Package Css.Properties


class  Filter
 Represents the -spark-filter: css property. More...
class  MathDisplay
 Mirrors -moz-math-display. More...
class  MathVariant
 Mirrors -moz-math-variant. More...
class  ScriptLevel
 Mirrors -moz-script-level. More...
class  ScriptMinSize
 Mirrors -moz-script-min-size. More...
class  ScriptSizeMultiplier
 Mirrors -moz-script-size-multiplier. More...
class  SlidesCompProperty
 Represents the slides: composite css property. More...
class  SlidesDelay
 Represents the slides-delay: css property. More...
class  SlidesDirection
 Represents the slides-direction: css property. More...
class  SlidesDuration
 Represents the slides-duration: css property. More...
class  SlidesIterationCount
 Represents the slides-iteration-count: css property. More...
class  SlidesName
 Represents the slides-name: css property. More...
class  SlidesTimingFunction
 Represents the slides-timing-function: css property More...
class  Azimuth
 Represents the azimuth: css property. More...
class  Cue
 Represents the cue: composite property. More...
class  CueAfter
 Represents the cue-after: css property. More...
class  CueBefore
 Represents the cue-before: css property. More...
class  Elevation
 Represents the elevation: css property. More...
class  Pause
 Represents the pause: composite property. More...
class  PauseAfter
 Represents the pause-after: css property. More...
class  PauseBefore
 Represents the pause-before: css property. More...
class  Pitch
 Represents the pitch: css property. More...
class  PitchRange
 Represents the pitch-range: css property. More...
class  PlayDuring
 Represents the play-during: css property. More...
class  Richness
 Represents the richness: css property. More...
class  Speak
 Represents the speak: css property. More...
class  SpeakHeader
 Represents the speak-header: css property. More...
class  SpeakNumeral
 Represents the speak-numeral: css property. More...
class  SpeakPunctuation
 Represents the speak-punctuation: css property. More...
class  SpeechRate
 Represents the speech-rate: css property. More...
class  Stress
 Represents the stress: css property. More...
class  AnimationCompProperty
 Represents the animation: composite css property. More...
class  AnimationDelay
 Represents the animation-delay: css property. More...
class  AnimationDirection
 Represents the animation-direction: css property. More...
class  AnimationDuration
 Represents the animation-duration: css property. More...
class  AnimationFillMode
 Represents the animation-fill-mode: css property. More...
class  AnimationIterationCount
 Represents the animation-iteration-count: css property. More...
class  AnimationName
 Represents the animation-name: css property. More...
class  AnimationPlayState
 Represents the animation-play-state: css property. More...
class  AnimationTimingFunction
 Represents the animation-timing-function: css property. More...
class  AlignmentBaseline
 Represents the alignment-baseline: css property. More...
class  All
 Represents the all: css property. More...
class  BackgroundClip
 Represents the background-clip: css property. More...
class  BackgroundCompProperty
 Represents the background: composite css property. More...
class  BackgroundAttachment
 Represents the background-attachment: css property. More...
class  BackgroundColor
 Represents the background-color: css property. More...
class  BackgroundImageProperty
 Represents the background-image: css property. More...
class  BackgroundPosition
 Represents the background-position: css property. More...
class  BackgroundRepeat
 Represents the background-repeat: css property. More...
class  BackgroundSize
 Represents the background-size: css property. More...
class  BaselineShift
 Represents the baseline-shift: css property. More...
class  BorderImageCompProperty
 Represents the border-image: composite css property. More...
class  BorderImageOutset
 Represents the border-image-outset: css property. More...
class  BorderImageRepeat
 Represents the border-image-repeat: css property. More...
class  BorderImageSlice
 Represents the border-image-slice: css property. More...
class  BorderImageSource
 Represents the border-image-source: css property. More...
class  BorderImageWidth
 Represents the border-image-width: css property. More...
class  BorderCompProperty
 Represents the border: composite css property. More...
class  BorderBottomProperty
 Represents the border-bottom: composite css property. More...
class  BorderColllapseProperty
 Represents the border-collapse: css property. More...
class  BorderColor
 Represents the border-color: css property. More...
class  BorderLeftProperty
 Represents the border-left: composite css property. More...
class  BorderRadius
 Represents the border-radius: css property. More...
class  BorderRightProperty
 Represents the border-right: composite css property. More...
class  BorderSpacingProperty
 Represents the border-spacing: css property. More...
class  BorderStyle
 Represents the border-style: css property. More...
class  BorderTopProperty
 Represents the border-top: composite css property. More...
class  BorderWidth
 Represents the border-width: css property. More...
