Nitro Namespace Reference


class  Assemblies
 Used for obtaining the current assembly. More...
class  CodeAssembly
 Used for security domains. Represents an assembly that types may be found in. More...
class  CodeLexer
 Provides a wrapper for reading characters from a string of code. It strips comments and other junk internally such as tabs and spaces. More...
class  CodeReference
 Represents an in-code using reference. e.g. using System.System.Text; More...
class  BreakPoint
 Represents a break or continue statement (one which breaks out of a loop, or skips the remaining code within a loop). More...
class  CodeFragment
 Represents a fragment of the text input code. Once compiled, it becomes a CompiledFragment. CompiledFragments are also types of CodeFragment as this allows them to be parented into the original structure. More...
class  ArrayFragment
 Represents a new array construct. More...
class  BaseFragment
 Represents the root node/fragment of all code. More...
class  BracketFragment
 Represents any pair of brackets. More...
class  ConstructorFragment
 Represents a constructor call. More...
class  ForFragment
 Represents a for or while loop. More...
class  IfFragment
 Represents an if statement. More...
class  IndexFragment
 Represents something being indexed, e.g. variable[index]. More...
class  MethodFragment
 Represents a method call. More...
class  NumberFragment
 Represents a fixed number. (e.g. 14). More...
class  OperationFragment
 Represents a single operation. More...
class  OperatorFragment
 Represents a usage of an operator (e.g. '+'). More...
class  PropertyFragment
 Represents a property of an object (e.g. More...
class  StringFragment
 Represents a fixed text string in the code. (e.g. "hello"). More...
class  SwitchFragment
 Represents a switch block. More...
class  TypeFragment
 Represents a type. (e.g. new TYPE or :TYPE). More...
class  VariableFragment
 Represents a variable. These are essentially text in the code that are not keywords. (e.g. hello=14;) More...
class  CompilationException
 Represents an error in the compilation of some nitro code. More...
class  CompilationServices
 Provides some global methods for compiling operations into executable instructions. More...
class  CompiledClass
 Represents a class being compiled from a nitro code string. More...
class  CompiledFragment
 Represents a code fragment that has been compiled and can now be written out as IL. More...
class  CompiledMethod
 Represents a method/function that is currently being compiled. More...
class  DynamicMethodCompiler
 Compiles dynamic method calls in code into actual calls. More...
class  Handlers
 Used when parsing code into code fragments. This class figures out what type of fragment we have next in order for that type to 'handle' the text from the code. More...
class  KeyWords
 Represents special keywords in the code that must be handled differently, such as return or break. More...
class  MethodOverloads
 This represents a set of methods each with the same name and return type. It's used by classes being compiled to track the methods within them. More...
class  Modifiers
 Helper classes for looking for modifiers such as private var. More...
class  NitroCode
 This class represents a compiled script. It's not directly callable though. You'll need to Instance an object (and cast to whatever baseType used) using the Instance method and can then call methods on that. More...
class  NitroIL
 This is the heart of Nitro. A debuggable IL stream that all nitro outputs IL into. It is essentially a wrapper for the ILGenerator class, enabling the output to be logged. It will automatically log its content by setting defining an 'ildebug' compile time variable. More...
class  Operation
 Represents a compiled operation which can be emitted to IL. More...
class  AddOperation
 Represents the add (A+B) operation. More...
class  AndOperation
 Represents the logical and (A&&B) operation. More...
class  ArrayOperation
 Represents the array construct (new array[]{default,values};, new array[](length);) operation. More...
class  BaseOperation
 Represents the base object. Use this for calling parent methods in overriding methods. More...
class  BitwiseXOrOperation
 Represents the bitwise xor (A^B) operation. More...
class  BoxOperation
 Represents a box operation. These convert a value type into an object. More...
class  BreakOperation
 Represents the break operation. This is used to leave for/while loops. Break may also be followed by a constant value, e.g. break 2, for leaving nested loops. More...
class  CastOperation
 Represents a cast operation. num:float=(14):float; (int to float cast). Casts one object of a certain type to a different type. More...
class  ConstructOperation
 Represents a construct operation. E.g. new typename(); More...
class  ContinueOperation
 Represents a continue operation. It's used to skip remaining code within a loop. It may skip nested loops too using e.g. continue 2;. More...
class  DivideOperation
 Represents the division (A/B) operation. More...
class  EqualsOperation
 Represents the logical equality (A==B) operation. More...
class  ForOperation
 Represents a for or while loop. More...
class  GreaterThanOperation
 Represents the greater than (A>B) operation. More...
