Input Pointers

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An input pointer is any kind of pointing device which presses, hovers, or both. A mouse, a finger and a stylus are the three main ones. They are related to the (draft) W3C Pointer Events specification. Here's some specific notes about the input pointers available in PowerUI.

Mouse Input

PowerUI assumes that only a desktop platform will have a mouse. A MousePointer is created when it's running on a desktop and PowerUI.Input.CreateSystemMouse is true (the default). If your project doesn't use a mouse pointer on a desktop platform (it's virtual reality for example), you'd remove it by setting CreateSystemMouse to false in an Awake method.

Touch and Stylus Input

PowerUI handles multi-touch input by default on any platform which supports it. It will automatically stack with a mouse input on desktops which also have touchscreens. Each time a new touch is detected, a FingerPointer or a StylusPointer is created. They fire the various touch events as well as mouse events.

All pointers are primary (which means they all fire those mouse events too).

Virtual Reality

PowerUI has a custom input pointer, a CameraPointer, for virtual reality. See the article relating to virtual reality camera's.

Accessing all pointers

PowerUI implements various standard API's for accessing pointers:

  • TouchEvent.touches
  • TouchEvent.targetTouches
  • TouchEvent.changedTouches
  • TouchEvent.identifier
  • More!

The non-standard internal ones:

  • UIEvent.trigger - MouseEvent, TouchEvent etc; The InputPointer instance this event came from
  • InputPointer.All - All active pointers (array created on use; Use AllRaw and PointerCount for better performance)
  • InputPointer.PointerCount - The number of actual pointers in the AllRaw pointer set
  • InputPointer.AllRaw - The raw set of pointers. Entries beyond PointerCount are random noise/ undefined.

Source locations

You'll find the implementations of MousePointer, FingerPointer etc here:

  • PowerUI/Source/Engine/Input/