Windows.MenuList Class Reference

Detailed Description

A no frills context menu which just lists out the options in a white box.

Inheritance diagram for Windows.MenuList:
Windows.ContextMenuWindow Windows.Window Windows.WindowGroup Dom.EventTarget Dom.IEventTarget

Public Member Functions

override void BuildOption (StringBuilder builder, Option option)
 Adds an option to the builder. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Windows.ContextMenuWindow
virtual void BuildOptions (StringBuilder builder)
 Builds up the options now. More...
override void Load (string url, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Loads the contents of this window now. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Windows.Window
void close ()
 Closes the window and its kids. More...
void sendBackward ()
 Sends this window to the back. More...
void sendToBack ()
 Sends this window to the back. More...
void bringForward ()
 Moves this window forward one place. More...
void bringToFront ()
 Brings this window to the front. More...
void Visibility (bool visible, Window hidBy)
 Hides/ shows the window (without actually closing it). More...
void trigger (string name)
 Triggers a 'window{name}' event in the root document. More...
void trigger (string name, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Triggers a '{name}' event on the window itself, and optionally on the source element. More...
HtmlElement GetAnchor (Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 The anchor element that triggered a window to open. Null if there wasn't one. More...
Window GetVisibleWindow ()
 When a window hides another, it may result in a linked list of hidden windows. This essentially finds the front of the linked list. More...
UnityEngine.Color GetColour (string name, Dictionary< string, object > globals, UnityEngine.Color defaultValue)
 Gets a global of the given name as a colour. More...
int GetInteger (string name, Dictionary< string, object > globals, int defaultValue)
 Gets a global of the given name as an integer. More...
double GetDecimal (string name, Dictionary< string, object > globals, double defaultValue)
 Gets a global of the given name as a decimal. More...
Get< T > (string name, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Gets a global of the given name. More...
void SetHtml (string html)
 Writes the windows HTML now. Collects element and optionally an iframe. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Windows.WindowGroup
 WindowGroup (Manager manager)
 Creates a window group. More...
 WindowGroup ()
Window get (string type, string url)
 Gets a window of the given type and pointing at the given URL. More...
Window cycle (string type, string url, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Closes an open window or opens it if it wasn't already. More...
Window open (string typeName, string url, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Opens a window. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dom.EventTarget
void ClearEvents ()
 Clears all events on this document. More...
bool dispatchEvent (Event e)
 Runs an event of the given name. More...
void addEventListener (string name, EventListener listener)
 Adds an event listener to this document. More...
void addEventListener (string name, EventListener listener, bool useCapture)
 Adds an event listener to this document. More...
void removeEventListener (string name, object evtHandlerInternal)
 Removes an event listener from this document. More...
void addEventListener (string name, AnimationEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, AudioProcessingEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, BeforeInputEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, BeforeUnloadEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, BlobEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, ClipboardEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CloseEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CompositionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CustomEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, CSSFontFaceLoadEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceLightEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceMotionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceOrientationEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DeviceProximityEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DomEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DOMTransactionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, DragEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, EditingBeforeInputEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, ErrorEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, FetchEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, FocusEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, GamepadEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, HashChangeEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, IDBVersionChangeEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, InputEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, KeyboardEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MediaStreamEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MessageEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MouseEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, MutationEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, OfflineAudioCompletionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PageTransitionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PointerEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PopStateEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, ProgressEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RelatedEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCDataChannelEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCIdentityErrorEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCIdentityEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, RTCPeerConnectionIceEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, SensorEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, StorageEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TextEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TimeEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TouchEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TrackEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, TransitionEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, UIEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, UserProximityEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, WebGLContextEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, WheelEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, Nitro.DynamicMethod< Nitro.Void > listener)
void addEventListener (string name, Nitro.DynamicMethod< Nitro.Void > listener, bool capture)
void addEventListener (string name, ContextEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, SlideEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, PowerUI.SpriteEventDelegate method)
void addEventListener (string name, SVGEventDelegate method)
 Adds an event listener to this document. More...
void addEventListener (string name, SVGZoomEventDelegate method)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Windows.Window
static void Cue (PowerUI.MouseEvent me)
 Cues dialogue within a window. More...
static void CloseThis (UIEvent e)
 Closes the window that the given event originated from. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Windows.ContextMenuWindow
OptionList List
 The source option list. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Windows.Window
override bool HandleLocalEvent (Dom.Event e, bool bubblePhase)
 Handles events on the window itself. More...
virtual void OnEvent (Dom.Event e)
 Called when the window receives an event. More...
virtual void OnClose ()
 Called when the window is closing. More...
void AddStyle ()
 Adds style if it was required. More...
- Package Functions inherited from Windows.Window
virtual void Goto (string url, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Navigates the window to the given URL. Should only be used once; close and open another window (or use links inside the iframe). More...
- Package Attributes inherited from Windows.Window
string Type
 The window type. E.g. "floating". More...
int ActiveDepth
 This windows actual depth. More...
string Location
 The location of this window. More...
HtmlElement element
 The root element which contains this window. All templates must have one root only (watch out for comments and text!). More...
HtmlElement frame
 The iframe. May be null. More...
Window HidWindow
 If this window is in the 'hide other' stacking mode, this is the window it hid. More...
Window HidBy
 If this window is hidden, the one that hid it. More...
HtmlDocument contentDocument
 The document to load content into. May be null. More...
- Static Package Attributes inherited from Dom.EventTarget
static DispatchStack PooledStack
 The current head of the pooled dispatched stacks. More...
- Properties inherited from Windows.ContextMenuWindow
override int Depth [get]
 The depth that this type of window lives at. More...
virtual string RootStyle [get]
 The style of the default root - the white box. Also note that it has a class of "default-context". More...
virtual string SubMenuType [get]
 The submenu window type. It's just "the same as this" by default. You can detect if an OptionList is a submenu from the parent property. More...

Member Function Documentation

override void Windows.MenuList.BuildOption ( StringBuilder  builder,
Option  option 

Adds an option to the builder.

Reimplemented from Windows.ContextMenuWindow.