PowerUI Namespace Reference


 Known as Spark, this is PowerUI's CSS engine. CSS properties and general CSS management is performed by Spark.


class  About
 Displays some info about PowerUI. More...
class  CreateHtmlContext
 Useful context option for creating a new HTML file. More...
class  CreateSimpleUIContext
 Useful context option for creating a new HTML file. More...
class  EmojiSettings
 Displays options for enabling Emoji. All this does is download a bunch of default graphics. More...
class  GeneralSettings
 Displays some general settings for PowerUI. More...
class  ImageImport
 Handles automatically applying the required import settings to images. More...
class  ImageImportContext
 Displays options for enabling Emoji. All this does is download a bunch of default graphics. More...
class  NitroAOT
 Looks for and compiles Nitro script ahead of time for iOS. The Nitro can be located in any .html file. More...
class  NitroSettings
 Displays a small checkbox for compiling Nitro AOT. More...
class  PowerUIEditor
 A class used to locate where the PowerUI folder is in the project. More...
class  PrecompileSettings
 Displays options for precompiling PowerUI. Highly recommended you use this! More...
class  RenameFontsContext
 Displays a handy option for renaming font files so PowerUI can read them. More...
class  SymbolDefines
 Defines and undefines useful symbols, like PowerUI More...
class  AutoTranslate
 Displays options for automatically translating your UI language files. More...
class  TranslationInfo
 Holds information about a particular translation. More...
class  Translations
 Used for Automatic whole UI Translations from the Editor. More...
class  CreateWorldUI
 Allows component based creation of WorldUI's. More...
class  Ajax
 Wraps around the UnityHttp.Http class so Nitro can easily perform web requests. More...
class  AttributeLookup
 A lookup is used to cache e.g. elements by ID. They hugely increase lookup speed and are automatically created for high traffic attributes (like ID). More...
class  AttributeLookupLink
 Sometimes more than one element has the same attribute. When that happens, they end up as a linked list. This is one of the links. More...
class  Document
 Represents a HTML Document. UI.document is the main UI document. Use PowerUI.Document.innerHTML to set it's content. More...
class  Element
 This function is called when a -face font is done loading. More...
class  UIBatch
 A UI Batch represents a block of the UI that can be safely rendered with a single drawcall (i.e. all in one mesh). Batches can be isolated - that means it can have its own material or texture atlas. Batches are created on demand by the renderer and based on the requests of the elements being rendered. An animation, for example, will generate an isolated batch. More...
class  UIBatchPool
class  BoxRegion
 BoxRegion defines a 2D screen region. Mostly used for clipping. More...
class  CameraPool
 Managed automatically. You don't need to do anything with this class. When cameras are placed on the main UI, the UI must be broken up and rendered by multiple cameras. This class represents the set of cameras. It's created on first demand, and used from UI.MainCameraPool. More...
class  CharacterProvider
 This class provides graphical characters, such as for Emoji. Each one of these defines a range of unicode characters that it provides for. Any character found within it's defined range will be directed to the provider, but only if it wasn't found in the font. More...
class  CharacterProviders
 Used for e.g. Emoji. Holds all CharacterProvider instances. When a character is not found in the font, PowerUI checks with these character providers to see if any of them can provide it instead. Add custom providers if you have your own set of images to add. More...
class  Clipboard
 Wraps copy/paste functionality into a simple interface. More...
class  ContentType
 A helper for detecting some file types. More...
class  AnimatedProperty
 A single css property being animated. Note that composite properties such as colours or rotations must be broken down into their inner properties (e.g. rgba, xyz). This is done internally by PowerUI.UIAnimation. More...
class  UIAnimation
 Handles all actively animated css properties. Also keeps track of a single set of css properties as used in any animate method (PowerUI.Element.animate) and can be used to monitor the progress of an animation. More...
class  ShaderSet
 Represents a family of shaders. Globally cached to minimise memory usage. More...
class  DataPackage
 Retrieves a block of binary data for use on the UI. Used by e.g. fonts. More...
class  DesignSize
 This class represents design size information. Used by UI.Resolution to essentially match the visual appearance of your design on every screen. More...
class  DocumentElements
 Allows easy iteration through all elements of a document. See Document.allElements to use this. More...
class  DynamicFont
 Represents a font suitable for displaying text on the screen with. There is one of these per PowerUI.Renderman. More...
class  DynamicMesh
