Css Namespace Reference


package  AtRules
package  Functions
package  Keywords
package  Properties
package  Spec
package  Units


class  BoxRegion
 BoxRegion defines a 2D screen region. Mostly used for clipping. More...
class  IsMainUI
 Describes if this element is on the main UI. E.g. html:main-ui{} See also IsWorldUI. More...
class  MainUIMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :main-ui. More...
class  IsWorldUI
 Describes if this element is on a world UI. E.g. html:world-ui{} See also IsMainUI. More...
class  WorldUIMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :world-ui. More...
class  RasterDisplayableProperty
 Helps with the process of rastering elements. Used by the CSS filter property. More...
class  RenderableData
 Holds computed layout boxes for nodes and any style information. More...
class  MathMLAnonymousBlock
 Handles the after pseudo selector. More...
class  MathMLAnonymousBlockSelector
 Describes the -spark-mathml-anonymous-block psuedo-selector. More...
class  ElementStyle
 Represents MathElement.style, a likely upcoming API. It hosts the computed style amongst other things. More...
class  InterpolationMatrix
 Represents an interpolatable matrix (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transforms-1/#matrix-interpolation). More...
class  InterpolationMatrix3D
 Represents an interpolatable matrix for 3D transforms (https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transforms-1/#matrix-interpolation). More...
class  ReflowDocument
 Represents a HTML Document. UI.document is the main UI document. Use PowerUI.Document.innerHTML to set it's content. More...
class  StyleSheet
 Holds a set of selector styles. A selector is something like .name or #name. More...
class  ImportRule
 An rule. More...
class  ComputedStyle
 Contains methods for interacting with a CSS class applied to the computed style. More...
class  KeyframesAnimationInstance
 An instance of an animation, running on a particular element. More...
class  KeyframesKeyframe
 A particular frame in an animation. More...
class  KeyframesRule
 A loaded animation. These are available from Document.Animations; a dictionary from animation name to these objects. Note that the Document.Animations entry is defined within this file at the bottom. More...
class  MediaQuery
 Represents an instance of a media query. They resolve to either true or false. More...
class  MediaQueryList
class  MediaQueryAnd
class  MediaQueryNot
class  MediaQueryCurrentMedia
class  MediaQueryHasFeature
class  MediaQueryMinFeature
 Checks if the named feature is at least x. More...
class  MediaQueryMaxFeature
 Checks if the named feature is at most x. More...
class  MediaQueryEqualsFeature
 Checks if the named feature is equal to x. More...
class  MediaRule
 An rule. More...
class  SupportsQuery
 Represents an instance of a supports query. They resolve to either true or false. More...
class  SupportsQueryList
class  SupportsQueryAnd
class  SupportsQueryNot
class  SupportsQueryHasProperty
class  SupportsQueryCanSetProperty
 Checks if a property can be set to the given value. More...
class  BorderStyle
 Represents the style of border around an element. Currently only solid colour is supported. More...
struct  BoxStyle
 The classic CSS box. Used when computing the box model, such as for margins and padding. More...
class  Calculation
 Used for the calc(..) css function. Currently syntax only support; superceded by box-sizing CSS property. More...
class  ColourMap
 Used to map colour name to colour value. Note that this can be deleted - make sure you add a compile flag of "NoColourMap" if you choose to remove it to minimise size. More...
class  CssAtRule
 A CSS at rule. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally. More...
class  CssAtRules
 A global lookup of at rule name to handler. E.g. -face is a CSS at rule. Css at rules are instanced globally and mapped to the names they use. Note that functions are not instanced per element. More...
class  CssCompositeProperty
 A CSS composite property. These are properties like background; one which is simply a shortform way of setting more than one property at the same time. Importantly, they are considered aliases. They do not actually enter the CSS style set because of this. More...
class  CssEvent
class  CssFunction
 A CSS function. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally as well as locally. More...
class  CssFunctions
 A global lookup of function name to function. E.g. rgba() is a CSS function. Css functions are instanced globally and mapped to the names they use. Note that functions are not instanced per element. More...
class  CssKeyword
 A CSS keyword. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally and locally. More...
class  CssKeywords
 A global lookup of keyword name to handler. E.g. auto or inherit. Css keywords are instanced globally and mapped to the names they use. More...
class  CssLexer
 Handles the parsing of CSS content. More...
class  CssNamespace
 A CSS namespace. Used by the at namespace CSS rule. More...
class  CssProperties
 A global lookup of property name to property. CssHandlers are instanced globally and mapped to the property names they accept. Note that properties are not instanced per element. More...
class  CssProperty
 A CSS property. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally. More...
class  CssPropertyAlias
 A CSS property alias. For example, border-top-left-radius is an alias for border-radius[0]. When an alias property is parsed, it maps the value through to the actual target property. More...
class  CssPropertySetInfo
 See CssCompositeProperty.GetSetPropertyInfo for more details. More...
class  CssUnit
 A CSS unit. You can create custom ones by deriving from this class. Note that they are instanced globally. More...
class  CssUnits
 A global lookup of units to handler. E.g. ..px is a unit. A global one is instanced and copied when it's required. More...
class  DirectionAwareProperty
 A direction aware property. For example, margin-inline-start. More...
class  DirectionMode
 Values of the direction: property. More...
class  UnicodeBidiMode
 The way in which text nodes draw. More...
class  BackgroundColour
 Represents the solid background colour of an element. More...
class  BackgroundImage
 Represents the background image of an element. May also be a video (pro only) or animation. More...
