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Revision as of 00:57, 10 February 2017

PowerUI 2 it includes a completely new CSS engine, vast new visual effects and a broad focus on standards compliance. It has been in development for over a year so there are a lot of things that you'll need to be aware of when upgrading a project from earlier versions of PowerUI.

The DOM (Element -> HtmlElement)

PowerUI now has a standards compliant DOM. That means API's like getElementById return an Element object when what you probably want is a HtmlElement - HtmlElement has things like style and innerHTML. That would likely result in a lot of casting:

// 1.9:
Element ele=aDocument.getElementById("hello");

// 2.0:
HtmlElement ele=aDocument.getElementById("hello") as HtmlElement;

So instead, use the [Avoiding Casting|new convenience methods]:

// 1.9:
Element ele=aDocument.getElementById("hello");

// 2.0:
HtmlElement ele=aDocument.getById("hello");

Events - upgrading your event handlers

PowerUI now entirely follows W3C events. That means there's now a wide range of new event objects, like KeyboardEvent, which you'll receive instead of the previous "UIEvent" object.

For example, keydown receives a KeyboardEvent. mousemove receives a MouseEvent.

You'll find the name of the correct event to use in the MDN event reference.

PowerUI 1.9:

anElement.onmousedown=delegate(UIEvent e){
 // runs when the element was clicked

public static void MyKeyboardHandler(UIEvent e){
 // used by e.g. onkeydown="MyClass.MyKeyboardHandler"

PowerUI 2:

anElement.onmousedown=delegate(MouseEvent e){
 // runs when the element was clicked

public static void MyKeyboardHandler(KeyboardEvent e){
 // used by e.g. onkeydown="MyClass.MyKeyboardHandler"

So, broadly, you ctrl+f for UIEvent and swap the name for the appropriate event.


Form events were made consistent. Both onsubmit and the custom ondone methods now receive a FormEvent (which is FormData renamed).

Custom Elements (TagHandler)

PowerUI now has a compliant HTML5 parser, without sacrifising speed or flexibility. That meant that there were changes to the way how these work.

If you have any custom tags - that's any custom classes that derived from HtmlTagHandler - you'll need to slightly restructure them to the newer, simpler format:

// 1.9:
public class MyNewTag : HtmlTagHandler{
    // Relocated
    public override string GetTags(){
        return new string[]{"mytag"};

    // Totally removed this:
    public override Wrench.TagHandler GetInstance(){
        return new MyNewTag();

// 2.0:

public class MyNewTag : HtmlElement{