 A mesh made up of a dynamic number of "blocks". Each block always consists of two triangles and 4 vertices. This is used for displaying the content in 3D with a single mesh. More...
class  DynamicTexture
 A dynamic texture renders it's pixels in a custom way. This can be considered similar to a canvas element. This allows for some very dynamic graphics on the UI (for example, a curved health bar). More...
class  ErrorHandlers
 Manages events such as 404 pages. More...
class  ErrorInfo
 Contains information about an error, such as a 404 page not found. More...
class  HttpErrorInfo
 Contains information about a HTTP protocol error, such as a 404 page not found. More...
class  FileErrorInfo
 Contains information about a protocol error such as file not found. Applies to Resources and Http requests. More...
class  FilePath
 Represents a path to a file with a protocol. e.g. http://www.site.com/aFile.png The path may also be relative to some other path (aFile.png relative to http://www.site.com). More...
class  CacheProtocol
 This protocol is used if you have a Texture2D object and want it on the screen. You must add the object to the ImageCache with a name, then use cache://thename to access it. More...
class  DynamicProtocol
 This protocol, dynamic:// is for dynamic textures. They draw directly to the texture atlas and achieve high performance. Used by e.g. Curved Healthbars. More...
class  FileProtocol
 Represents a custom protocol:// as used by PowerUI files. For example, if you wish to deliver content in a custom way to PowerUI, implement a new FileProtocol (e.g. 'cdn') Then, setup its OnGetGraphic function. More...
class  FileProtocols
 Manages all current file protocols://. File protocols such as http, cache, dynamic, scene etc enable PowerUI to load files in custom ways - for example if your game uses a specialised cdn, you may easily implement it as a new FileProtocol. More...
class  HttpProtocol
 Handles the http:// protocol. Downloads files and text from the web and also handles web links. Note that this protocol (and many others) have been designed to be removeable - just delete the file. More...
class  ResourcesProtocolCallback
 This callback is used to ensure that resources protocol content is loaded on the main thread. More...
class  ResourcesProtocol
 Handles the resources (default) protocol. Files here are loaded from the Unity 'Resources' folder in the project. Note that animation files must end in .bytes (e.g. animation.spa.bytes) and all images must be read/write enabled as well as have a "To power 2" of none. More...
class  SceneProtocol
 This scene:// protocol enables a link to point to another scene. E.g. href="scene://sceneName" will load the scene called 'sceneName' when clicked. More...
class  FixedSizeBuffer< T >
 A special type of array which is made up of a set of 'blocks'. Each block consists of a fixed amount of type T elements. This fixed amount is the block size. It regulates an internal array and only resizes when necessary. Example usage: PowerUI.DynamicMesh.Vertices For example, A block size of 4 (e.g. 4 vertices in a square) and a block count of 3 generates a 12 element array. More...
class  FlatWorldUI
 Flat WorldUI's render to textures. Normal worldUI's are better for performance but flat worldUI's are more flexible. Free/Indie users should use normal WorldUI's instead for performance purposes, however this can still be used. The difference here is the texture can be e.g. applied to a curved surface. More...
class  FlatWorldUIHandler
 This class manages rendering flat WorldUI's for Unity Indie (free) users. You don't need to use it directly - PowerUI will set this up for you when you create a FlatWorldUI. More...
class  Focus
 Manages the currently focused element. More...
class  FormData
 Represents information entered into a html form. It maps field names to their current selected value. More...
class  HitResult
 Represents the result of a Physics Mode input test. These are used when a player clicks on the UI and the UI is in Physics mode or when WorldUI's are listening for input. More...
class  HtmlTagHandler
 A base class for all html tag types (e.g. script, a, body etc). These tag handlers tell the UI how to render and work with this type of tag. Tag handlers are stored globally for lookup and instanced per element. More...
class  DynamicFormat
 Represents the built in dynamic image format. More...
class  ImageFormat
 Represents a specific type of image format, e.g. a video or an SVG. More...
class  ImageFormats
 Manages all current image formats. More...
class  PictureFormat
 Represents the default "picture" format. Png, jpeg etc are handled with this. More...
class  SpaFormat
 Represents the SPA animation format. More...
class  VideoFormat
 Represents the video format. More...
class  ImagePackage
 An object which holds and retrieves different types of graphics such as animations, videos (pro only) and textures. More...
class  Input
 This class manages input such as clicking, hovering and keypresses. More...
class  JSArray
 An object returned from JSON text. More...