class  BackgroundShadow
 Represents a box shadow for an element. More...
class  BorderProperty
 Represents the border around an element. More...
class  RoundCorner
 Represents the a rounded corner of a border. This works by creating two sections - the "inverse" border and the border itself. The inverse border is essentially a series of transparent whose purpose is just to affect the depth buffer. More...
class  RoundedCorners
 Represents the set of round corners for a particular border. More...
class  DisplayableProperty
 Base class for any property of an element that can be visually displayed, e.g. backgrounds and borders. More...
class  DisplayablePropertyGroup
 Some properties like background and text-shadow can have multiple renderers. When that happens, a group of those properties is created. More...
class  RoundBorderInverseProperty
 Represents the inverse section of round borders. Simply acts as a block allocation container, separating the "inverse" corner from the main coloured corner. More...
class  SelectionRenderingProperty
 Represents the solid background colour of an element when it is selected. More...
class  TextRenderingProperty
 This class manages rendering text to the screen. More...
class  DisplayMode
 Values of the display: property. More...
class  FloatingElements
 The current groups of floating elements. More...
class  HorizontalAlignMode
 Values for horizontal alignment. Use text-align for this. More...
interface  IRenderableNode
 Renderable nodes. More...
class  Quotes
 Maps 2 character language code (e.g. "en") to the quotes to use. More...
class  QuoteSet
 A set of quotes for a particular language. More...
class  Renderman
 This helps 'render' elements from the DOM into a set of 3D meshes. It also performs things such as alignment and line packing. More...
class  TableMeta
 Stores information when in display:table/ table-cell mode. More...
class  TableColumnMeta
 Stores information about table columns for display:table. More...
class  LayoutBox
 Used by the core layout system. They store full box information such as padding and margin, then they get converted into basic box regions once the render process is complete. More...
class  LineBoxSegment
 Used by element.getClientRects as well as the core layout system. More...
class  LineBreakMode
 Values used by the CompleteLine method. More...
class  MediaType
 Used by CSS media queries to define what 'features' the current media has. The main UI uses either the 'screen', 'handheld' or 'tv' media types when possible (default is 'screen'). WorldUI's and FlatWorldUI's use the 'gameworld' media type by default (it derives from 'screen'). change that by setting the worldUI.Media property. More...
class  ScreenMediaType
 The standard 'screen' media type. More...
class  PositionMode
 Values for the position: property. More...
class  Value
 Extends the CSS Value object with a function for obtaining OpenType features. More...
class  FloatMode
class  FontStretchMode
 The available values for font-stretch. More...
class  ShaderSetFunction
class  TextShadowProperty
 Handles the rendering of text shadows. More...
class  TextStrokeProperty
 Handles the rendering of text stroke. More...
class  TextRenderingProperty3D
 A TRP for rendering text in 3D. Gets created when CSS text-extrude is non-zero. More...
interface  Rule
 The base of all CSS rules. More...
class  ScreenRegion
 Represents a region of the screen. Very similar to System.Drawing.Region. More...
class  PathScreenRegion
 A region defined by a usually closed path. More...
class  ScreenRegionGroup
 A collection of screen regions. More...
class  DirectPreviousSiblingMatch
 Describes if a sibling directly before the element matches a selector. More...
class  AttributeMatch
 Describes if an element has an attribute which matches. More...
class  DirectParentMatch
 Describes if an elements direct parent matches a selector. More...
class  IsChecked
 Describes if an element currently is checked More...
class  CheckedMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :checked. More...
class  IsDefault
 Describes if an element currently is default More...
class  DefaultMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :default. More...
class  IsDisabled
 Describes if an element currently is disabled More...
class  DisabledMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :disabled. More...
class  IsEmpty
 Describes if an element currently is empty More...
class  EmptyMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :empty. More...
class  IsEnabled
 Describes if an element currently is enabled More...
class  EnabledMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :enabled. More...
class  IsFirstChild
 Describes if an element is the first child More...
class  FirstChildMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :first-child. More...
class  IsFocused
 Describes if an element is focused More...
class  FocusedMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :focus. More...
class  IsFullscreen
 Describes if an element currently is in fullscreen mode More...
class  FullscreenMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :fullscreen. More...
class  IsHover
 Describes if an element currently is moused over. More...
class  HoverMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :hover. More...
class  IsIndeterminate
 Describes if an element is indeterminate More...
class  IndeterminateMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :indeterminate. More...
class  IsInRange
 Describes if an element is in-range More...
class  InRangeMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :in-range. More...
class  IsInvalid
 Describes if an element is invalid More...
class  InvalidMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :invalid. More...
class  IsLastChild
 Describes if an element is last-child More...
class  LastChildMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :last-child. More...
class  IsLeft
 Describes if an element is set to 'left' draw direction. More...
class  LeftMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :left. More...
class  IsLink
 Describes if an element is link More...
class  LinkMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :link. More...
class  IsOnlyChild
 Describes if an element is only-child More...
class  OnlyChildMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :only-child. More...