class  BoxSizing
 Represents the box-sizing: css property. More...
class  CaptionSide
 Represents the caption-side: css property. More...
class  Clip
 Represents the clip: css property. More...
class  ClipMode
 Should this element be clipped at all? clip-mode:clip (default) or clip-mode:none. This is similar to the effect seen when using overflow:visible, but this applies to the main screen also. Useful if you've got transformations (e.g. a rotation) which go over the edge of the screen. More...
class  ColorProperty
 Represents the color: css property. More...
class  ColorOverlay
 Represents the color-overlay: css property. Specific to PowerUI. This overlays the given colour over any element. More...
class  Content
 Represents the content: css property. Note that this one is not textual - this is actually correct. It doesn't apply to text - rather it 'is' text. More...
class  CounterIncrement
 Represents the counter-increment: css property. More...
class  CounterReset
 Represents the counter-reset: css property. More...
class  Cursor
 Represents the cursor: css property. More...
class  Direction
 Represents the direction: css property. More...
class  Display
 Represents the display: css property. More...
class  EmptyCells
 Represents the empty-cells: css property. More...
class  FilteringMode
 Represents the filter-mode: css property. Specific to PowerUI - this defines the image filtering. More...
class  AlignContents
 Represents the align-contents: css property. More...
class  AlignItems
 Represents the align-items: css property. More...
class  AlignSelf
 Represents the align-self: css property. More...
class  Clear
 Represents the clear: css property. More...
class  Float
 Represents the float: css property. More...
class  FontFeatureSettings
 Represents the font-feature-settings: css property. More...
class  FontVariantCompProperty
 Represents the font-variant: css composite property. More...
class  FontVariantAlternates
 Represents the font-variant-alternates: css property. More...
class  FontVariantCaps
 Represents the font-variant-caps: css property. More...
class  FontVariantEastAsian
 Represents the font-variant-east-asian: css property. More...
class  FontVariantLigatures
 Represents the font-variant-ligatures: css property. More...
class  FontVariantNumeric
 Represents the font-variant-numeric: css property. More...
class  FontVariantPosition
 Represents the font-variant-position: css property. More...
class  FontCompProperty
 Represents the font: composite css property. More...
class  Ascent
 Represents the ascent: css property. More...
class  Baseline
 Represents the baseline: css property. More...
class  BBox
 Represents the bbox: css property. More...
class  CapHeight
 Represents the cap-height: css property. More...
class  Centerline
 Represents the centerline: css property. More...
class  Descent
 Represents the descent: css property. More...
class  Mathline
 Represents the mathline: css property. More...
class  Panose1
 Represents the panose-1: css property. More...
class  Slope
 Represents the slope: css property. More...
class  Stemh
 Represents the stemh: css property. More...
class  Stemv
 Represents the stemv: css property. More...
class  Topline
 Represents the topline: css property. More...
class  UnicodeRange
 Represents the unicode-range: css property. More...
class  UnitsPerEm
 Represents the units-per-em: css property. More...
class  Widths
 Represents the widths: css property. More...
class  XHeight
 Represents the x-height: css property. More...
class  FontFamily
 Represents the font-family: css property. More...
class  FontSize
 Represents the font-size: css property. More...
class  FontSizeAdjust
 Represents the font-size-adjust: css property. More...
class  FontSmoothing
 Represents the font-smoothing: css property. More...
class  FontStretch
 Represents the font-stretch: css property. More...
class  FontStyle
 Represents the font-style: css property. More...
class  FontSynthesis
 Represents the font-synthesis: css property. More...
class  FontWeight
 Represents the font-weight: css property. More...
class  Height
 Represents the height: css property. More...
class  LetterSpacing
 Represents the letter-spacing: css property. More...
class  LineHeight
 Represents the line-height: css property. More...
class  ListStyle
 Represents the list-style: composite property. More...
class  ListStyleImage
 Represents the list-style-image: css property. More...
class  ListStylePosition
 Represents the list-style-position: css property. More...
class  ListStyleType
 Represents the list-style-type: css property. More...
class  Margin
 Represents the margin: css property. More...
class  MaxHeight
 Represents the max-height: css property. More...
class  MaxWidth
 Represents the max-width: css property. More...
class  MinHeight
 Represents the min-height: css property. More...
class  MinWidth
 Represents the min-width: css property. More...
class  OnAtlas
 Represents the on-atlas: css property. Specific to PowerUI. This tells particular images to render off the main atlas. More...
class  Orphans
 Represents the orphans: css property. More...
class  Overflow
 Represents the overflow: css property. More...
