Static Public Member Functions

static void Clear ()
 Clears the pool. More...
static void AddAll (UIBatch first, UIBatch last)
 Adds the given chain of batches to the pool. More...
static void HideAll ()
 Hides all the pooled batches. More...
static void Add (UIBatch batch)
 Adds the given batch to the pool. More...
static UIBatch Get (Renderman renderer)
 Gets a batch from the pool. Null if the pool is empty. More...

Static Public Attributes

static UIBatch First
 Batches are pooled to prevent destroying and recreating meshes. This is the first in the pool linked list. More...


static bool Empty [get]
 Is the pool empty? More...

Member Function Documentation

static void PowerUI.UIBatchPool.Add ( UIBatch  batch)

Adds the given batch to the pool.

static void PowerUI.UIBatchPool.AddAll ( UIBatch  first,
UIBatch  last 

Adds the given chain of batches to the pool.

static void PowerUI.UIBatchPool.Clear ( )

Clears the pool.

static UIBatch PowerUI.UIBatchPool.Get ( Renderman  renderer)

Gets a batch from the pool. Null if the pool is empty.

static void PowerUI.UIBatchPool.HideAll ( )

Hides all the pooled batches.

Member Data Documentation

UIBatch PowerUI.UIBatchPool.First

Batches are pooled to prevent destroying and recreating meshes. This is the first in the pool linked list.

Property Documentation

bool PowerUI.UIBatchPool.Empty

Is the pool empty?