A base class for all html tag types (e.g. script, a, body etc). These tag handlers tell the UI how to render and work with this type of tag. Tag handlers are stored globally for lookup and instanced per element.
void | RequestLayout () |
| Requests the renderer handling this element to layout next update. More...
virtual bool | Junk () |
| Tells the parser to not include this element in the DOM. More...
virtual void | OnResetAllVariables () |
| Called when all variable () values must have their content reloaded. More...
virtual void | OnResetVariable (string name) |
| Called when the named variable variable () values must have its content reloaded. More...
virtual void | OnRenderPass () |
| Called during a layout event on only the focused element. More...
virtual void | HeightChanged () |
| Called when the fixed height of this element changes. More...
virtual void | WidthChanged () |
| Called when the width of this element changes. More...
virtual void | OnLayout () |
| Called during a layout event on all elements. More...
virtual void | OnFocus () |
| Called when this element comes into focus. More...
virtual void | OnBlur () |
| Called when this element becomes unfocused. More...
virtual void | OnLoaded (string objectLoaded) |
| Called when this elements content has been loaded. Used by e.g. iframe or img. More...
virtual void | OnKeyPress (UIEvent pressEvent) |
| Called on the focused element when a key is pressed or released. More...
virtual void | OnMouseMove (UIEvent moveEvent) |
| Called on the focused element when the mouse is moved. More...
virtual bool | OnClick (UIEvent clickEvent) |
| Called when the element is clicked (or the mouse is released over it). More...
virtual KeyboardMode | OnShowMobileKeyboard () |
| Called when PowerUI attempts to display the mobile keyboard (only called on mobile platforms). More...
virtual void | OnChildrenLoaded () |
| Called when the elements kids are fully loaded. More...
override bool | OnAttributeChange (string property) |
| Called when an attribute of the element was changed. Returns true if the method handled the change to prevent unnecessary checks. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from Wrench.TagHandler |
virtual string[] | GetTags () |
| Returns all tags that are handled by this handler, e.g. "div" or "span". Usually there will be just one in the set but some tags may wish to have more. More...
virtual bool | SelfClosing () |
| Returns true if this tag has no kids and closes itself. For example <input type='text' />. Note that this method exists to make that final slash essentially optional. More...
virtual TagHandler | GetInstance () |
| Makes a new instance of this tag handler. A global instance is made of this handler so this is used to generate a new instance in an efficient way. More...
virtual void | OnTagLoaded () |
| Called when the tag is instanced and the element plus its attributes and kids have been fully parsed. More...
virtual void | OnParseContent (MLLexer lexer) |
| Called when the parser is reading the content of this tag for custom reading, e.g. a script/style tag. Non-self closing tags only. Anything that's not read by this method is assumed to be a child element. More...
bool | IsIsolated |
| True if this element is isolated from style changes by its parent (e.g. used by iframes). More...
Element | Element |
| The element this tag handler is attached to. More...
bool | IgnoreClick |
| True if the element should ignore all clicks. More...
bool | IsFocusable |
| True if this tag is focusable. More...
bool | IgnoreSelfClick |
| Set this to true if this element should ignore clicks on itself, but not its kids (e.g. html or body). More...
Public Attributes inherited from Wrench.TagHandler |
int | Priority |
| If you define a tag handler with tags which already exist, this priority allows your tag to override the existing one optionally. All system tags have a priority of zero. More...
string | TagExtension |
| This is applied to every derivative of this tag handler. This enables tags to be grouped by file they are handling. e.g. "ui" extension and tag name "div" would become "ui-div" internally. More...