Detailed Description

Handles the tab (draggable part) of a horizontal scrollbar.

Inheritance diagram for PowerUI.HScrollTabTag:
PowerUI.ScrollTabTag PowerUI.HtmlTagHandler Wrench.TagHandler

Public Member Functions

override string[] GetTags ()
 Returns all tags that are handled by this handler, e.g. "div" or "span". Usually there will be just one in the set but some tags may wish to have more. More...
override bool SelfClosing ()
 Returns true if this tag has no kids and closes itself. For example <input type='text' />. Note that this method exists to make that final slash essentially optional. More...
override Wrench.TagHandler GetInstance ()
 Makes a new instance of this tag handler. A global instance is made of this handler so this is used to generate a new instance in an efficient way. More...
override void Clicked (UIEvent clickEvent)
 Called when the tab is clicked on. More...
override bool UseX ()
 Checks if this is a horizontal scrollbar. More...
override int BarSize ()
 Gets the length of the bar in pixels. More...
override int TabSize ()
 Gets the tabs size in pixels. More...
override int StyleSize ()
 The total border/padding size on this axis of the tab itself. More...
override int SizeBefore ()
 The size (either width or height) of the element before the scroll tab. More...
override int SizeAfter ()
 The size (either width or height) of the element after the scroll tab. More...
override int TabPosition ()
 The current position of the tab. Note that width of elements before the tab like buttons are included in this. More...
override void OnMouseMove (UIEvent mouseEvent)
 Called on the focused element when the mouse is moved. More...
override void ScrollTo (int location, bool scrollTarget)
 Scrolls this tab to the specific position along the bar. Optionally scrolls the target element. More...
override void ScrollBy (int deltaX, bool fromCurrent, bool scrollTarget)
 Scrolls this scrollbar by the given number of pixels, optionally relative to a fixed point on the bar. Note that this may fail if the scrollbar cannot scroll any further. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag
override bool SelfClosing ()
 Returns true if this tag has no kids and closes itself. For example <input type='text' />. Note that this method exists to make that final slash essentially optional. More...
override bool OnClick (UIEvent clickEvent)
 Called when the element is clicked (or the mouse is released over it). More...
void ElementScrolled (float progress)
 Called when the element has been scrolled. More...
void GetScrollBar ()
 Sets up the PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.ScrollBar property. More...
float TabProgress ()
 Gets this tabs progress along the scrollbar, taking into account the size of the tab itself. More...
void ScrollBy (int pixels)
 Scrolls this scrollbar by the given number of pixels. Note that this may fail if the scrollbar cannot scroll any further. More...
void ApplyTabSize (float percentSize)
 Makes the tab a percentage size relative to the length of the bar. More...
void ScrollTo (float percent, bool scrollTarget)
 Scrolls this tab to the specific percentage along the bar. 0-1. Optionally scrolls the target element. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PowerUI.HtmlTagHandler
void RequestLayout ()
 Requests the renderer handling this element to layout next update. More...
virtual bool Junk ()
 Tells the parser to not include this element in the DOM. More...
virtual void OnResetAllVariables ()
 Called when all variable () values must have their content reloaded. More...
virtual void OnResetVariable (string name)
 Called when the named variable variable () values must have its content reloaded. More...
virtual void OnRenderPass ()
 Called during a layout event on only the focused element. More...
virtual void HeightChanged ()
 Called when the fixed height of this element changes. More...
virtual void WidthChanged ()
 Called when the width of this element changes. More...
virtual void OnLayout ()
 Called during a layout event on all elements. More...
virtual void OnFocus ()
 Called when this element comes into focus. More...
virtual void OnBlur ()
 Called when this element becomes unfocused. More...
virtual void OnLoaded (string objectLoaded)
 Called when this elements content has been loaded. Used by e.g. iframe or img. More...
virtual void OnKeyPress (UIEvent pressEvent)
 Called on the focused element when a key is pressed or released. More...
virtual KeyboardMode OnShowMobileKeyboard ()
 Called when PowerUI attempts to display the mobile keyboard (only called on mobile platforms). More...
virtual void OnChildrenLoaded ()
 Called when the elements kids are fully loaded. More...
override bool OnAttributeChange (string property)
 Called when an attribute of the element was changed. Returns true if the method handled the change to prevent unnecessary checks. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Wrench.TagHandler
virtual void OnTagLoaded ()
 Called when the tag is instanced and the element plus its attributes and kids have been fully parsed. More...
virtual void OnParseContent (MLLexer lexer)
 Called when the parser is reading the content of this tag for custom reading, e.g. a script/style tag. Non-self closing tags only. Anything that's not read by this method is assumed to be a child element. More...

