class | DrawInfo |
class | DrawStack |
| A stack of nodes used for GPU drawing. Note that the stack is built "backwards" - i.e. we start by adding the top most node and go down. More...
class | DrawStackNode |
| A single node on the stack. More...
class | LiveStackNode |
class | TextureStackNode |
class | StackerStackNode |
class | MaterialStackNodeCleared |
| The same as a MaterialStackNode only this optionally clears before it draws. More...
class | MaterialStackNode |
class | BatchStackNode |
class | BlockStackNode |
class | BoxBlurFilter |
class | ConvolveFilter |
class | FFT |
| Performs the fast fourier transform. More...
class | GaussianFilter |
class | Kernel |
class | LensBlurFilter |
class | UnsharpFilter |
class | PercentileFilter |
| Percentile filters essentially average a region of the image. The average weighting used is the percentile. More...
class | HslRgb |
| HSL to and from RGB. All remapped to 0-1. More...
class | HsvRgb |
class | HsyRgb |
class | LabRgb |
| http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Equations.html. Note that this is remapped and is all in the 0-1 range. More...
class | BitmapNode |
| Some nodes in CPU mode have to cache their complete input in order to apply their effect. An example is blur. These are 'bitmap' nodes. More...
class | FastNoiseBasis |
class | Output |
| Describes a series of fully packed textures. Usually 2 of them in a normal PBR setup. It can define the following typical channels plus any custom ones: More...
class | RidgedMultifractal |
class | Linear |
| Generates a linear graph. More...
class | SineWave |
| Generates a sine wave. More...
class | Staircase |
| Generates a staircase. Input2 is step count. N cubes inside which the input graph is placed. Input1 is the step curve. Copied step count times into it's own little cube of space. More...
class | GainCurve |
| Generates a gain curve. Input1 is the gain factor. If 0, it comes out as a straight line. If 1, it looks more like half of a gaussian function. More...
class | Gaussian |
| Generates a gaussian curve. Input1 is mu. Input2 is sigma squared (controls the width). More...
class | Arc |
| Generates an arc of given curvature. Input: Curvature. 1 means it looks like a circle quadrant, 0 means straight line. -1 means it looks like an inverse of a circle quadrant. More...
class | Gamma |
| Generates a gamma correction curve. Input1 is gamma. Typical value is 2.2. More...
class | BiasCurve |
| Generates a bias curve. Input1 is bias factor. More...
class | NoiseCurve |
| Generates a noisy curve. Ranges from 0.5 + (amplitude * value). Amplitude of 1 makes it range from 0-1. More...
class | Bounce |
| Generates a "bounce" wave. More...
class | Spheres |
class | Square |
| Generates a square wave. Checkerboard is the 2D version of this. More...
class | ClippingPath |
| Draws a custom 2D mesh with a given fill. Note that these work best with the Stack node. The path ranges from +1 to -1 on x and y. More...
class | Stack |
| Fast stacking of images with their default blending. More...
class | Voronoi |
class | Checkerboard |
class | Property |
| Pulls in a property value from the surfaces property set. More...
class | Cylinders |
class | FastBillow |
class | FastPerlin |
class | FastRidgedMultifractal |
class | Billow |
class | Perlin |
class | Spectrum |
| Generates a "full colour" spectrum. More...
class | NoisyGradient |
| Generates a noisy gradient. Essentially adds a random HSL colour to the base colour. The range of available colours is given with h,s and l. Base colour is source. The randomness factors are given with the 3 noise details. More...
class | Gradient |
class | RoundedBox |
| Generates a box with rounded edges. Can produce circles and elipses too. More...
class | GradientNoise |
class | GraphNode |
| Represents a node for graph data. More...
class | Math |
| Provides math operations not found in System.Math. More...
class | HueSatLum |
class | Sepia |
class | Occlusion |
class | Turbulence |
class | AbsoluteOutput |
| Module that returns the absolute value of the output of a source module. More...
class | Add |
| Module that returns the output of two source modules added together. More...
class | Average |
| Similar to a 50% blend but this one ignores alpha. More...
class | Blend |
| Module that blends the output of two source modules using the output of an weight module as the blending weight. More...
class | ClampOutput |
class | Repeat |
| Repeats an image. Different from scaling input as this clips the input coords to being always in the 0-1 range. More...
class | Normals |
| Computes the normals from a height map. Uses the greyscale brightness. More...
class | Divide |
class | InvertColourInput |
| Samples at 1-x,1-y. More...
class | InvertInput |
class | InvertOutput |
| Note that this differs from InvertColour. This is simply -X. More...
class | LargerOutput |
class | Multiply |
class | Power |
class | RotateInput |
class | Box |
| Puts a texture into a "box". Primarily used by graphs. Essentially adjusts its start/end points in 2D or 3D space. Graphs flatline outside this box. More...
class | ScaleInput |
class | Percentile |
| Percentile filter (such as median). More...
class | SelectFalloff |
class | SmallerOutput |
class | Subtract |
| Module that returns the output of a source module minus another. More...
class | Blur |
class | TranslateInput |
class | Edges |
| Highlights edges on the greyscale image. More...
