Loonim Engine

Depends on: IO/BinaryIO, IO/Values, Blaze/*

Loonim is an image generator which is fine tuned for operating at runtime. In here you'll find the core engine only, featuring both GPU and CPU modes.

Using Loonim Standalone

Make sure you've pulled all the dependencies into your project too, then compile with the NO_BLADE_RUNTIME flag. This flag makes sure that none of the Unity specific GPU code is included.

Using Loonim inside a Unity project

This is the most common form that Loonim takes; using it this way allows you to also make use of the GPU mode. See the Loonim/UnityProject repo for an example of a sample Unity project containing Loonim.

The file format

The Loonim Engine has its own compact binary file format (.lim files) which is described and developed over in the Loonim/FileFormat repo.