Css.Value.cs File Reference


class  Css.Value
 Extends the CSS Value object with a function for obtaining OpenType features. More...
class  Css.TextureNodeValue
 Stores a TextureNode in the computed style. More...
class  Css.Functions.RectFunction
 Represents the rect() css function. More...
class  Css.Functions.SVGRectFunction
 An SVG specific variant of the css rect() function. Standard rect() is auto-converted into one of these when it's used by the SVG system. More...
class  Css.Functions.UrlFunction
 Represents the url() css function. More...
class  Css.Functions.SVGUrlFunction
 An SVG specific variant of the css url() function. Standard url() is auto-converted into one of these when it's used by the SVG system. More...


 Known as Spark, this is PowerUI's CSS engine. CSS properties and general CSS management is performed by Spark.
package  Css.Functions

Constant Groups

 Known as Spark, this is PowerUI's CSS engine. CSS properties and general CSS management is performed by Spark.
package  Css.Functions