Detailed Description

Select dropdowns. Supports the onchange="nitroMethod" and name attributes.

Inheritance diagram for PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement:

Public Member Functions

 HtmlSelectElement ()
override int SetLexerMode (bool last, Dom.HtmlLexer lexer)
 When the given lexer resets, this is called. More...
override bool OnLexerAddNode (HtmlLexer lexer, int mode)
 Called when this node has been created and is being added to the given lexer. Closely related to Element.OnLexerCloseNode. More...
override bool OnLexerCloseNode (HtmlLexer lexer, int mode)
 Called when a close tag of this element has been created and is being added to the given lexer. More...
HtmlOptionElement GetOption (int index)
 Gets an option by its index. More...
int GetOptionIndex (Node node)
 Gets the index for the given node. More...
override void OnTagLoaded ()
override void OnChildrenLoaded ()
void Drop ()
 Drops this select box down. More...
override void OnFormReset ()
 Called when the parent form is reset. More...
void Hide ()
 Closes this dropdown. More...
string GetValue ()
 Gets the currently selected value. More...
void SetSelected (HtmlOptionElement element)
 Sets the given element as the selected option. More...
void SetSelected (int index)
 Sets the option at the given index as the selected one. More...
override void OnResetAllVariables ()
 Called when all variable () values must have their content reloaded. More...
void remove (int index)
 Removes the option at the given index. More...
HtmlOptionElement item (int index)
 Gets the option named item. More...
HtmlOptionElement namedItem (string name)
 Gets the option named item. More...
void add (HtmlElement element)
 Adds a dropdown menu option. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PowerUI.HtmlElement
virtual void OnClickEvent (MouseEvent clickEvent)
 Called when a 'click' (down and up on the same element) occurs. More...
bool IsMousedOver ()
 True if the mouse is over this element. More...
bool WasPressed ()
 Was the mouse clicked on this element during the last mouse down? More...
void click ()
 Clicks this element (mousedown and a mouseup). More...
void FontLoaded (DynamicFont font)
 Called when a -face font is done loading. More...
BoxRegion getBoundingClientRect ()
 The union of all client rects. More...
LayoutBox[] getClientRects ()
 This elements client rects. More...
object Run (string attribute, params object[] args)
 Runs a nitro function whos name is held in the given attribute. More...
object RunLiteral (string attribute, object[] args)
 Runs a nitro function whos name is held in the given attribute with a fixed block of arguments. More...
HtmlDocument ResolveTarget ()
 Resolves the target attribute to a document. More...
HtmlDocument ResolveTarget (string target)
 Resolves the given target to a document. More...
void RequestLayout ()
 Requests the renderer handling this element to layout next update. More...
virtual bool Junk ()
 Tells the parser to not include this element in the DOM. More...
virtual void OnRemovedFromDOM ()
 Called when the host element is removed from the DOM. More...
virtual void OnResetVariable (string name)
 Called when the named variable variable () values must have its content reloaded. More...
virtual void OnComputeBox (Renderman renderer, Css.LayoutBox box, ref bool widthUndefined, ref bool heightUndefined)
 Called during the box compute process. Useful if your element has clever dimensions, such as the img tag or words. More...
virtual void OnRender (Renderman renderer)
 Called during a global layout event on all elements. More...
virtual KeyboardMode OnShowMobileKeyboard ()
 Called when PowerUI attempts to display the mobile keyboard (only called on mobile platforms). More...
override bool OnAttributeChange (string property)
 Called when an attribute of the element was changed. Returns true if the method handled the change to prevent unnecessary checks. More...
 HtmlElement ()
virtual void OnLoadEvent (Dom.Event e)
 Called by some tags when their content is loaded. E.g. img tag or iframe. More...
virtual void GetWidthBounds (out float min, out float max)
 Part of shrink-to-fit. Computes the maximum and minimum possible width for an element. More...
void focus ()
 Focuses this element so it receives events such as keypresses. More...
void blur ()
 Unfocuses this element. More...
virtual void OnWheelEvent (WheelEvent e)
 Called when a default scrollwheel event occurs (focused element). More...
virtual void OnKeyPress (KeyboardEvent pressEvent)
 Called when a default key press occurs. More...
Element querySelector (string selector)
 Gets the first element which matches the given selector. More...
HTMLCollection querySelectorAll (string selector)
 Gets all child elements with the given tag. More...
HTMLCollection querySelectorAll (string selector, bool one)
 Gets all child elements with the given tag. More...
void querySelectorAll (Selector[] selectors, INodeList results, CssEvent e, bool one)
 Gets all child elements with the given tag. More...
void WentOffScreen ()
 Called when this element goes offscreen. More...
void appendChild (string html)
 Appends the given element defined as text. More...
void replaceWith (string html)
 Replaces this element with the given html. More...
void scrollBy (float x, float y)
 Scrolls the element by the given values. More...
void scrollTo (float x, float y)
 Scrolls the element to the given exact values. More...
void RequireLayout ()
 Forces a layout to occur if one is required. You should almost never need to call this directly - it's only needed if you want to read the fully computed size of an element immediately after having updated its style. More...
void SetImage (ImageFormat value)
 Sets the given image as the background of this element. More...
UIAnimation animate (string css, float duration, string cssTimeFunction)
 Animates css properties on this element. More...
UIAnimation animate (string css, float duration)
 Animates css properties on this element. More...
UIAnimation animate (string css, float duration, Blaze.VectorPath timeFunction)
 Animates css properties on this element. More...
UIAnimation animate (string css, float constantSpeedTime, float timeToAccelAndDecel)
 Animates css properties on this element. More...
UIAnimation animate (string css, float constantSpeedTime, float timeToAccelerate, float timeToDecelerate)
 Animates css properties on this element. More...
Css.ComputedStyle getComputedStyle ()
 Gives the values of all the CSS properties of an element after applying the active stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may contain. More...
Css.ComputedStyle getComputedStyle (string pseudo)
 Gives the values of all the CSS properties of an element after applying the active stylesheets and resolving any basic computation those values may contain. More...
override Node cloneNode (bool deep)
 Clones this element. More...
void Lettering ()
HtmlElement GetFocusableAbove ()
 Gets the nearest focusable element above this. More...
HtmlElement GetFocusableBelow ()
 Gets the nearest focusable element below this. More...
HtmlElement GetFocusableLeft ()
 Gets the nearest focusable element left of this. More...
HtmlElement GetFocusableRight ()
 Gets the nearest focusable element right of this. More...
HtmlElement GetFocusedNext ()
 Used for tab focus. Gets the next available focusable element. More...
Vector2 AxisDistanceFrom (float x, float y)
 Finds out the distance in pixels on the x and y axis the given point is away from this elements midpoint. More...
float DistanceFromFast (float x, float y)
 Gets a relative 2D distance of this elements midpoint from the given point. The value returned is a fast distance used for comparison only. Use DistanceFrom for the correct distance. More...
float DistanceFrom (float x, float y)
 Gets the 2D distance of this elements midpoint from the given point. More...
bool IsLeftOf (float x)
 Checks if this element is to the left of the given point. More...
bool IsRightOf (float x)
 Checks if this element is to the right of the given point. More...
bool IsAbove (float y)
 Checks if this element is above the given point. More...
bool IsBelow (float y)
 Checks if this element is below the given point. More...
bool SearchTabIndexBefore (int search, ref int bestSoFar, ref HtmlElement best)
 Searches for the closest tab index either after this element. E.g. if search is 1, it will look for the nearest element after this element with a tab index of 1 or more. BestSoFar is the closest tabIndex found (if any). An actual match results in this function halting and returning true. More...
bool SearchTabIndexAfter (int search, ref int bestSoFar, ref HtmlElement best)
 Searches for the closest tab index either after this element. E.g. if search is 1, it will look for the nearest element after this element with a tab index of 1 or more. BestSoFar is the closest tabIndex found (if any). An actual match results in this function halting and returning true. More...
bool SearchChildTabIndex (int search, ref int bestSoFar, ref HtmlElement best)
 Searches for the closest tab index to the given one. Returns true if it gets a match. More...
void requestFullscreen ()
 Requests this element (e.g. a video) to go fullscreen. More...
virtual string toDataURL (string mime)
 Gets canvas data (png only). If you want it as a byte[], use context.pngData instead. More...
virtual CanvasContext getContext (string text)
 Gets a rendering context for this canvas (if it is a canvas element!). More...
virtual void submit ()
 Submits the form this element is in. More...
void stop ()
 Stops the video. More...
void pause ()
 Pauses the video. More...
void play ()
 Plays the video. More...
void playAudio ()
void stopAudio ()
void removeAudio ()
void playAudio (GameObject parent)

Static Public Member Functions

static void CollectOptions (Node parent, INodeList hoc)
 Collects all option elements that are child nodes (including inside optgroups). More...

Public Attributes

int defaultIndex
 The default selected option. More...
HtmlDropdownElement Dropdown
 The currently open dropdown. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from PowerUI.HtmlElement
bool IsFocusable
 True if this tag is focusable. More...
ElementStyle Style
 Internal use only. The style of this element. Use instead. More...
NodeList KidsToRender
 Internal use only. Children being rendered are set here. This allows multiple threads to access the DOM. More...
object Data
 A custom data object for whatever you would like to pass through for e.g. callbacks. More...

Protected Member Functions

override bool HandleLocalEvent (Dom.Event e, bool bubblePhase)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PowerUI.HtmlElement
override bool HandleLocalEvent (Dom.Event e, bool bubblePhase)
 Runs the given function held in the named attribute (e.g. onkeydown) and checks if that function blocked the event. In the case of a blocked event, no default action should occur. Note that this is called by dispatchEvent and the attribute functions run before handlers do (same as Firefox). More...

Package Functions

override void OnBlurEvent (FocusEvent fe)
 Called when this element becomes unfocused. More...
- Package Functions inherited from PowerUI.HtmlElement
virtual void OnFocusEvent (FocusEvent fe)
 Called when this element comes into focus. More...
override void ResetVariable (string name)
override void ResetAllVariables ()
 Requests all child elements to reload their if they have any. More...
override void ChangedDOM ()
 Called when the DOM changed. More...
override void AddedToDOM ()
 Called when this element got added to the DOM. More...
override void RemovedFromDOM ()
 Called when this element got removed from the DOM. More...