class  JSObject
 An object returned from JSON text. More...
class  JSON
 Handles parsing of JSON objects. More...
class  JSValue
 Represents an actual JSON value. More...
class  KeyboardMode
 Represents the type of mobile keyboard that can show up. Similar to Unities TouchScreenKeyboardType, however also has a None option to allow an element to not display any keyboard at all. More...
class  MeshBlock
 A block of two triangles in a dynamic mesh. The triangles are positioned to create a flat 2D rectangle. The colour and position can be adjusted to fit content onto the block. More...
class  NitroCache
class  RemoteDebug
 Handles remote DOM debugging. It calls out to a known address, which may be a facilitator. Once connected and authenticated, all DOM events are sent to the debugger. More...
class  Renderman
 This helps 'render' elements from the DOM into a set of 3D meshes. It also performs things such as alignment and line packing. More...
class  ImageResizer
 This class helps resize images. More...
class  ResizedImage
 Represents an image that has been resized by the ImageResizer. Cached such that they don't get resized again. More...
class  ResizedImages
 A cache for resized images. Used with the resize:// protocol. More...
class  ResizeProtocol
 Automatically resizes the "actual" image to prevent wasting memory. With this, you can have one set of high-res images for all your devices and they'll just fit. Requests from Resources only. More...
class  ResolutionInfo
 This class represents resolution information. Use this and Document.SetResolution if you are targeting different resolutions. More...
class  ScreenInfo
 Provides general information about the screen such as where the corners are in world units. Note: The world origin is in the middle of the screen. The provided world screen origin is the top left corner. More...
class  SPA
 SPA (SPrite Animation) is a custom file format which holds optimized sprite animations and also supports alpha. As it's a custom format, we also have a freely available tool on the website which will encode a series of images into an .SPA file. Important Note: You must add .bytes onto the end of any .spa file in your Resources folder, otherwise it won't work! (e.g. countdown.spa.bytes). More...
class  SPAInstance
 A single instance of an SPA animation. It's instanced like this so that the same animation can be played back multiple times at once; the instance keeps track of which frame the animation is currently at. More...
class  SPASprite
 Represents a single sprite in an SPA animation. Note that a single sprite isn't always a single frame; one sprite can contain multiple frames itself. The frames are stored on the sprite from top to bottom, left to right. I.e. The first frame is in the top left corner; the next is below it. If there is no more height left, the next frame is at the top again but one column further right. More...
class  StandardUpdater
 PowerUI creates one of these automatically if it's needed. It causes the Update routine to occur. More...
class  ClickLinkTag
 Represents a clickable link. Note that target is handled internally by the http protocol. More...
class  AbbrTag
 Represents a HTML abbr(eviation) element. More...
class  AcronymTag
 Represents a HTML acronym element. It's reccommended to use abbr instead. More...
class  AddressTag
 Represents a HTML5 address element. More...
class  ArticleTag
 Represents a HTML5 article element. More...
class  AsideTag
 Represents a HTML5 aside element. More...
class  BoldTag
 Represents the bold tag. More...
class  BaseTag
 Represents a HTML base element. More...
class  BdiTag
 Represents a HTML5 Bi-direction isolation element. More...
class  BdoTag
 Represents a HTML5 Bi-direction override element. More...
class  BigTag
 Represents a big element. More...
class  BlockquoteTag
 Represents a HTML blockquote element. More...
class  BodyTag
 Represents the body tag. Note that this is added automatically by PowerUI and isn't required. More...
class  BrTag
 Represents line breaks. More...
class  ButtonTag
 Represents a html button. This is the same as <input type="button">, but a little shorter. More...
class  CameraTag
 Custom tag for an inline camera. You can place your UI before and after this as normal. You must importantly set the path="" attribute to the path in the hierarchy of the camera itself. This tag also has a mask="file_path" attribute which can be used to shape the camera in interesting ways e.g. a circular minimap. You must also set the height and width of this element using either css or height="" and width="". More...
class  CanvasContext
 Represents a canvas context which lets you draw 2D shapes and polygons on the UI. See the canvas html tag for more information. More...
class  CanvasContext2D
 Represents a canvas context which lets you draw 2D shapes and polygons on the UI. See the canvas html tag for more information. More...
class  CanvasTag
 Represents a canvas which lets you draw 2D shapes and polygons on the UI. More...
class  CenterTag
 Represents the center tag. More...
class  CiteTag
