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In lots of projects there are sequences of events which are sometimes timed by audio or wait for the player to do something before continuing. This is where PowerSlide steps in - it's a system for creating sequences of things. That's a perfect fit for dialogue (speech) so you'll also find that PowerUI has a built in dialogue system too.

Components of PowerSlide

  • A single PowerSlide sequence is called a timeline.
  • A timeline has one or more tracks.
  • There are different types of track depending on what your timeline is (style, dialogue).
  • Each track has one or more slides.

Keyframes and element.animate

PowerSlide is used alongside all other animation techniques. A style track is essentially a series of @keyframes animations and can be mixed in with other things, creating very complex sequences with only a small amount of input information.

Creating a PowerSlide Timeline

We're currently building an editor which will help make the process of making timelines even easier. In the meantime, you'll need to write/ build the JSON files that PowerSlide uses. They're designed to be very simple to follow and understand. Most timelines are a single track, so the following is a perfectly acceptable timeline (containing one dialogue track):

  "Hello! My name is &Username;.",
  "All of this text will be said <b>by the player</b>.",
  "It's just an array of text. Because we aren't defining any timing information, it will be cued by the player.",
  "That typically means the player will see something like <i>'press x to continue'</i>.",
  "You feel a rush of excitement",
  "Ah. That was the system speaker - speaker names can be whatever you want",
  "'system' is reserved as meaning a narrator-style speaker usually present in RPGs.",
  "By convention, spaces are added between speakers, so you can clearly see when a speaker changes."

The above is from the dialogue wiki page - for more information about specifically using dialogue, see that page instead.

Style tracks

Here's a slide with a single style track from example scene #37:


This style track has 3 slides. At this point it would be a good idea to run example scene #37 to see what it actually does. It can be described like this:

  • Because no start or duration properties are defined, each slide takes 1/3rd the total duration.
  • The total duration is given when playing the timeline.
  • It plays the @keyframes tipUp animation on the element that the timeline was applied to.
  • Then when that's done, it plays the @keyframes titleIn animation on a child element which matches the .tipTitle selector.
  • When that's done, it plays the @keyframes messageUp animation on a child element which matches the .tipMessage selector.

For a more in depth

Cue tracks

If you want to wait for something before continuing, that's called a cue. You declare one or more cue points in a cue track and at a minimum, a cue track with one cue point looks like this:


There's two ways to cue a waiting timeline. Either use:

// Get an element:
var element = UI.document.getElementById("myPowerSlideTest");

// Run a timeline on it taking 3s (for the purpose of this example, we'll assume it has a cue in there):

// Add a listener for the event which fires when it waits:
element.addEventListener("timelinepause",delegate(PowerSlide.SlideEvent e){
    // It's now waiting! You wouldn't normally instantly cue it, but:
    // e.timeline.cue(); works too.

  • Automatically hooking up an event. It's common to, for example, have a particular UI element or keypress to cue the timeline. That's done in your cue like this:

When the child element(s) targeted with the given selector receive the named event, the above cue method is automatically called. Essentially this just adds event listeners for the given event and the listener itself directly calls cue().

Available events

These events are dispatched to all of the following, in this order:

  • The element with the timeline running on it (they all bubble to the document too).
  • A widget which was opened by the timeline. This mainly occurs on dialogue timelines where they pop open a widget to actually display the text.
  • The timeline object itself.

The available events are:

Name Event object type Purpose
timelinestart PowerSlide.SlideEvent When a timeline starts playing.
timelinepause PowerSlide.SlideEvent Called whenever a timeline hits a wait point and the timeline pauses.
timelineend PowerSlide.SlideEvent Called when the timeline completely finished.
timelinecancel PowerSlide.SlideEvent Called when the timeline was cancelled early. An example of when this happens is if you start another timeline on an element and it interrupts existing ones.
timelineiteration PowerSlide.SlideEvent If you set your timeline to repeat then this one will fire each time it does.
timelineallow PowerSlide.SlideEvent Fired right before displaying a dialogue slide to check if the user is allowed to continue. Cancel the event if they e.g. don't have the right skill levels/ missions completed to continue.
timelinetrackload PowerSlide.SlideEvent Fired when a track has loaded.
slidestart PowerSlide.SlideEvent When a particular slide has just started.
slideend PowerSlide.SlideEvent When a particular slide has just ended.
slideload PowerSlide.SlideEvent When a particular slide has loaded.

Running a timeline

There's two ways to run a timeline - either via the CSS timeline property (which is structured the same as the animation property):

    timeline:url(path.json) 3s;

Or via the DOM API - the element.slide/ element.runTimeline method (they do the same thing):

// Run a slide in path.json for 3 seconds:

// Is the same as: