Package PowerUI.Css.Properties


class  BackgroundClip
 Represents the background-clip: css property. More...
class  BackgroundColor
 Represents the background-color: css property. More...
class  BackgroundImageProperty
 Represents the background-image: css property. More...
class  BackgroundPosition
 Represents the background-position: css property. More...
class  BackgroundRepeat
 Represents the background-repeat: css property. More...
class  BackgroundSize
 Represents the background-size: css property. More...
class  BorderColor
 Represents the border-color: css property. More...
class  BorderImageSlice
 Represents the border-image-slice: css property. More...
class  BorderRadius
 Represents the border-radius: css property. More...
class  BorderStyleProperty
 Represents the border-style: css property. More...
class  BorderWidth
 Represents the border-width: css property. More...
class  Bottom
 Represents the bottom: css property. More...
class  Clip
 Should this element be clipped at all? This is similar to the effect seen when using overflow:visible, but this applies to the main screen also. Useful if you've got transformations (e.g. a rotation) which go over the edge of the screen. More...
class  ColorProperty
 Represents the color: css property. More...
class  ColorOverlay
 Represents the color-overlay: css property. Specific to PowerUI. This overlays the given colour over any element. More...
class  Content
 Represents the content: css property. Note that this one is not textual - this is actually correct. It doesn't apply to text - rather it 'is' text. More...
class  Direction
 Represents the direction: css property. More...
class  Display
 Represents the display: css property. More...
class  FilteringMode
 Represents the filter-mode: css property. Specific to PowerUI - this defines the image filtering. More...
class  Float
 Represents the float: css property. More...
class  FontFamily
 Represents the font-family: css property. More...
class  FontSize
 Represents the font-size: css property. More...
class  FontStyle
 Represents the font-style: css property. More...
class  FontWeight
 Represents the font-weight: css property. More...
class  Height
 Represents the height: css property. More...
class  Left
 Represents the left: css property. More...
class  LetterSpacing
 Represents the letter-spacing: css property. More...
class  LineHeight
 Represents the line-height: css property. More...
class  Margin
 Represents the margin: css property. More...
class  MaxHeight
 Represents the max-height: css property. More...
class  MaxWidth
 Represents the max-width: css property. More...
class  MinHeight
 Represents the min-height: css property. More...
class  MinWidth
 Represents the min-width: css property. More...
class  OnAtlas
 Represents the on-atlas: css property. Specific to PowerUI. This tells particular images to render off the main atlas. More...
class  Overflow
 Represents the overflow: css property. More...
class  Padding
 Represents the padding: css property. More...
class  Position
 Represents the position: css property. More...
class  Right
 Represents the right: css property. More...
class  Rotate
 Represents the rotate: css property. More...
class  Scale
 Represents the scale: css property. More...
class  Scroll
 An animatable scroll-top and scroll-left CSS property. More...
class  Lighting
 Represents the lighting: css property. It's either on or off. More...
class  ShaderFamily
 Represents the shader-family: css property. This can be used to assign custom shaders. Note that it's a "family" because there is a group of shaders which can potentially be used depending on other CSS settings (e.g. lit and unlit). Each shader must be named e.g: More...
class  TextShadow
 Represents the text-shadow: css property. More...
class  TextStroke
 Represents the text-stroke: css property. Used to add outlines to text. More...
class  Skew
 Represents the skew: css property. More...
class  UrlSrc
 src: CSS property. Used by -face. More...
class  TextAlign
 Represents the text-align: css property. More...
class  TextAlignLast
 Represents the text-align-last: css property. More...
class  TextDecorationColor
 Represents the text-decoration-color: css property. More...
class  TextDecorationLine
 Represents the text-decoration-line: css property. More...
class  TextExtrude
 Represents the text-extrude: css property. This makes text 3D - it's best used in WorldUI's. Usage is text-extrude:[extrusion, float]. e.g. text-extrude:2.4 More...
class  Top
 Represents the top: css property. More...
class  TransformOrigin
 Represents the transform-origin: css property. More...
class  TransformOriginPosition
 Represents the transform-origin-position: css property. More...
class  Translate
 Represents the translate: css property. More...
class  VerticalAlign
 Represents the vertical-align: css property. More...
class  Visibility
 Represents the visibility: css property. More...
class  WhiteSpace
 Represents the white-space: css property. More...
class  Width
 Represents the width: css property. More...
class  WordSpacing
 Represents the word-spacing: css property. More...
class  ZIndex
 Represents the z-index: css property. More...