class | ContrastOrigin |
| Contrast around a particular origin. More...
class | Brightness |
class | Contrast |
class | Hue |
class | Saturation |
class | Luminance |
class | LessThanA |
| Less than. Applies to alpha channel too. More...
class | GreaterThanA |
| Greater than. Applies to alpha channel too. More...
class | LessOrEqualA |
| Less than or equal. Applies to alpha channel too. More...
class | GreaterOrEqualA |
| Greater or equal. Applies to alpha channel too. More...
class | EqualA |
| Source1 == SourceB. Applies to alpha channel too. More...
class | NotEqualA |
| Source1 != SourceB. Applies to alpha channel too. More...
class | Log |
class | ArcCosine |
class | ArcSine |
class | ArcTangent |
| atan(src1). More...
class | ArcTangent2 |
class | InvertColour |
| Similar to invert only this is 1-X. More traditional colour inversion. More...
class | Cosine |
class | Sine |
class | Tangent |
class | Root |
class | Modulus |
class | Round |
| Rounds Source to nearest 'ToNearest'. More...
class | Floor |
| Rounds Source to nearest 'ToNearest'. More...
class | Ceiling |
| Rounds Source upwards to nearest 'ToNearest'. More...
class | DirectionalDerivative |
| Computes the directional derivative. More...
class | CombineRGB |
| Combines r,g and b channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! More...
class | CombineHSL |
| Combines h,s and l channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! More...
class | CombineHSB |
| Aka HSV. Combines h,s and b channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! More...
class | CombineHSY |
| Combines h,s and y channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! More...
class | CombineLAB |
| Combines l,a and b channels into one. Best sampled using GetColour of course! More...
class | GammaCorrect |
class | WrapClip |
class | SplitRed |
| Reads the red channel of an image. More...
class | SplitGreen |
| Reads the green channel of an image. More...
class | SplitBlue |
| Reads the blue channel of an image. More...
class | SplitHue |
| Reads the hue channel of an image. More...
class | SplitSaturation |
| Reads the saturation channel of an image. More...
class | SplitLuminosityL |
| Reads the luminosity (HSL) channel of an image. More...
class | SplitLuminosityY |
| Reads the luminosity (HSY) channel of an image. More...
class | SplitLuminosityB |
| Reads the luminosity (HSB aka HSV) channel of an image. More...
class | FastTurbulence |
class | SplitAlpha |
| Reads the alpha channel of an image. More...
class | SplitLabL |
| Reads the LAB L channel of an image. More...
class | SplitLabA |
| Reads the LAB A channel of an image. More...
class | SplitLabB |
| Reads the LAB B channel of an image. More...
class | CombineAlpha |
| Module that returns the output of two source modules added together. More...
class | Levels |
| Changes the range of RGB values to the specified white/black range. Clipped to the min/max, then stretched out. More...
class | Threshold |
| Threshold. Selects high if above and low if below. May blend depending on smoothing range. More...
class | Desaturate |
class | ToneMap |
| Remaps the incoming data according to a given tone curve. More...
class | RotateInputAngle |
class | AbsThreshold |
| Checks if the difference between two textures is above a threshold (channelwise). If it is, src2 is used. The bigger the absolute difference, the more apparent src2 is. More...
class | Lookup |
| Does Source(LookupX(x,y),LookupY(x,y)); or Source(LookupX(x,y),0) if Y is null. More...
class | SelectAny |
| Control(t) normalised to an index in Points, which is then read. Note that this also blends between the nearest points when possible. More...
class | Refraction |
class | Smudge |
| Smudges the input. More...
class | TextureNode |
| A node in a texture generation graph. More...
class | ValueNoiseBasis |
class | RasterSurfaceTexture |
| A raster texture which is applied to a surface. Should generally be avoided as they're fixed size. More...
class | SimplexNoiseGenerator |
class | Std1InputNode |
| A node with 1 input node. E.g. phase shift etc. More...
class | Std2InputNode |
| A node with 2 input nodes. E.g. add, subtract etc. More...
class | StdLogicNode |
| A node with 4 input nodes. E.g. a < b etc. More...
class | StrokeLineMode |
| Various stroke-line values used by both stroke-linecap and stroke-linejoin. More...
class | StrokePath |
| Helper class for generating stroke paths. More...
struct | StrokePoint |
| A point on the stroke. More...
class | StrokePathMesh |
| Helper class for generating stroke meshes. More...
class | SurfaceProperty |
| An instance property on a surface texture. More...
class | SurfaceTexture |
| A texture which can be used to describe a surface. More...
class | TextureNodeMeta |
class | TextureNodes |
| Used to load procedural texture descriptions from the binary format. They're made up of a series of "nodes" called modules. Each module has it's own loader. Some modules make use of 2D graphs - these graphs use graph loaders, and the concept there is exactly the same too; i.e. each graph can actually be a series of conneted modules too. Both graph modules and texture modules are dealt with here. The functions which deal with this at a more abstract level are in TextureReader.cs More...
class | TextureReader |
| A loader which is used to load textures. More...