Detailed Description

A window system manager. There's one per document (available as document.sparkWindows). Handles e.g. popping open a window.

Public Member Functions

 Manager (HtmlDocument doc)
Window get (int id)
 Gets a window by ID. Null if out of range. More...
Window get (string type, string url)
 Gets the window of the given type pointing at the given URL. More...
Window cycle (string type, string url)
 Closes an open window or opens it if it wasn't already. More...
Window cycle (string type, string url, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Closes an open window or opens it if it wasn't already. More...
Window open (string type, string url)
 Creates a new window of the given type and points it at the given URL. More...
Window open (string type, string url, Dictionary< string, object > globals)
 Creates a new window of the given type and points it at the given URL. Creates a set of global variables available to the JS in the window. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void Add (Type type)
 Adds the given type as an available window type. More...

Public Attributes

HtmlDocument Document
 The document that is being managed. More...
WindowGroup Windows
 The group of open windows. More...

Static Public Attributes

static Dictionary< string, Type > WindowTypes
 The available window template types. More...


Window this[int id] [get]
 Gets a window by ID. Null if out of range. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Windows.Manager.Manager ( HtmlDocument  doc)

Member Function Documentation

static void Windows.Manager.Add ( Type  type)

Adds the given type as an available window type.

Window Windows.Manager.cycle ( string  type,
string  url 

Closes an open window or opens it if it wasn't already.

Window Windows.Manager.cycle ( string  type,
string  url,
Dictionary< string, object >  globals 

Closes an open window or opens it if it wasn't already.

Window Windows.Manager.get ( int  id)

Gets a window by ID. Null if out of range.

Window Windows.Manager.get ( string  type,
string  url 

Gets the window of the given type pointing at the given URL.

Window ( string  type,
string  url 

Creates a new window of the given type and points it at the given URL.

Window ( string  type,
string  url,
Dictionary< string, object >  globals 

Creates a new window of the given type and points it at the given URL. Creates a set of global variables available to the JS in the window.

Member Data Documentation

HtmlDocument Windows.Manager.Document

The document that is being managed.

WindowGroup Windows.Manager.Windows

The group of open windows.

Dictionary<string,Type> Windows.Manager.WindowTypes

The available window template types.

Property Documentation

Window Windows.Manager.this[int id]

Gets a window by ID. Null if out of range.