Public Attributes

int MouseX
 The x location of the mouse in pixels from the left when it clicked. More...
int StartX
 The start x location of the tab when the mouse clicked it. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag
InputTag ScrollBar
 The scrollbar this tab belongs to. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from PowerUI.HtmlTagHandler
bool IsIsolated
 True if this element is isolated from style changes by its parent (e.g. used by iframes). More...
Element Element
 The element this tag handler is attached to. More...
bool IgnoreClick
 True if the element should ignore all clicks. More...
bool IsFocusable
 True if this tag is focusable. More...
bool IgnoreSelfClick
 Set this to true if this element should ignore clicks on itself, but not its kids (e.g. html or body). More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Wrench.TagHandler
int Priority
 If you define a tag handler with tags which already exist, this priority allows your tag to override the existing one optionally. All system tags have a priority of zero. More...
string TagExtension
 This is applied to every derivative of this tag handler. This enables tags to be grouped by file they are handling. e.g. "ui" extension and tag name "div" would become "ui-div" internally. More...

Protected Member Functions

override void SetTabSize (int newSize)
 Sets the tab to be the given size in pixels. More...

Member Function Documentation

override int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.BarSize ( )

Gets the length of the bar in pixels.

The pixel length of the scrollbar.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override void PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.Clicked ( UIEvent  clickEvent)

Called when the tab is clicked on.

clickEventThe mouse click event.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override Wrench.TagHandler PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.GetInstance ( )

Makes a new instance of this tag handler. A global instance is made of this handler so this is used to generate a new instance in an efficient way.

Reimplemented from Wrench.TagHandler.

override string [] PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.GetTags ( )

Returns all tags that are handled by this handler, e.g. "div" or "span". Usually there will be just one in the set but some tags may wish to have more.

Reimplemented from Wrench.TagHandler.

override void PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.OnMouseMove ( UIEvent  moveEvent)

Called on the focused element when the mouse is moved.

clickEventThe UIEvent describing the click.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.HtmlTagHandler.

override void PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.ScrollBy ( int  pixels,
bool  fromCurrent,
bool  scrollTarget 

Scrolls this scrollbar by the given number of pixels, optionally relative to a fixed point on the bar. Note that this may fail if the scrollbar cannot scroll any further.

pixelsThe number of pixels to scroll this bar by.
fromCurrentTrue if pixels is relative to where the tab currently is. False if pixels is relative to where the bar was when the mouse was clicked. See e.g. PowerUI.VScrollTabTag.StartY.
scrollTargetTrue if the target should also be scrolled.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override void PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.ScrollTo ( int  location,
bool  scrollTarget 

Scrolls this tab to the specific position along the bar. Optionally scrolls the target element.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override bool PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.SelfClosing ( )

Returns true if this tag has no kids and closes itself. For example <input type='text' />. Note that this method exists to make that final slash essentially optional.

Reimplemented from Wrench.TagHandler.

override void PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.SetTabSize ( int  newSize)

Sets the tab to be the given size in pixels.

newSizeThe size in pixels of the tab.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.SizeAfter ( )

The size (either width or height) of the element after the scroll tab.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.SizeBefore ( )

The size (either width or height) of the element before the scroll tab.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.StyleSize ( )

The total border/padding size on this axis of the tab itself.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.TabPosition ( )

The current position of the tab. Note that width of elements before the tab like buttons are included in this.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.TabSize ( )

Gets the tabs size in pixels.

The size of the tab in pixels.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

override bool PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.UseX ( )

Checks if this is a horizontal scrollbar.

True if this is a horizontal scrollbar which uses the x axis; false otherwise.

Reimplemented from PowerUI.ScrollTabTag.

Member Data Documentation

int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.MouseX

The x location of the mouse in pixels from the left when it clicked.

int PowerUI.HScrollTabTag.StartX

The start x location of the tab when the mouse clicked it.