class  IfOperation
 Represents an if operation. More...
class  IndexOperation
 Represents an indexing operation on an array. e.g. AppliedTo[Index]. More...
class  LessThanOperation
 Represents the less than (A<B) operation. More...
class  MethodOperation
 Represents a method call. More...
class  ModuloOperation
 Represents the modulo (AB) operation. More...
class  MultiplyOperation
 Represents the multiplication (A*B) operation. More...
class  OrOperation
 Represents the logical or (A||B) operation. More...
class  PropertyOperation
 Represents the a property get/set ( operation. More...
class  ReturnOperation
 Represents a return (return 14) operation. More...
class  SetOperation
 Represents a set (A=B) operation. More...
class  ShiftLeftOperation
 Represents a left shift (A<<B) operation. More...
class  ShiftRightOperation
 Represents a right shift (A>>B) operation. More...
class  SubtractOperation
 Represents a subtract (A-B) or negation (-A) operation. More...
class  SwitchOperation
 Represents a switch. More...
class  ThisOperation
 Represents the this keyword which is used to enforce accessing a property of this class over using a local variable. More...
class  TypeOperation
 Represents a type being used as an object. E.g. for statics, such as string.concat(..). More...
class  UnboxOperation
 Represents an unbox operation. These convert an object into a value type. More...
class  Operator
 Base class of all operators (+,- etc) and a global lookup for finding an operator instance from its text. When the system starts, all operators are automatically discovered by looking for any Operator classes. You can essentially create your own by simply deriving the Operator class. More...
class  OperatorAdd
 Represents the add (A+B) operator. More...
class  OperatorAddTo
 Represents the add into (A+=B) operator. More...
class  OperatorBitwiseAnd
 Represents the bitwise and (A&B) operator. More...
class  OperatorBitwiseOr
 Represents the bitwise or (A|B) operator. More...
class  OperatorBitwiseXOr
 Represents the bitwise XOR (A^B) operator. More...
class  OperatorDecrement
 Represents the decrement (A–) operator. More...
class  OperatorDivide
 Represents the divide operator (A/B). More...
class  OperatorDivideInTo
 Represents the division into (A/=B) operator. More...
class  OperatorGreaterThan
 Represents the greater than (A>B) operator. More...
class  OperatorGreaterThanOrEql
 Represents the greater than or equal (A>=B) operator. More...
class  OperatorIncrement
 Represents the increment (A++) operator. More...
class  OperatorLessThan
 Represents the less than (A<B) operator. More...
class  OperatorLessThanOrEql
 Represents the less than or equal (A<=B) operator. More...
class  OperatorLogicAnd
 Represents the logical and (A&&B) operator. More...
class  OperatorLogicEql
 Represents the logical equals (==) operator. More...
class  OperatorLogicNotEql
 Represents the logical not equals (!=) operator. More...
class  OperatorLogicOr
 Represents the logical or (A||B) operator. More...
class  OperatorLShift
 Represents the left shift (A<<B) operator. More...
class  OperatorModulo
 Represents the modulo (AB) operator. More...
class  OperatorMultiply
 Represents the multiply (A*B) operator. More...
class  OperatorMultiplyInTo
 Represents the multiply into (A*=B) operator. More...
class  OperatorNot
 Represents the not (!A) operator. More...
class  OperatorRShift
 Represents the right shift (A>>B) operator. More...
class  OperatorSet
 Represents the set (A=B) operator. More...
class  OperatorSubtract
 Represents the subtract (A-B) or negation (-A) operators. More...
class  OperatorSubtractFrom
 Represents the subtract from (A-=B) operator. More...
interface  ISettable
 Represents an object which may have a value set to it. e.g. a variable or an indexed array (something[14]=value;) More...
class  Types
 Global methods that relate to handling variable types and changing/ casting between them. More...
class  Variable
 The base class for a variable and its value. E.g. var something:type; More...
class  LocalVariable
 Represents a local variable; One defined within the body of a method. More...
class  ParameterVariable
 Represents a parameter variable; A value that is received in a method as a parameter. methodName(param1,param2){. More...
class  DynamicMethod< T >
 Represents a method that can be called at runtime. Essentially acts like a delegate. More...
class  NitroDomainManager
 A security manager which defines what is accessible by Nitro. More...
class  Script
 A base class that code instances derive from by default. Nitro.NitroCode.Instance returns an object which should be casted to this unless a different base type was used in the NitroCode constructor. More...
class  SecureName
 Represents a name of a namespace or type that can be allowed or blocked from use. More...
class  TypeAliases
 Stores a map of aliases to system types. E.g. int to System.Int32. More...
struct  Void
 Represents Void (nothing) in nitro. More...


Represents the result of adding a code fragment as a child to another code fragment.


Represents the different types of handler available. See Handlers class.


Represents the various different types of variable available in nitro.



delegate void Nitro.AotFileEvent ( string  path)