class  IsOptional
 Describes if an element is optional More...
class  OptionalMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :optional. More...
class  IsOutOfRange
 Describes if an element is out-of-range More...
class  OutOfRangeMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :out-of-range. More...
class  IsReadWrite
 Describes if an element is read-write More...
class  ReadWriteMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :read-write. More...
class  IsRequired
 Describes if an element is required More...
class  RequiredMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :required. More...
class  IsRight
 Describes if an element is set to 'right' draw direction. More...
class  RightMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :right. More...
class  IsRoot
 Describes if an element is the root of the document. More...
class  IsRootMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :root. More...
class  IsScope
 Describes if an element is scope More...
class  ScopeMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :scope. More...
class  IsTarget
 Describes if an element currently is the target More...
class  IsTargetMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :target. More...
class  IsValid
 Describes if an element is valid More...
class  ValidMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :valid. More...
class  IsVisited
 Describes if an element is visited More...
class  VisitedMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :visited. More...
class  LocalMatcher
 Handles 'local' matches for a particular selector. Note that these are always specific to a particular element and they don't generate psuedo elements either. Examples are :hover, :link etc. More...
class  MatchingRoot
 Selectors consist of a bunch of 'roots' which match with elements. When they match, one of these instances is created. Note that it's a structural match - just because it has matched structurally does not mean it is actually active. ComputedStyle holds a list of these. More...
class  MatchingSelector
 When a selector structurally matches an element, one of these is created so we can track when the selector activates/ deactivates. More...
class  OnlyOfType
 Matches if it's got no siblings of the same element type. More...
class  OnlyOfTypeMatcher
 Handles the matching process for :first-child. More...
class  ParentMatch
 Describes if an elements parent matches a selector. Any parent (indirect too) is OK. More...
class  PreviousSiblingMatch
 Describes if a sibling before the element matches a selector. More...
class  After
 Handles the after pseudo selector. More...
class  AfterSelector
 Describes the after pseudo-selector. More...
class  Before
 Handles the before pseudo selector. More...
class  BeforeSelector
 Describes the before psuedo-selector. More...
class  FirstLetter
 Handles the first-letter pseudo selector. More...
class  FirstLetterSelector
 Describes the first-letter pseudo-selector. More...
class  Marker
 Handles the marker pseudo selector. More...
class  MarkerSelector
 Describes the marker psuedo-selector. More...
class  PseudoSelectorMatch
 Handles all pseudo elements like ::after. More...
class  RootMatcher
 A selector is made up of a series of one or more 'roots'. This is a (global) instance of one of those roots. There's three types of root: tag, id, class. More...
class  RootUniversalMatcher
 Handles *. More...
class  RootIDMatcher
 Handles #id. More...
class  RootTagMatcher
 Handles tags. More...
class  RootClassMatcher
 Handles .class. More...
class  SelectorMatcher
 The base class for all CSS selector chunks. Anything like :hover or #id or a ~ b are all different kinds of matchers. RootMatcher objects are generally the most important ones. More...
class  StructureMatcher
 DOM structure matchers are things like a ~ b. They test if an element structurally matches the selector. More...
class  Selector
 Used in a stylesheet to direct selection requests. A selector describes e.g. the parent node etc. More...
class  SparkInformerNode
 'Informer' node. These are virtual nodes which can simply trigger some generic method when they get rendered. Used by special effects like first-letter. More...
class  SparkSpecialImageFormat
 Represents a special image format used by the CSS engine. For example, gradients use this. More...
class  Start
 Used to setup CSS properties, units etc. More...
class  Style
 Holds a set of css style properties. More...
class  StyleRule
 Used in a stylesheet to direct selection requests. A selector describes e.g. the parent node etc. More...
class  TextDecorationInfo
 Info about a line drawn over some text. More...
class  TextDecorationLineMode
 This represents the position of a line drawn over some text [the text-decoration css property]. More...
class  TextOrientationMode
 Values of the text-orientation: property. More...
class  TextRenderableData
class  TextTransformMode
 Values of the text-transform: property. More...
class  Transformation
 Represents a transformation applied to the vertices of an element on the UI. It generates a matrix when applied. This matrix is then applied to any existing matrix (the current top of a stack) and the result is pushed to the same stack. The matrix at the top of the stack is the one which is actually applied to elements. More...
class  TransformationStack
 Represents a stack of transformations (e.g. scale, translate, rotate). PowerUI.Renderman.Transformations The renderman maintains a stack of transformations. The frame on the top of the stack is applied to each element being renderered as a post process. More...
class  CssUnitHandlers
 Represents an instance of the inherit keyword. More...
class  ValueSet
 Represents an instance of an textual value. More...
class  VerticalAlignMode
 This represents the value for the vertical-align property. More...
class  Viewport
 The viewport of a document. These are typically used to resolve % which are relative to the "screen". More...
class  VirtualElements
 A sorted list of virtual elements. Stored in an elements computed style. More...
class  VisibilityMode
 Values of the visibility and overflow properties. More...
class  WhiteSpaceMode
 This represents the white-space css property. More...
class  WritingMode
 Values of the writing-mode: property. More...
class  TextureNodeValue
 Stores a TextureNode in the computed style. More...