 Represents a HTML cite element. More...
class  CodeTag
 Represents a code element. More...
class  CommentTag
 Represents an in-html comment which will be completely ignored. More...
class  DescriptionDTag
 Represents a HTML5 description element. More...
class  DDBoxTag
 Dropdown box. Used by select internally. More...
class  DDButtonTag
 Dropdown button tag. Used by select internally - when clicked, it displays the dropdown menu. More...
class  DelTag
 Represents a HTML del(eted) element. These get striked through. More...
class  DetailsTag
 Represents a HTML5 details element. More...
class  DefinitionTag
 Handles the definition tag. More...
class  DirTag
 Represents a standard dir block element. More...
class  DivTag
 Represents a standard div block element. More...
class  DescriptionLTag
 Represents a HTML5 description list element. More...
class  DoctypeTag
 Represents the doctype tag. More...
class  DescriptionTTag
 Represents a HTML5 description element. More...
class  EmTag
 Handles the emphasis tag. More...
class  FigCaptionTag
 Handles the HTML5 figure caption element. More...
class  FigureTag
 Represents a HTML figure element. More...
class  FontTag
 Handles the standard inline font element. More...
class  FooterTag
 Represents a HTML5 footer element. More...
class  FormTag
 Represents a html form which lets you collect information from the player. For those new to html, see input and select tags. Supports onsubmit="nitroMethodName" and the action attributes. More...
class  H1Tag
 Represents a standard header block element. More...
class  H2Tag
 Represents a standard header block element. More...
class  H3Tag
 Represents a standard header block element. More...
class  H4Tag
 Represents a standard header block element. More...
class  H5Tag
 Represents a standard header block element. More...
class  H6Tag
 Represents a standard header block element. More...
class  HeadTag
class  HeaderTag
 Represents a HTML5 header element. More...
class  HRTag
 Represents a standard horizontal rule element. More...
class  HScrollTabTag
 Handles the tab (draggable part) of a horizontal scrollbar. More...
class  HtmlTag
 Represents the html tag. Note that this is added automatically by PowerUI and isn't required. More...
class  ItalicTag
 Handles the italics tag. More...
class  IframeTag
 Handles iframes. Supports the src="" attribute. More...
class  ImgTag
 Handles an image tag. The src attribute is supported. More...
class  InputTag
 Represents the input tag which handles various types of input on forms. Note that all input tags are expected to be on a form to work correctly. E.g. radio buttons won't work if they are not on a form. Supports the type, name, value and checked attributes. Also supports a 'content' attribute which accepts a value as html; great for buttons. More...
class  InsTag
 Represents a HTML ins(erted) element. Underlines the new text. More...
class  LabelTag
 Handles the standard inline label element. Clicking on them acts just like clicking on the input they target. More...
class  LegendTag
 Represents a standard legend element. More...
class  LiTag
 Represents a standard list entry element. More...
class  LinkTag
 Handles the link tag commonly used for linking external style sheets. Note that this isn't for clickable links - that's the a tag as defined in html. The href must end in .css, or either rel="stylesheet" or type="text/css" must be defined. Otherwise, this tag is ignored by PowerUI. More...
class  MainTag
 Represents a HTML5 main content block element. More...
class  MarkTag
 Handles the mark tag. More...
class  MarqueeTag
 Represents a non-standard marquee tag. More...
class  MetaTag
 Handles the meta tag. These are essentially just ignored by PowerUI. More...
class  NavTag
 Represents a HTML5 nav element. More...
class  OlTag
 Represents a standard ordered list element. More...
class  OptionTag
 Handles option tags for dropdowns. Supports the selected and value="" attributes. More...
class  ParagraphTag
 Represents a standard paragraph (p) block element. More...
class  ParamTag
 Represents object parameters. Although object itself isn't supported this tag is; a page with an object on it can still load. More...
class  PreTag
 Represents a pre element. More...
class  RPTag
 Handles the rp tag. More...
class  RTTag
 Handles the rt tag. More...
class  RubyTag
 Handles the ruby tag. More...
class  STag
 Represents a HTML5 s element. Defines text which is no longer correct and is striked through. More...
class  SampTag
 Represents a samp(le) element. More...
class  ScriptTag
 Handles script tags. They should have type="text/nitro" to be handled by PowerUI; Javascript is ignored. The src="" attribute is also supported if you wish to reuse script by loading it externally. More...
class  ScrollDownTag
 Handles the scroll down button on scrollbars. More...
class  ScrollLeftTag
 Handles the scroll left button on scrollbars. More...
class  ScrollRightTag
 Handles the scroll right button on scrollbars. More...
class  ScrollTabTag
 Handles the tab (draggable part) of a horizontal or vertical scrollbar. More...
