Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oNSPABuilderHandles the creation of an SPA file from a set of images (the frames of the animation).
|oCConfigReads configuration settings from a set of files.
|oCConfigReaderReads configuration from a file. The basic structure of a configuration file is: Property Name = "value"; Property = value; /* Block Comment
|oCDivisionProvides global integer division methods.
|oCFileTypesA global class for file type related methods.
|oCFrameRepresents a single frame of the animation. These are compacted onto a sprite. An spa contains multiple sprites.
|oCLogProvides global logging for this builder.
|oCSPARepresents a new SPA file.
|\CSpriteFrameA sprite frame is essentially a single graphic which contains multiple frames. An SPA file is a set of sprite frames.
oNWrenchThe Wrench Framework contains the Nitro scripting engine and compiler and also provides some generic markup language parsing as well as other shared features. This framework is shared by PowerUI and SoundStudio's KSA Player.
|oCCodeLexerProvides a wrapper for reading characters from a string of code. It strips comments and other junk internally such as tabs and spaces.
|\CStringReaderTreats a string of characters as a stream. This allows it to be read one character at a time. Attempting to read after the end of the stream will generate a Wrench.StringReader.NULL character.
oCResourcesA global class which handles resources embedded in this program. Used for e.g. the default configuration file.
\CSwitchesA class which handles command line -switches.