Defines how a CSS property has been applied.


Everything was fine.


Reload the value from the ComputedStyle before passing the value on to child elements. This allows CSS properties to store information within the CSS value itself.

Differing values for background-clip. Mainly used to clip images to text.


The direction a keyframes animation should run in.

enum Css.KeyframesFill : int

The fill-mode for a particular keyframes animation.


Default. Textures are placed on an atlas. Fast rendering but higher memory usage.


Textures are rendered as they come. Slower rendering time but minimal memory usage.

Represents the position of a rounded corner of a border.


Defines a type of css selector.







enum Css.UpdateMode : int

Defines how an element is to be updated.


No update scheduled.


A paint event (the fastest).


Paints an element and all its kids.


A shortform reflow of this node and all its kids. These ones don't update CSS and are primarily used by scrolling.


Just does a render call.


A full reflow of this node and all its kids.

The axis that a CSS property is relative to, if any. E.g. width is relative to x. Radius is none.


Represents what a property is relative to. E.g. padding:10% is relative to the parents dimensions (Dimensions). However, font-size:100% is relative to the parents font-size (Self).


This represents the type of css value that a Css.Value object holds.



delegate void Css.InformNodeEvent ( Renderman  renderer,
SparkInformerNode  informer 

Events triggered on an informer node.

delegate int Css.OnReadProperty ( Style  style,
string  pName,
Css.Value  value 

A callback used when a property is read into the given style.