class  ScrollUpTag
 Handles the scroll up button on scrollbars. More...
class  SectionTag
 Handles the HTML5 section element. More...
class  SelectTag
 Select dropdowns. Supports the onchange="nitroMethod" and name attributes. More...
class  SmallTag
 Represents a small element. More...
class  SourceTag
 Represents HTML5 audio sources. More...
class  SpanTag
 Handles the standard inline span element. More...
class  StrikeTag
 Represents a HTML strike element. Strikes through this text. More...
class  StrongTag
 Represents the strong tag. More...
class  StyleTag
 Handles the style tag containing inline css. Use the link tag if you wish to add external css. More...
class  SubTag
 Handles the standard sub(script) element. More...
class  SummaryTag
 Represents a HTML5 summary element. More...
class  SupTag
 Handles the standard sup(erscript) element. More...
class  TableTag
 Handles a table. More...
class  TableBodyTag
 Represents a table body element. More...
class  TdTag
 Handles a table cell. More...
class  TextareaTag
 Handles textarea tags. More...
class  TableFooterTag
 Represents a table footer element. More...
class  ThTag
 Handles a table header cell. More...
class  TableHeaderTag
 Represents a table header element. More...
class  TimeTag
 Handles the standard inline time element. More...
class  TitleTag
 Handles the title tag. Note that the title is set to PowerUI.Document.title if you wish to use it. More...
class  TrTag
 Handles a table row. More...
class  TrackTag
 Represents HTML5 video tracks. More...
class  UlTag
 Represents a standard unordered list element. More...
class  VideoTag
 Handles a video. Note that videos can also be used for the css background-image property. You must also set the height and width of this element using either css or height="" and width="". More...
class  VScrollTabTag
 Handles the tab (draggable part) of a vertical scrollbar. More...
class  WbrTag
 Represents line break opportunities. More...
class  Text3D
 Stores information about text being rendered in actual 3D. To use this, use the text-extrude CSS property. This allows you full formatting power and PowerUI can batch accordingly. More...
class  TextElement
 A html element which represents renderable text. The children of this element should always be a PowerUI.WordElement. More...
class  TextPackage
 Retrieves a block of text for use on the UI. More...
class  AtlasStacks
 All the major stacks used by PowerUI. Each one represents a stack of texture atlases which are shared across all UI's. More...
class  Callback
 Callbacks can be used to make sure certain things run on Unities main thread. To use them, you must inherit this callback class and override OnRun. When you create an instance, call instance.Go(); to request a run on the main thread. Note that order is not necessarily retained if you happen to call Go on the main thread anyway - it will run immediately. More...
class  Callbacks
 A class which manages callbacks running on Unities main thread. More...
class  Transformation
 Represents a transformation applied to the vertices of an element on the UI. It generates a matrix when applied. This matrix is then applied to any existing matrix (the current top of a stack) and the result is pushed to the same stack. The matrix at the top of the stack is the one which is actually applied to elements. More...
class  TransformationStack
 Represents a stack of transformations (e.g. scale, translate, rotate). PowerUI.Renderman.Transformations The renderman maintains a stack of transformations. The frame on the top of the stack is applied to each element being renderered as a post process. More...
class  UICamera
 When cameras are placed on the main UI, the UI must be broken up and rendered by multiple cameras. This class represents one of those cameras in a stack. More...
class  UICode
 Represents code parsed and loaded from a script block. More...
class  UIEvent
 A UI Event represents a click or keypress. An event object is always provided with any onmousedown/onmouseup/onkeydown etc. More...
class  UITimer
 Provides a way of interrupting a timer event. Returned by PowerUI.UICode.setTimeout and PowerUI.UICode.setInterval. This object can be passed to PowerUI.UICode.clearInterval to prevent any further timing events. More...
class  VariableElement
 A html element which is created when using . They are tracked in this way so their content can be replaced if the language of the UI changes. More...
class  Window
 Represents the javascript window object. More...
class  WordElement
 A html element which represents a single word. More...
class  WorldUI
 A world UI is one which can be placed in a particular spot in the game world and seen with the game camera. For example, an in-game computer screen/ billboard etc. It has a pixel height and width, a document (which works just like UI.document does) and can have its resolution and origin changed. The resolution defines how many pixels make up one world unit and the origin defines where the gameobjects origin is relative to the UI. By default, it's in the middle. More...


