Blaze.RasterVectorPath Class Reference

Detailed Description

A path that only consists of straight lines and moveTo nodes.

Inheritance diagram for Blaze.RasterVectorPath:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Blaze.VectorPath
void ToStraightLines ()
 Converts this path to straight lines only. Assumes values range from 0-1 and uses an accuracy of 0.05 (roughly 20 segments). More...
void ToStraightLines (float accuracy)
 Converts this path to straight lines only. Accuracy is the approx average length of each line segment. More...
void Transform (Matrix4x4 mat)
List< PathSegmentGetContours ()
 Finds all the separate contours in this path. More...
void HoleSort ()
 Sorts this path such that any holes it contains begin closest to it's containing contour. This essentially allows paths with holes (think hole in o!) to be correctly triangulated. More...
VectorPoint Nearest (float x, float y)
 Gets the nearest node in this shape to the given point. More...
VectorPoint Nearest (float x, float y, VectorPoint from, VectorPoint to)
 Gets the nearest node in the given section of this shape to the given point. More...
bool Contains (float x, float y)
 Does this path contain the given point? More...
bool Contains (float x, float y, VectorPoint from, VectorPoint to)
 Does the given section of this path contain the given point? More...
void GetVertices (Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normals, float accuracy, float offsetX, float offsetY, float scale, ref int index, List< int > contourStarts)
int GetVertexCount (float accuracy)
void MoveTo (float x, float y)
 Moves the current pen location to the given point. Used when drawing paths. More...
void SimplifyCurve ()
 "Simplifies" the curve values ensuring that it's possible to offset the parts of the path. Used by the path stroke system. More...
VectorPoint SelectPoint (int index)
 Selects the point at the given index of this path. More...
float Length ()
 The length of this path. More...
VectorPath CopySection (VectorPoint p1, float c1, VectorPoint p2, float c2)
 Copies a section of this path. Note that if p2 is before p1, it will safely loop over a closed node. More...
void Append (VectorPath path)
 Adds the given path onto the end of this one. More...
VectorPath CopyPath ()
 Copies this path. More...
void CopyInto (VectorPath path)
 Copies this vector path into the given one. More...
void Clear ()
 Clears this path. More...
void AddPathNode (VectorPoint point)
 Adds the given node to the end of path. See AddPathNodeStart to add to the start. More...
void AddPathNodeStart (VectorPoint point)
 Adds the given node to the start of the path. Must be a moveTo unless it's a temp thing. See AddPathNode to add to the end. More...
void ClosePathFast ()
 Closes the path quickly and safely. More...
void CheckClosed ()
 Closes the shape if the last point is the same as the close node. More...
void ClosePath ()
 A full path close. More...
void CloseLast ()
 Marks the last node as a close. More...
StraightLinePoint LineTo (float x, float y)
QuadLinePoint QuadraticCurveTo (float cx, float cy, float x, float y)
void CurveTo (float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y)
void CountNodes ()
 Recomputes path node count. More...
void Arc (float centerX, float centerY, float radius, float sAngle, float eAngle, bool counterClockwise)
 Creates an arc around the given circle center. Note that nothing will be seen until you call a fill or stroke method. More...
void EllipseArc (float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, float p1x, float p1y, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag)
 Handles SVG arcs. More...
void RecalculateMeta ()
 Recalculates bounds and normals. More...
void RecalculateBounds ()
 Recalculates the minimum values and width/height of this path, taking curves into account. More...
void Replace (VectorPoint point, VectorPoint with)
 Replaces one node with another. More...
void Remove (VectorPoint point)
 Remove a point. More...
void Sheer (float by)
 Sheers this path. Note that it's assumed to be at most 1 unit tall. More...
void Scale (float by)
 Scales this path by the given value. More...
void Scale (float x, float y)
 Scales this path by the given value. More...
void Flip ()
 Axis flip. More...
void Move (float byX, float byY)
 Scales this path by the given value. More...
float GetSignedArea ()
 Gets the signed area of the "major" contour (the first one). It's signed as this can identify the winding order. More...
override string ToString ()
- Public Attributes inherited from Blaze.VectorPath
float MinX
 The minimum X value. More...
float MinY
 The minimum Y value. More...
float Width
 The width of this path. More...
float Height =1f
 The height of this path. More...
int PathNodeCount
 The number of points in this vector path. More...
MoveToPoint CloseNode
 The current node which will be used when the path is closed. More...
VectorPoint FirstPathNode
 When creating a path its nodes are stored as a linked list. The first node created. More...
VectorPoint LatestPathNode
 When creating a path its nodes are stored as a linked list. The latest node created. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Blaze.VectorPath
bool HoleSorted =false
 True if any holes in this path have been sorted. More...
- Properties inherited from Blaze.VectorPath
bool WasHoleSorted [get]
 True if any holes in this path have been sorted. Read only. More...
bool Closed [get]
 Is this path closed? More...
bool Unclosed [get]
 True if this path is currently unclosed. More...