bool Dropped [get]
 True if this select is currently dropped down. More...
HtmlDivElement Placeholder [get]
 The element that displays the selected option (it's a div; the same as Firefox). More...
HTMLOptionsCollection options [get]
 The set of all option elements contained by this element. More...
int length [get]
 The number of option elements in this select. More...
bool multiple [get, set]
 True if this is a multiselect. More...
bool autofocus [get, set]
 True if this element can be autofocused. More...
bool disabled [get, set]
 True if this element is disabled. More...
bool required [get, set]
 True if this element is required. More...
string type [get, set]
 The control type. More...
long size [get, set]
 The size attribute. More...
string name [get, set]
 The name attribute. More...
HtmlOptionElement SelectedOption [get]
 The current selected option. More...
int SelectedIndex [get]
 The current selected index. More...
HtmlSelectButtonElement Button [get]
 The button. More...
NodeList RawOptions [get]
 The set of options this select provides. More...
override bool IsSpecial [get]
 True if this element has special parsing rules. More...
HTMLCollection selectedOptions [get]
 Selected options. More...
NodeList labels [get]
 All labels targeting this select element. More...
override bool IsFormResettable [get]
 Does this element get reset with the form? More...
override bool IsFormSubmittable [get]
 Does this element get submitted with the form? More...
override bool IsFormListed [get]
 Does this element list in form.elements? More...
override bool IsFormLabelable [get]
 Can this element have a label? More...
override string value [get, set]
 Gets or sets the value of this element. Input/Select elements only. More...
override string htmlValue [get, set]
 Gets or sets the value as html for this element. Input/Select elements only. More...
- Properties inherited from PowerUI.HtmlElement
ComputedStyle ComputedStyle [get]
 This nodes computed style. More...
RenderableData RenderData [get]
 This nodes render data. More...
string contentEditable [get, set]
 An enumerated version of the contenteditable attribute. More...
bool isContentEditable [get, set]
 Is this element content editable? More...
bool HasBackground [get]
 True if this element has some form of background applied to it. More...
virtual bool IsFormResettable [get]
 Does this element get reset with the form? More...
virtual bool IsFormSubmittable [get]
 Does this element get submitted with the form? More...
virtual bool IsFormListed [get]
 Does this element list in form.elements? More...
virtual bool IsFormLabelable [get]
 Can this element have a label? More...
HtmlDocument contentDocument [get]
 Applies to iframes. The document contained in the iframe itself. More...
int scrollLeft [get, set]
 The amount of pixels the content of this element is scrolled horizontally. More...
int scrollTop [get, set]
 The amount of pixels the content of this element is scrolled vertically. More...
int contentHeight [get]
 The height of the content inside this element. More...
int contentWidth [get]
 The width of the content inside this element. More...
int pixelHeight [get]
 The height of this element. More...
int pixelWidth [get]
 The width of this element. More...
long offsetHeight [get]
 The height of this element. More...
long offsetWidth [get]
 The width of this element. More...
Element offsetParent [get]
 The parent that offsetTop and offsetLeft are relative to. More...
long offsetTop [get]
 The top offset relative to the offsetParent. More...
long offsetLeft [get]
 The left offset relative to the offsetParent. More...
int clientTop [get]
 The width of the top border of an element in pixels. More...
int clientLeft [get]
 The width of the left border of an element in pixels. More...
int clientWidth [get]
 The inner width of this element, (minus scrollbars). More...
int clientHeight [get]
 The inner height of this element, (minus scrollbars). More...
int scrollHeight [get]
 The height of this element without margins or borders. More...
int scrollWidth [get]
 The width of this element without margins or borders. More...
virtual bool Checked [get, set]
Dictionary< string, string > attributes [get]
 The attributes of this element (DOM spec compliant mapping for Properties). More...
GameObject rootGameObject [get]
 The gameObject that this element is ultimately parented to. More...
WorldUI worldUI [get]
 The world UI this element belongs to. More...
Texture image [get, set]
 Gets or sets the image from the background of this element. More...
bool focused [get, set]
 Gets or sets if this element is focused. More...
int tabIndex [get, set]
 This elements tab index. More...
Css.ComputedStyle computedStyle [get]
 Gets the computed style of this element. More...
override Css.ElementStyle style [get]
 Gets the style of this element. More...
bool focusable [get]
 True if this element is focusable. More...
HtmlElement childFocusable [get]
 The next focusable child element. Entirely ignores tab index. More...
HtmlFormElement formElement [get]
 Scans up the DOM to find the parent form element. Note: PowerUI.HtmlElement.form may be more useful than the element iself. More...
HtmlFormElement form [get]
 Scans up the DOM to find the parent form element's handler. The object returned provides useful methods such as PowerUI.HtmlFormElement.submit. More...
virtual string value [get, set]
 Gets or sets the value of this element. Input/Select/Textarea elements only. More...
virtual string htmlValue [get, set]
 Gets or sets the value as html for this element. Input/Select elements only. More...
int selectedIndex [get, set]
 Updates the current selected element in a dropdown menu. More...
HtmlVideoElement videoElement [get]
 Gets this element as a video element. More...
virtual MovieTexture video [get]
 The source movie texture. More...
bool playing [get]
 Is the video playing? More...
bool paused [get]
 Is the video paused? More...
AudioClip audioTrack [get]
 Gets the audio track of the video. More...
Windows.Window sparkWindow [get]
 Gets the spark window that holds this element. More...

Private Member Functions

void CloseSelect (HtmlLexer lexer)
 Closes the currently in scope select element in the given lexer. More...
void CountOptions (Node parent, ref int count)
 Counts all option elements that are child nodes (including inside optgroups). More...
HtmlOptionElement GetOption (Node parent, ref int targetIndex)
 Searches parent (which must be a parent) for the given node. Each time an option element is encountered, currentIndex is increased. More...
bool GetOptionIndex (Node parent, Node node, ref int currentIndex)
 Searches parent (which must be a parent) for the given node. Each time an option element is encountered, currentIndex is increased. More...
void SetSelected (int index, HtmlOptionElement element, bool runOnChange)
 Sets the option at the given index as the selected one. More...

Private Attributes

HtmlOptionElement SelectedNode_
 The selected node. More...
int SelectedIndex_ =-1
 The index of the selected option. More...
const int InBodyTableModes
 All the modes the parser can be in to cause the parser to go into the 'In select in table' mode. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Package Attributes inherited from PowerUI.HtmlElement
static Node CachedFullscreenParent
 The original FS parent node. More...
static string CachedFullscreenStyle
 The original style of the FS element. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.HtmlSelectElement ( )

Member Function Documentation

void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.add ( HtmlElement  element)

Adds a dropdown menu option.

void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.CloseSelect ( HtmlLexer  lexer)

Closes the currently in scope select element in the given lexer.

static void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.CollectOptions ( Node  parent,
INodeList  hoc 

Collects all option elements that are child nodes (including inside optgroups).

void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.CountOptions ( Node  parent,
ref int  count 

Counts all option elements that are child nodes (including inside optgroups).

void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.Drop ( )

Drops this select box down.

HtmlOptionElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.GetOption ( int  index)

Gets an option by its index.

HtmlOptionElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.GetOption ( Node  parent,
ref int  targetIndex 

Searches parent (which must be a parent) for the given node. Each time an option element is encountered, currentIndex is increased.

int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.GetOptionIndex ( Node  node)

Gets the index for the given node.

nodeThe node to look for.
The index of the node.
bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.GetOptionIndex ( Node  parent,
Node  node,
ref int  currentIndex 

Searches parent (which must be a parent) for the given node. Each time an option element is encountered, currentIndex is increased.

string PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.GetValue ( )

Gets the currently selected value.

The currently selected value.
override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.HandleLocalEvent ( Dom.Event  e,
bool  bubblePhase 
void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.Hide ( )

Closes this dropdown.

HtmlOptionElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.item ( int  index)

Gets the option named item.

HtmlOptionElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.namedItem ( string  name)

Gets the option named item.

override void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnBlurEvent ( FocusEvent  fe)

Called when this element becomes unfocused.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.HtmlElement.

override void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnChildrenLoaded ( )
override void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnFormReset ( )

Called when the parent form is reset.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.HtmlElement.

override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnLexerAddNode ( HtmlLexer  lexer,
int  mode 

Called when this node has been created and is being added to the given lexer. Closely related to Element.OnLexerCloseNode.

True if this element handled itself.
override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnLexerCloseNode ( HtmlLexer  lexer,
int  mode 

Called when a close tag of this element has been created and is being added to the given lexer.

True if this element handled itself.
override void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnResetAllVariables ( )

Called when all variable () values must have their content reloaded.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.HtmlElement.

override void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.OnTagLoaded ( )
void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.remove ( int  index)

Removes the option at the given index.

override int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SetLexerMode ( bool  last,
Dom.HtmlLexer  lexer 

When the given lexer resets, this is called.

void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SetSelected ( HtmlOptionElement  element)

Sets the given element as the selected option.

elementThe option to set as the selected value.
void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SetSelected ( int  index)

Sets the option at the given index as the selected one.

indexThe index of the option to select.
void PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SetSelected ( int  index,
HtmlOptionElement  element,
bool  runOnChange 

Sets the option at the given index as the selected one.

indexThe index of the option to select.
elementThe element at the given index.
runOnChangeTrue if the onchange event should run.

Member Data Documentation

int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.defaultIndex

The default selected option.

HtmlDropdownElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.Dropdown

The currently open dropdown.

const int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.InBodyTableModes
Initial value:
| HtmlTreeMode.InCaption
| HtmlTreeMode.InTableBody
| HtmlTreeMode.InRow
| HtmlTreeMode.InCell

All the modes the parser can be in to cause the parser to go into the 'In select in table' mode.

int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SelectedIndex_ =-1

The index of the selected option.

HtmlOptionElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SelectedNode_

The selected node.

Property Documentation

bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.autofocus

True if this element can be autofocused.

HtmlSelectButtonElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.Button

The button.

bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.disabled

True if this element is disabled.

bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.Dropped

True if this select is currently dropped down.

override string PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.htmlValue

Gets or sets the value as html for this element. Input/Select elements only.

override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.IsFormLabelable

Can this element have a label?

override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.IsFormListed

Does this element list in form.elements?

override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.IsFormResettable

Does this element get reset with the form?

override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.IsFormSubmittable

Does this element get submitted with the form?

override bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.IsSpecial

True if this element has special parsing rules.

NodeList PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.labels

All labels targeting this select element.

int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.length

The number of option elements in this select.

bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.multiple

True if this is a multiselect.


The name attribute.

HTMLOptionsCollection PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.options

The set of all option elements contained by this element.

HtmlDivElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.Placeholder

The element that displays the selected option (it's a div; the same as Firefox).

NodeList PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.RawOptions

The set of options this select provides.

bool PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.required

True if this element is required.

int PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SelectedIndex

The current selected index.

HtmlOptionElement PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.SelectedOption

The current selected option.

HTMLCollection PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.selectedOptions

Selected options.

long PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.size

The size attribute.

string PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.type

The control type.

override string PowerUI.HtmlSelectElement.value

Gets or sets the value of this element. Input/Select elements only.