Loonim.ArcTangent Class Reference

Detailed Description


Inheritance diagram for Loonim.ArcTangent:
Loonim.Std1InputNode Loonim.TextureNode

Public Member Functions

override UnityEngine.Color GetColour (double x, double y)
 Gets this nodes colour output. More...
override double GetWrapped (double x, double y, int wrap)
 Gets a wrapped value from this node. Range of +/- 1. More...
override double GetValue (double x, double y, double z)
 Gets the value from this node. This is required at a minimum. Range of +/- 1. More...
override double GetValue (double x, double y)
 Gets the value from this node. This is required at a minimum. Range of +/- 1. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loonim.Std1InputNode
 Std1InputNode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loonim.TextureNode
float[] Bake (int size)
 Bakes the x axis of this node as a 1D image. More...
void Bake (float[] values)
 Bakes the x axis of this node as a 1D image. More...
void Bake (Color[] values)
 Bakes the x axis of this node as a 1D image. Note that the red channel is the most important. More...
override string ToString ()
string ToString (int depth)
List< Material > CollectMaterials ()
void CollectMaterials (List< Material > into)
void AddSource (TextureNode source)
 Adds a new source to this node. More...
 TextureNode ()
 TextureNode (int sourceCount)
 Create a texture node with the given number of inputs. More...
void SubMaterialChanged ()
 Called when this nodes SubMaterialID has changed. More...
virtual void Draw (DrawInfo info)
 Allocates GPU drawing meta now. More...
virtual DrawStackNode Allocate (DrawInfo info, ref int stackID)
 Allocates GPU drawing meta now. More...
void PreAllocate (DrawInfo info)
 Allocates now. More...
void DrawGPU (DrawInfo info)
 Draws this node now (but doesn't transfer it into a texture). More...
void Draw (DrawInfo info, Texture2D image, ref Color[] pixels)
 Draws this node into the given texture and pixel buffer now. Note that the pixels buffer might not get used, so initially pass in null and cache the resulting one if you wish. More...
void DrawCPU (DrawInfo info, Color[] pixels)
 Draws this node using the CPU. More...
TextureNode GetLayer (int id, int count)
 Gets the node with the given ID. More...
virtual void Prepare (DrawInfo info)
 Gets the node ready to draw. More...
virtual void Read (TextureReader reader)
 Reads sources from the given reader into this node. More...
virtual double GetValue (double t)
 Gets the 1D value from this node. Equiv to GetValue(t,0). Required for all graph nodes. More...


override int TypeID [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Loonim.TextureNode
int InstanceID
 Unique ID for this node in its parent tree. More...
TextureNode[] Sources
 Inputs to this node. May be null. More...
bool AllocateRequired =true
 True when this node changes. Note that it does not get set to true if the image draw size changes. More...
DrawStackNode DrawStore
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Loonim.TextureNode
void AllocateSources (Material material, DrawInfo info, int targetStack, int count)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Loonim.TextureNode
static Shader GetShader (int type, int subType)
 Gets a shader of the given node ID and it's sub-type. More...
static Material GetMaterial (int type, int subType)
 Gets a sub-material of the given node ID. More...

Member Function Documentation

override UnityEngine.Color Loonim.ArcTangent.GetColour ( double  x,
double  y 

Gets this nodes colour output.

Reimplemented from Loonim.TextureNode.

override double Loonim.ArcTangent.GetValue ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Gets the value from this node. This is required at a minimum. Range of +/- 1.

Reimplemented from Loonim.TextureNode.

override double Loonim.ArcTangent.GetValue ( double  x,
double  y 

Gets the value from this node. This is required at a minimum. Range of +/- 1.

Reimplemented from Loonim.TextureNode.

override double Loonim.ArcTangent.GetWrapped ( double  x,
double  y,
int  wrap 

Gets a wrapped value from this node. Range of +/- 1.

Reimplemented from Loonim.TextureNode.

Property Documentation

override int Loonim.ArcTangent.TypeID