MathML.MathPhantomElement Class Reference

Detailed Description

The MathML mphantom tag.

Inheritance diagram for MathML.MathPhantomElement:
MathML.MathElement Dom.Element Css.IRenderableNode Dom.Node Dom.EventTarget Dom.IParentNode Dom.IEventTarget

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from MathML.MathElement
 MathElement ()
void WentOffScreen ()
 Called when this element goes offscreen. More...
void OnRender (Renderman renderer)
 Called during a global render event on all elements. This knows exactly where the element is on screen. More...
void GetWidthBounds (out float min, out float max)
 Part of shrink-to-fit. Computes the maximum and minimum possible width for an element. More...
override bool OnAttributeChange (string property)
 Called when an attribute of the element was changed. Returns true if the method handled the change to prevent unnecessary checks. More...
Element querySelector (string selector)
 Gets the first element which matches the given selector. More...
HTMLCollection querySelectorAll (string selector)
 Gets all child elements with the given tag. More...
HTMLCollection querySelectorAll (string selector, bool one)
 Gets all child elements with the given tag. More...
void querySelectorAll (Selector[] selectors, INodeList results, CssEvent e, bool one)
 Gets all child elements with the given tag. More...
virtual void OnComputeBox (Renderman renderer, Css.LayoutBox box, ref bool widthUndefined, ref bool heightUndefined)
 Called during the box compute process. Useful if your element has clever dimensions, such as the img tag or words. More...
void FontLoaded (PowerUI.DynamicFont font)
 Called when a font-face is ready. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Dom.Node
static bool PropertiesEqual (Dictionary< string, string > a, Dictionary< string, string > b)
 True if two args sets are equal. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from MathML.MathElement
ElementStyle Style
 This elements style. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Dom.EventTarget
GetFirstDelegate< T > (string name)
 Gets the first delegate event handler for the given event name. More...
virtual bool HandleLocalEvent (Event e, bool bubblePhase)
 Handles triggering event handlers here. Elements can (and in PowerUI's case, do) override this. PowerUI overrides it to handle e.g. onclick="" attributes too. More...
- Package Functions inherited from MathML.MathElement
override void ChangedDOM ()
 Called when the DOM changed. More...
override void AddedToDOM ()
 Called when this element got added to the DOM. More...
override void RemovedFromDOM ()
 Called when this element got removed from the DOM. More...
- Package Attributes inherited from Dom.Element
bool SelfClosing
 True if this tag closes itself and doesn't need an end ("/div" for example) tag. More...
- Static Package Attributes inherited from Dom.EventTarget
static DispatchStack PooledStack
 The current head of the pooled dispatched stacks. More...
- Properties inherited from MathML.MathElement
ComputedStyle ComputedStyle [get]
 This nodes computed style. More...
RenderableData RenderData [get]
 This nodes render data. More...
override ElementStyle style [get]
 This elements style. More...
Css.ComputedStyle computedStyle [get]
 Gets the computed style of this element. More...