class  OverflowWrap
 Represents the word-wrap and overflow-wrap: css properties. More...
class  Padding
 Represents the padding: css property. More...
class  ParticlesRotateProperty
 Represents the particles-rotate: css property. More...
class  ParticlesScaleProperty
 Represents the particles-scale: css property. Note! Your particle system must be set to simulate in world space for this one to work (as it's the same as just scaling the transform). More...
class  Position
 Represents the position: css property. More...
class  PositionInternal
 Represents the -spark-position-internal: css property. It holds the values of top, right, bottom and left in a single box. More...
class  Quotes
 Represents the quotes: css property. Accessed with the open-quote/close-quote CSS keywords. More...
class  Resize
 Represents the resize: css property. Used by the resizer tab (which appears when there's two scrollbars via the overflow property). More...
class  Scroll
 An animatable scroll-top and scroll-left CSS property. More...
class  ScrollBehavior
 The scroll-behavior CSS property. auto | smooth More...
class  ShaderFamily
 Represents the shader-family: shaderset("familyName") css property. This can be used to assign custom shaders. Note that it's a "family" because there is a group of shaders which can potentially be used depending on other CSS settings. Each shader must be named e.g: More...
class  TextShadow
 Represents the text-shadow: css property. More...
class  TextStroke
 Represents the text-stroke: css property. Used to add outlines to text. More...
class  SparkSpecifity
 Represents the -spark-specifity: css property. More...
class  SparkWritingSystem
 The internal -spark-writing-system: css property. (Don't set this! Use text-orientation instead). Stores a computed writing direction map which is used when applying logical CSS properties. More...
class  UrlSrc
 src: CSS property. Used by -face. More...
class  TableLayout
 Represents the table-layout: css property. More...
class  TextAlign
 Represents the text-align: css property. More...
class  TextAlignLast
 Represents the text-align-last: css property. More...
class  TextDecoCompProperty
 Represents the text-decoration: composite css property. More...
class  TextDecorationColor
 Represents the text-decoration-color: css property. More...
class  TextDecorationLine
 Represents the text-decoration-line: css property. More...
class  TextDecorationStyle
 Represents the text-decoration-style: css property. More...
class  TextExtrude
 Represents the text-extrude: css property. This makes text 3D - it's best used in WorldUI's. Usage is text-extrude:[extrusion, float]. e.g. text-extrude:2.4 More...
class  TextOrientation
 Represents the text-orientation: css property. More...
class  TextTransform
 Represents the text-transform: css property. More...
class  TransformProperty
 Represents the transform: css property. More...
class  TransformOrigin
 Represents the transform-origin: css property. More...
class  TransformOriginPosition
 Represents the transform-origin-position: css property. More...
class  UnicodeBidi
 Represents the unicode-bidi: css property. More...
class  UserSelect
 Represents the user-select: css property. More...
class  VerticalAlign
 Represents the vertical-align: css property. More...
class  Visibility
 Represents the visibility: css property. More...
class  WhiteSpace
 Represents the white-space: css property. More...
class  Widows
 Represents the widows: css property. More...
class  Width
 Represents the width: css property. More...
class  WordSpacing
 Represents the word-spacing: css property. More...
class  WritingMode
 Represents the writing-mode: css property. More...
class  ZIndex
 Represents the z-index: css property. More...
class  Zoom
 Represents the zoom: css property. More...
class  ClipPath
 Represents the clip and clip-path: css property. More...
class  ClipRule
 Represents the clip-rule: css property. More...
class  Fill
 Represents the fill: css property. More...
class  FillOpacity
 Represents the fill-opacity: css property. More...
class  FloodColor
 Represents the flood-color: css property. More...
class  FloodOpacity
 Represents the flood-opacity: css property. More...
class  Stroke
 Represents the stroke: css property. More...
class  StrokeDashArray
 Represents the stroke-dasharray: css property. More...
class  StrokeDashOffset
 Represents the stroke-dashoffset: css property. More...
class  StrokeLineCap
 Represents the stroke-linecap: css property. More...
class  StrokeLineJoin
 Represents the stroke-linejoin: css property. More...
class  StrokeMiterLimit
 Represents the stroke-miterlimit: css property. More...
class  StrokeOpacity
 Represents the stroke-opacity: css property. More...
class  StrokeWidth
 Represents the stroke-width: css property. More...
class  TextAnchor
 Represents the text-anchor: css property. More...


delegate void Css.Properties.FilterEventDelegate ( RenderableData  context,
SurfaceTexture  texture 

A delegate used by the filter CSS property.