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Revision as of 15:35, 13 January 2017

On the PowerUI Manager component, you'll see two options - HTML File and URL. You can pick one or the other. Typically, you'll actually want to use the URL option, but first a health warning:

Warning! Especially with the main UI, your URL should be local URL's only. Typically that means using the resources:// protocol. The bonus of using a URL instead of a file is that all relative URLs "just work" nicely - you can potentially preview your UI in a browser because of that too. When you use the Html File option, the apparent document.location is just "resources://".

Watch For Changes

If you use a HTML File and tick the "watch for changes" option, PowerUI will automatically reload the UI for you whenever it is saved whilst the game is running. This can be very convenient for quickly testing iterations. Keep in mind, though, that it will completely ignore any state information (for example, if you logged in and it loaded some other UI). It's very similar to hitting refresh, but just for the UI only.

Automatically handling DPI

There's now a wide variety of screen pixel densities - from the classic 72dpi to e.g. retina displays at 144dpi. Many mobile devices go well beyond that. If you'd like your UI to appear a similar physical size across all devices, simply tick this box. Internally, it sets the default value for CSS zoom:auto. That affects the 'real' value of CSS px and all the other units which derive from it.

Note that on some platforms (particularly most desktops), Unity and PowerUI are forced to assume 72dpi. This happens because a desktop can have multiple screens and each has its own pixel density (one might even be a projector). We have no way of knowing what the real density is. That's different from all-in-one's or mobile devices, as they have fixed knowledge about the screen they're displaying on.

Length Scale

Like automatically handling the DPI, this directly sets the default value for CSS zoom:auto. So, if you set it to 2, it's like zoom:200%. If you use a value and have automatic DPI handling, they get multiplied together.