The type of camera PowerUI uses to render the main UI. See UI.CameraMode for more.


Represents the method used when capturing mouse input. UI.Input.Mode


Uses physics for click detection. This mode enables World UI's to accept clicks and is more intensive than Screen.


Uses 2D resolving for click detection. Default for the main UI.


No click input will be accepted. This is the default for WorldUI's.

Represents which type of input element something is.


Represents how a marquee scrolls.


Represents which direction a marquee scrolls in. Numbered such that certain values can be quickly found: less than 3 means it's vertical. Odd means it travels in the opposite direction to a normal scroll.


Represents the mouseover state an element is in.


Mouse is over, but it didn't consume the event.


Mouse is not over the element.


Mouse is over and it consumed the event.


delegate void PowerUI.AnimationCompleted ( UIAnimation  animation)

The AnimationCompleted delegate is an alternative to using a Nitro callback when the animation is done. Used with the OnDone method.

delegate void PowerUI.CameraCreated ( Camera  camera)

A delegate used when PowerUI generates a new camera. See UI.OnCreatedCamera to use this.

cameraThe newly created camera.
delegate void PowerUI.ErrorHandler ( ErrorInfo  error,
Document  document 

Helps display more friendly error results.

errorContains information about the error itself.
documentThe document which should display the error. Note that this can be null if you use target="_blank" (outside Unity).
delegate void PowerUI.EventHandler ( UIEvent  uiEvent)

This delegate is used for hooking up c# methods with mouse and keyboard events. Note that in general Nitro is best used for handling these.

delegate bool PowerUI.InputEvent ( UIEvent  e)

A delegate used when a keydown/up is received.

delegate void PowerUI.MousePositionResolver2D ( )

A delegate which can be used to place the mouse in custom locations. See Input.OnResolve2D.

delegate bool PowerUI.MousePositionResolver3D ( out RaycastHit  hit,
UIEvent  uiEvent 

A delegate which can be used to run custom WorldUI mouse position handling. See Input.OnResolve3D.

delegate void PowerUI.OnDataReady ( DataPackage  package)

A delegate used for callbacks when generic binary is done loading and can now be used.

delegate void PowerUI.OnImageReady ( ImagePackage  package)

A delegate used for callbacks when an image is done loading and can now be used.

delegate void PowerUI.OnSizeChange ( )

A delegate used when the dimensions of this document changes.

delegate void PowerUI.OnSPAProgress ( int  frameID,
SPAInstance  instance 

A callback which can be used to get notified each frame.

delegate void PowerUI.OnTextReady ( TextPackage  package)

A delegate used for callbacks when text is done loading and can now be used.

delegate void PowerUI.OnTranslated ( TranslationInfo  translation)

A delegate used when a translation is completed.

translationInformation about the translation.
delegate void PowerUI.OnUITimer ( )

Used as an alternative to Nitro for UI timer events.

delegate void PowerUI.TitleChange ( Document  document)

A delegate used when the title or tooltip of a document changes. See Document.OnTitleChange and Document.OnTooltipChange.

delegate bool PowerUI.WorldUIExpiryEvent ( WorldUI  ui)

An event used when a WorldUI expires. The best way to add extra data to this event is to inherit from WorldUI and add to that. Returning false prevents the default destroy action (allowing you to e.g. destroy after an animated fade out).