.StyleSlide, and PowerSlide.CuePoint.

void PowerSlide.Slide.TimingLeadBy ( ITimingLeader  leader)

The timeline will now have its timing lead by the given leader.

Member Data Documentation

Action [] PowerSlide.Slide.Actions

Actions to trigger.

float PowerSlide.Slide.computedDuration =0f

The computed duration.

float PowerSlide.Slide.computedStart =0f

The computed start value.

Css.Value PowerSlide.Slide.duration

Specified duration value.

bool PowerSlide.Slide.ignore

True if this slide should be entirely ignored.

int PowerSlide.Slide.index

The index of this slide in its track. Note that these aren't unique.

Slide PowerSlide.Slide.NextRunning

The linked list of running slides.

Slide PowerSlide.Slide.PreviousRunning

The linked list of running slides.

JSObject PowerSlide.Slide.rawJson

The json the slide originated from.

Css.Value PowerSlide.Slide.start

Specified start value.

ITimingLeader PowerSlide.Slide.timing

The timing leader for this slide (if it has one).

Track PowerSlide.Slide.track

The track this slide belongs to.

int PowerSlide.Slide.uniqueID

A unique ID (locally). Used to obtain a slide from e.g. a click event.

int PowerSlide.Slide.UniqueID_ =1

A global slide ID. Used to obtain a slide from a click event.

Property Documentation

float PowerSlide.Slide.computedEnd

The computed end value.

Element PowerSlide.Slide.element

The element which the timeline is running on.

EventTarget PowerSlide.Slide.eventTarget

The event target to use.

bool PowerSlide.Slide.isActive

True if this slide has had start called but not end. I.e. it's actively running.

JSObject PowerSlide.Slide.this[string index]

Reads from the JSON. Specify custom values with this.

Timeline PowerSlide.Slide.timeline

The timeline that this slide is in.

int PowerSlide.Slide.trackID

The ID of the track that this slide belongs to.

Event Documentation

SlideEventDelegate PowerSlide.Slide.OnLoad

Use this and partial class extensions to add custom info loaded from JSON.